Mx Female Roleplay Partner Profile


Feb 17, 2022
I'm looking for RP partners primarily and not to fulfill a specific set of kinks by any means though I do have those. I figure I'll start by sharing a little about myself. I'm a writer primarily as a hobby. I write fiction. I enjoy running table-top roleplaying games. I've worked on projects for choose your own adventure games or text adventures. I have a wide range of interest in fiction and I'm not that fixated on one thing or another. I enjoy smut, otherwise I doubt I would be on this site, but that's not to say I don't also enjoy story. I have a really active imagination and my imagination can run wild from dark, disturbing, sexual, romantic, and etc. I don't really like putting myself in a box as far as what I'm interested in writing.

In a long-term roleplay I'd like about a 50-50 ratio of smut and story to a 70-30 ratio.

In a one-shot, well, mostly in a one-shot I'm just looking for something hot and exciting and so it's likely that lean way more on the smut side of the spectrum.

I'm an improvisational writer, so I don't often have a huge plan going into writing something.
I'd probably prefer playing on Discord, but feel free to PM me here.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions.

I'm really not super picky! This post is long because I'd rather make something clear up front and to make it easier to suggest something! Really! I can get into almost any idea as long as it doesn't oppose a limit.

  • Post length: I've started RPing a bit and it seems like I actually don't mind getting 4 or 5 paragraphs from someone. I don't need 4 or 5 paragraphs, but I'd appreciate more than a line or two. I tend towards writing about three myself. Whatever serves the story is fine.​
  • First Person/Third person: I'll stick with your preference.​
  • Discovery in play: I can't say I'm a real big fan of prompts. I enjoy the idea of discovery in play which a phrase used in Table-Top Roleplaying Games. I like for things to evolve naturally and don't like to come to the table with things planned out to a significant degree.​
  • Once it's written it's true/yes and or yes but: Once one of us introduces something to the story we should both be motivated to treat it with respect. If we've decided that we're in a realistic slice of life setting suddenly introducing a wizard wouldn't make sense. However, if we're in a fantasy setting and you suddenly decide that "In the city of Hurst is the Order of the Black Fang who are rumored to be assassins" or something I'm going to do my best to incorporate that in the setting as "true" and to include it. Once we establish that organization exists in the fiction, that's it, it's established. I might go with "Yes and they are also known for their dark magic" or yes but "but it's also rumored they were established to fight off the corrupt power structure of the king" but either way, the order exists now in our narrative.​
  • Side pieces (characters): Feel free to introduce other characters into the plot! However, if you introduce a side-character I'll assume you'll be responsible for their agency and if I introduce a side-character I'll assume the responsibility of their agency! Unless otherwise discussed.​
  • Response time: If possible, I'll be prompt about responding. Sometimes I get busy or am doing other things, but I don't like keeping people waiting long periods of time, so I'd say it's likely my response times will lean towards being quicker.
  • Pictures: I don't really need a photo. I don't use them for my characters and instead I describe them. I don't really want to go hunting for a picture anyway.
  • OOCly: Please, talk to me OOCly about what's going on in the narrative. If you don't like something, want to introduce something but feel nervous about it, are looking for input before you post, whatever it is, don't feel like you're breaking the immersion.​
  • If you end up in a long-term role-play with me, it is likely at some point I will stop responding for a few days to up to a week maybe once every couple of months or so. This has nothing to do with you. In the interest of being forthright, I suffer from severe depression and anxiety. I am not in danger of self-harm or that kind of thing, but my depression dips can be pretty bad. I'm not looking for help with this. I have a therapist. This is just to let you know that if I don't tell you that I'm not interested in roleplaying anymore or I want to stop talking than this is likely what's happening.​
What follows is really just a sort of menu of things I like as far as roleplaying goes

Fun with Settings!
Slice of Life
Low-Magic Modern
Low-Magic Fantasy
High-Magic Fantasy
Apocalyptic Weirdness
Science Fiction (Space)
Science Fiction Cyberpunk
Dungeons and Dragons-esque
Supernaturals/Preternaturals (Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches, Oh My) exist! (Modern day?)
More to come...

Oral: Giving/Receiving
Deep Throat
I like ass? (eating, fucking, spanking, ass worship, etc, etc, etc.)
I like boobs? (Immature, sure, but into breast play because it's hot, tit fucking, touching, spanking, etc. etc. etc.)
Emotional Build-Up
Incestual Relationships (I kind of like exploring the shameful and forbidden aspect of this as opposed to it being just a seasoning for sex scenes. Not something I'm interested in real life, but in writing exploring the emotional aspect is interesting whether dark or not).
Monster Girls
Father/Daughter or Parent/Child Dynamics (No Loli stuff, in compliance with the rules, thank you)
Ageplay (Only in accordance with the rules)
BDSM! (I typically Dom or Top, but can switch)
Orgasm Denial

Basic Parings

Master/pet (yc)
Mentor/Mentee (yc)
Professor/Student (yc)
Father/Daughter (yc)

Themes and Tropes
Magic is Evil
Forbidden Romance is Fun (and Emotionally Complicated!)
Is it Love or Lust?
At Odds Against the World
The Gods/God is Evil
Can He or She be saved?
(MC) Knight in Sour Armor
(MC) Broken Ace
Redemption Narrative
Chasing the McGuffin
Cosmic Horror
Adventuring Duo
Thematic Horror
More to come...

Will probably end up adding more, lol...

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