Mx Female Long term RP prompts and ideas~


Feb 17, 2022
Basic to Mid-Level Prompts?

Corrupting Divinity (Closed)

Once she was a queen of the realm and now, she was doing this! Her knees were near raw, and her jaw ached around the cock being shoved into it. Her face hot with shame. She looked up at him and thought back at welcoming him into her domain.
How had she been reduced to this?!

YC character might be a queen/divine on some level/a goddess/or some other "pure" and noble personage. MC is an advisor/visiting suitor/dark wizard/knight that overtime breaks down YC barriers of shame and propriety. Coercion, blackmail, dub-con, corruption, etc. This can have more or less story focus and can be longer term or shorter term. Willing to take suggestions on just what MC has over YC to initiate the corruption.

The Runaway (Closed)
How did you end up out here? Like this? No family?

MC is an older man with a respectable job and money. YC is a runaway leaving some kind of circumstance or something of that nature. There's an age gap (not outside site limits). MC decides to take your character in for perhaps dubious reasons. MC can be meaner and more demanding in this RP. Could be room to explore dub-con, BDSM, corruption, and "training", on the other hand MC could be a genuinely good person really motivated by taking care of YC. This really depends on what you might be into for YC and what has your interest.

Is it wrong to want a cat girl? (Vanilla, Romantic, Neko, Pet Play, can be short term)
He returned to his apartment and flung his bag into a corner of the room with a groan. His whole body ached though he worked in an office job. The stress was getting more and more intense. He walked to the fridge and opened the door grabbing a cold bottle of water and drank it sitting down on his couch in the corner of his studio apartment. He hung his head and then looked up hearing and imploring meow.
"Oh gosh," he said, "I'm sorry, Celeste. It's been a busy day at work."
He got up and grabbed her food dish and put it down filling it up with the wet food she liked though he couldn't say that he enjoyed the smell that much and the apartment was so cramped. He pet her ears before she started to eat the food in the bowl. "Sure, can be lonely here in the city, can't it?"
Not long after he got into bed and laid down looking out his window. A few moments later he felt her hop into the bed and nestle on his chest. He pet her looking out the window and talked to her as he often found himself doing lately. "I wonder if it was mistake to move out to the city. It's not really easy to meet people." He shrugged and watched a shooting star streak by in the night sky.
"I wish I had someone," he looked down at Celeste, "more human around. I have to admit I'm getting pretty lonely."
With that, he fell asleep.

MC is a lonely single working professional. Working a basic 9 to 5 every day and going along with living life as best as possible. One night, on a whim, MC makes a wish to have a companion only to find that he wakes up to his cat (YC) being transformed into a sexy cat girl?!

The idea: Really just looking for a more lighthearted slice of life RP with this. Can be long term or short term. Kinks can vary.

Vampires are still hot, right?
This is more just a general interest in a vampire themed RP. I was a big fan of Interview with the Vampire and the vampire chronicles growing up. My opinions on the quality of those books have changed over the years, but! I still find the romantic/sexual/gothic vampire themes to be erotic and hot. YC is a human that I decide to make my "childe" and turn into a vampire, or vice versa. Blood play, sexuality, hunting mortal for their blood, a romance/relationship/hatred(?), that builds up over decades?

Can start historical and move on through time as things go forward? Not really a huge barrier to entry on this one I don't think.

More Complex experimental prompts...

The Morpheus (Cyberpunk, Science Fiction, Slice of Life, Incest, Long-term)

MC is your older brother who is currently going through a rough patch. As a gift YC purchases him the Morpheus RX. The Morpheus RX is a virtual console that describes itself as giving a virtual reality experience like a lucid dream. Become the master of your dream reality. The Morpheus allows you to become anyone you want and experience anything you desire. MC meets YC in virtual reality but has no idea who YC is in real life. In the virtual world it's not long before our relationship takes on a romantic and sexual tone, but how will this affect MC and YC in real life...?

The Idea: Exploring long-term the two different relationships between the characters as things escalate. We'll spend time RPing in the "real life" setting and in the virtual setting.

Twists: MC character is aware of who YC is and YC doesn't know. Neither MC or YC knows who we are in real life. Our relationship isn't brother and sister but something else.

More Story Please: While in the Morpheus and with the strange relationship brewing, both MC and YC character discover that there is something wrong with what The Morpheus is doing. Or maybe, we get trapped in the virtual reality and can't return to the real world. Or! The Morpheus is addictive and being without it can cause withdrawal and breaks in reality...

We're in the same cycle... (Variable, Long-term, Flexible setting and themes)
"We've got to stop meeting like this", he says.
"You've never taken this very seriously," she says.
"I can't say I see the point of taking anything seriously anymore."
"Maybe that's the problem."
"I'm open to suggestions."
"I'm not sure what to do anymore..."
"You think I know? After everything we've been through, you still think I'm holding back an answer?"
"How do we fix it?"
"I don't know..."

For whatever reason, MC and YC are fated to collide in some way or another repeating a meeting. At first, they don't recognize each other, but as they draw closer memories of past timelines/lives/instances start to resurface. In the past, it has always, without fail, ended badly. This might be on an epic scale, such as world ending calamity, or this might just be standard slice of life drama. But maybe, just maybe, this time...

Don't drag me into saving the world!
YC is a typical optimistic heroic type and there is something that threats the safety of the village/town/city/kingdom/country/world. MC is well, fed up with the entire world, but MC also had some experience with what you're trying to do. MC might be a criminal or just someone who is not interested in what happens to the world though in the past he was more like YC but something happened to change that. Somehow, MC has become beholden to yours and gets dragged along to aide you.

Twists: MC is violent and temperamental and would not be helping you at all but due to some force MC HAS to follow your orders. YC is not trying to save the town/city/world/kingdom but is instead trying to conquer it and MC is the more Do-gooder type.

See profile for more about me I guess.
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