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Mei's Journal of Phail and Other Random Shit


Jan 15, 2009
I live in Arizona, so figure this out in relation to your own local time. : P

5.30: I get up, get ready for school.
2.14: School's out.
(2.30-3.30: I may mooch around school getting random crap done)
Otherwise: 2.40: I get home, get online till about 10 at night.

10.00: Golf to 11.00
12.00: Chinese school
4.00: Chinese school's over
Time from then on is spent online and doing homework. I get off at 11.00 PM

3.00-7.00: I'm at the hospital, working.
I get home at arond 7.15, and I'm on till 10.

Other random stuff might get in the way of course, but it's rare. XD
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

You're on your computer too much.
*goes off to lurk elsewhere*
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

Actually, not really, compared to some other people on here.
Mostly I work, and do research for school and projects.
[Least I don't MASTURBATE while I'm on the computer. . .]
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

I masturbate on the computer.

Only sometimes it is sharp, and it hurts. ;3;
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

. . .

. . .
Generic List of Characters

  • Males:

    -Novinha (Ivanova)
    -Qing Tian
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

  • A few things.
    Totally crushing on a few people right now - and it's totally embarassing me.
    Talked to Yuki about it, but meh.

    Been reading a lot lately, but I need to focus on my classes.
    My feet are freezing, and I miss playing my PS2.
    I finished 'The Good Earth' yesterday. I'm so happy.
    Also saw A7X/Buckcherry/Papa Roach/Saving Abel last night.

    Kickass, man, kickass.
    Michael, I hate you for catching Saving Abel's setlist.
    Don't forget to bring 'Everything's Eventual'.

    I need to get contacts and a new haircut.[/list:u]
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

I currently lack motivation, and I'm bored as hell.
I've developed a fascinatino for German electropop and techno.
And Russian music, too.
: P

Someone fucking entertain me.
Better yet, start an RP with me.
I need a new one.
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

    • Go fuck yourself.
      I hate people right now.[/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Schedule/Life Ramblings

  • Got into another fight with my family.
    Apparently, I'm destined to become a crackwhore.
    As such - it seems like I suck at maintaining peace with people I care about it.

    How stupid.
    I fell asleep in Stats today - I was exhausted.
    I had a psychotic dream, and me trying to explain it would be stupid considering dreams never make sense anyway.

    I need RPing to distract me.[/list:u]
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • I'm writing.
        Like, a lot.
        Which is good.

        I've had so many ideas just locked up in my mind.
        I'm happy.
        I went ice-skating yesterday.
        Fucking sore as hell now.
        I haven't done an axel in like. . .
        Five years.
        ; ____;
        I hurt.

        I need new RPs.
        But don't find ME.
        I will find JOO.
        I keed, I keed.

        I've been reading Hetalia a lot, lately.
        Apparently, I'm Russia (WAS? WAS? ICH BIN EIN MANN?!)
        So yeah.

        Uh. . .
        Nothing new to report.
        I'm on break.
        So I'll be on uber-late.
        And I just broke a plate.
        No, kidding. XD I didn't.
        I just wrote that because it rhymed.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • Chandler, whooo~
        And you?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • Ah-ha.
        It's not too bad! ^^
        I like it here.
        . . .
        You know, when the gas prices aren't psychotic and it isn't too hot out and. . .

        Okay, so maybe it does suck. XD[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

Oui, but at least you live in the fun part of the state.
Surprise is like, full of old people.
Ugh and we are right next to Sun City, so its like walking hand in hand with the retirement community.
There is NO fun to be had.
And the nearest mall is ten plus miles away.
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • I. . .
        I am so sorry.
        I feel for you, truly, I do.
        TEN MILES?!

        Chandler? Yeah, except then you have Chandler High which is like, fucking pot central.
        Chandler High School = pot/alcohol,
        Hamilton = Crack
        And Basha = Heroin
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • Giant bruises on my legs from PHAILED salchows and axels.
        Really horrible welts above my ankles.

        And my skin tone is so uneven, if you compare my arms and my legs.
        It's like, wtf.
        Legs = uber-fucking pale.
        Arms = Tan.
Re: n e e d l e through a BUG

      • ...
        I haven't posted in forever.

        Life is being a bitch.
        Funeral this coming Saturday.
        Finally started stretching my ear for gauges.
        The fact that I can't fucking pierce my lip is pissing me off.

        And before you rant about me being stupid about piercing my own lip and not getting it done profesionally: I have the proper tools, they are sterilized, and I've done this before with a professional piercer overseeing my attempt. This time, however, I just can't seem to get it all the way through, and it's pissing me off. D<
        I should've kept my first piercing, and not let it close over. ; 0;

        So now, I'm just going to let this heal, and then get it done profesionally.

        For once, in German class, the teacher didn't yell at me and make me cry during a dialogue I was doing.
        > o<
        I'm so happy!
        She even said I was the best in the class (and here I thought she hated me, ahahaha!)

        I helped out with setting up the Jr. High Orchestra Music Festival today. I bought pizza for everyone who helped me out, watched South Park with them, and freaked out when Dora dislocated her knee TWICE. Poor Dora. D;

        Oh, and yeah: Sorry if I haven't been replying to RPs. Life, blahblahblah, lack of will/motivation, writer's block, and other shit.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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