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Fx Any Bring me your fantasy plots!


Mar 21, 2009
I'm still entertaining all offers, but I'm looking more for FxF pairings at the moment. You'll have to really wow me to get me interested in a MxF pairing right now, since I have quite a few of those going on already.

Hello darkness my old friend.

Back to the singles life for me, which means picking up old hobbies that my ex did not approve of.

Namely this, and I have quite the itch to scratch.

Especially these itches: F-list - Warning

Right now, specifically, I have a few specific things I'm looking for:

Fantasy Settings! I'm not really looking for anything modern or realistic at the moment. You can try to convince me, but it's going to have to be really good.

Monsters! Specifically playing a human (or human ish) paired against some sort of more monstrous being. Bring me your orcs, minotaurs, dragons, and unspeakable eldritch horrors. Bonus points for size differences. Non-con, dubcon, or beauty and the beast-type romance are all on the table.

Age Gaps! I'm specifically looking for an older gent for a younger lady, somewhere in a 20-30 year difference. Possibly an incest or mentor/student situation? :3c

Plot! It's been a while since I've RPed, I miss the story part as much as the smut part.

I'm open to suggestions on any plot snippets or pairings you want to suggest. I'm looking for both long term and short term RPs, so even if you have an idea that might only be a short scene, hit me up and I might be willing to explore that with you!

My posts lengths are usually about a comfy three paragraphs, and that's kind of what I like my partner to be around, as well. I can deal with occasional short posts, but I'm not looking for anything that's super short/single line posts constantly, or anything that's multiple pages of writing for each post. I'm a busy lady, I don't have time for that!

I generally prefer playing sub characters. I'm willing to play switch, but I only enjoy domming in short bursts.

I love playing multiple characters! I have something of character creation ADD, and will gladly play more than one character in each RP.

No isekai-type plots please, they don't interest me.

Pairings and Plots

I have a few ideas for pairings I would like to try out. Bolded are the parts I would like to play, any relative kinks or scenarios that I would be interested for each pairing are listed underneath. Anything striked through I'm not looking for right now, but feel free to use as inspiration for the type of things I like :> None of them are required, just ideas I have in mind.

Breeding, Forced Pregnancy, Size Difference, Multiple Characters/Harem

Age gap, spells/hypnotism, drug use, potions, aphrodisiacs, Stockholm syndrome


Dungeons and Dragons style, willing to play either role, depending. Would be very interested in a "you promised me your firstborn, I'm going to guarantee that happens" type scenario:

Warlock/Fiend patron​
Warlock/Succubus patron (One of the few scenarios I'd be excited for playing a very dominant character in)
Warlock/Great Old One (bonus points for adding a madness/mind control)​

Sacred Rites: (any pairing, semi-structured for playing multiple characters each)

Set in a temple dedicated to a goddess of fertility, the priests and priestesses serve the needs of several small villages, farmers and traders often visiting to ask for the blessing of the goddess to ensure a plentiful year.


Illegal Magic
I love fantasy settings where magic has been outlawed. Feel free to make plot suggestions, but here's a few ideas that I'd be interested in:

Magic To Do
A traveling circus is secretly a cover to shelter errant mages, passing off real arcane spellcasting as illusions and parlor tricks.​
errant mage/mage hunter​

I'm still brushing off the writing part of my brain, so I may add some more plots as they come to me. I'm also open to plots or pairings you might have floating around. I'm always up to try out some new things. :)

Thanks for looking! Hope to hear from someone soon!
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Do I need more roleplays right now? No. Will that stop me from looking for more? Also no.
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