Mx Male Androgyny, Revenge, & Feminine Boys


πŸ’Ž Unofficially Withdrawn πŸ’Ž
Feb 1, 2017
𝐅𝐒𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐅-π₯𝐒𝐬𝐭:


What I expect from your characters:

Male characters only!

I am looking for someone willing to play attractive, intelligent male characters. Intelligence is non-negotiable, even with 'jock' or 'bad boy' types. I want your character to have hopes, dreams, a backstory… I am not interested in playing or playing against characters whose only motivation is having sex, like an erotic zombie.

Anime / Art work is preferred in regards to face claims. Real life face claims make me uncomfortable. If you struggle to find face claims, just let me know what you have in mind for your character and I’ll try to help, or, give me a detailed description to work with. I don’t mind not using face claims, but that means I will want a vivid description.

What do I find attractive?

Well… Tall or short doesn't matter much to me as long as they are a few inches taller than my character I will be more than satisfied. That said, tall men always win extra points with me. Size difference is an optional, but pretty big kink of mine.

Clean shaven or well groomed is fine, but hygiene is a must. I cannot do the unclean/dirty kink. I am also just not a big fan of facial or pubic hair so when it is described that a character has a lot of it is off putting to me, not that hair equates to dirty. It’s a personal choice, just not one I can vibe with.

As far as personality goes, I don't necessarily like playing against overly gentle, kind, or shy males. I find confident, strong, cocky, sometimes cruel males most intriguing, but they don't have to be cruel and overbearing all the time. I am all for fluff and aftercare too. Balance, I guess, is what I am looking for in that regard? I have a soft spot for antihero, villains, and the like. As long as they aren’t a complete β€˜Pure of heart white knight’ type I can get behind it.

!! The characters must be circumcised, my own included. They need to be well on the larger side of endowment, this is non-negotiable. !!

My expectations may be shallow, I realize this, but it is a preference, and we all have them. As such, whether my own character is well endowed or not is up to your preference and you may request your favorite hair or eye colors from my face claims as well.

Examples of what I like:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13

What you can expect from me:

I will normally write between 500 and 2000 words depending on whether the scene is transitioning or if a lot is going on in the scene.

I tend to express my character’s thoughts, actions, and dialogue in my writing to give you a full view into my characters, so occasionally the psychology of it does result in longer posts when there is a lot of activity going on as well.

OOC communication will never be a problem. I enjoy banter and plotting, so feel free to message me about the roleplay we are working on without restraint.

Characters that have agency and goals outside of sex and work towards them. They may be shy, or they may be a royal fucking brat, but there will always be a depth to them, an aspiration, and they will be actively reaching for it.

I ONLY play teenagers (16+), DO NOT ask me to play anyone over the age of 18.

I DO NOT use English names. James, George, etc I will use names such as Aryn, Azriel, etc… or Japanese names, and expect the same from my partners. I cannot immerse with a character named George. It feels too much like reality.

As for the type of guys I typically play:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q -

What I do not want:

I am NOT interested in my characters being verbally degraded with words such as 'slut' or 'whore'. I don't mind degradation, but I would prefer name calling not to be included in my character's humiliation.

I am NOT interested in my characters being beaten (kicked, punched, etc) to an extreme, or during sex by your character. Rough sex, being thrown into walls, and choking are perfectly acceptable, but I don't enjoy broken ribs or extreme violence/gore. If you have questions, you can definitely ask.

I DO NOT want ANY toilet play or watersports. Don't not ask.

NO ass-to-mouth. Period. Do not ask.

NO English names like James, George, etc. I cannot immerse with a character named Matt. It feels too much like reality and I won't continue the roleplay.

With that out of the way, time to get to the ideas~

Delinquent Trouble

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Consent, Crying, Fighting, Being held down/pinned, Arguing, Foreplay. Nipple play, Sex Toys, Biting/Hickeys, Creampie, Threesome.

[Would really enjoy this to be a love triangle, but if not, I would prefer my partners to play the delinquent over the crush or this can just be a MxMxM idea where they 'share' my character.]

MC was raised in a small town where everyone knew each other, all the students at his elementary and middle school growing up together.

It was miserable for MC because his older brother was a well known delinquent making it difficult for MC to make friends.

So, MC studied hard to get into a good high school, finally escaping the shadow of his older brother when he was accepted into a prestigious dorm school hundreds of miles away from his hometown.

MC doesn't know anyone, but the best part? No one at the new school knows his older brother! Free to make new friends and perhaps even date, MC develops a crush on a popular boy in his class.

The girls fawn over MC's crush constantly making it impossible to approach him, and when he finally gets the opportunity, the delinquent best friend of MC's crush is always there to interrupt.

MC's crush is a Handsome Prince type so it throws MC way off balance to discover he has a delinquent friend that reminds him way too much of his older brother.

To make matters worse the delinquent teases MC all the time, aware of his crush while MC's crush is completely oblivious to his feelings.

Things get messy as these three get closer, despite MC's reluctance to have anything to do with a delinquent after the trauma of being isolated by his peers.

Will he come to realize that this delinquent actually has a heart of gold and doesn't deserve to be lumped in with his ruthless older brother or will he learn that he kind of likes rough around the edges bad boys and being teased after all? Or will the three of them come to an arrangement? Let's decide!

Kidnap Reverse Uno

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Kidnap, Crying/Begging to stop, Fighting, Restraints such as handcuffs and rope, Being held down/pinned, Foreplay, Nipple play, Sex Toys, Biting, Knife Play [Light to Moderate], Humiliation, Revenge, Forgiveness, Recording, Virginity, Creampie.

The news has been covering a serial kidnapper. Their identity is unknown, but what is known is that the kidnapper posts video and pictures of their victims all over the internet. Bound, sometimes gagged, but always blindfolded, he tortures them. Knife play, or just hooking them up to a blowjob simulator, the kidnapper humiliates all of his victims.

The kidnapper never kills them, always finding themselves set free, but their lives irreparably ruined. Their victims are always between the ages of 16-28 and all are snatched from the same city, commonly from local high schools and universities. Schools have tried to tighten security, but the kidnapper always manages to find a new victim. Always attractive, strong young men.

The reality of the situation is, they were all kidnapped by a high school boy. Every victim has crossed paths with him, at least once, and he always ruins their lives. Until YC. The kidnapping goes off without a hitch, he even cuts him up a little, but for the very first time he makes a mistake. Either tying the ropes too loose or not replacing the handcuffs, or perhaps YC just finds a way to free himself.

Either way, MC finds himself ambushed. He isn't what YC expects his kidnapper to look like. Perhaps he recognizes him from school, or has seen him
around town. He could be his student, underclassman, or perhaps he is a college boy that is friends with MC's older brother.

Cute, delicate, it is a wonder how MC managed to kidnap so many guys without being caught, but regardless of how 'cute' he is… can YC forget that this boy tried to ruin his life? That he was going to torture him over the span of a week as he had done with so many other guys had he not escaped his restraints?

Simultaneously harboring a fear and hatred for his fellow men, MC is terrified when faced with one of his victims, forced to look him in the eye. Will he seek revenge and humiliate him? Or will he wait to decide what to do with MC, keeping him hostage as he attempts to understand the motivations of the mentally unstable boy? As MC is lot smaller than him, YC could likely maintain the upper hand. When the tables are turned, will the kidnapper become kidnapped?

[Possible happy end, but that would take time, obviously. Bad end will be a much shorter roleplay.]

Gender Curse

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Gender Transformation, Aphrodisiac, Crying, Begging to stop, fighting, restraints such as handcuffs and rope. Being held down/pinned. Foreplay. Nipple play, double penetration, sex toys, Biting, Creampie.

Minding her own business, always respectful, MC was a successful commoner, pushing her way up the ladder despite her extremely low birth. Working in the royal library in the morning and studying magic in the evening all that the behest of the King, could life get any better?

With money to send home to take care of her mother, sick father, and three little brothers, life is looking up. Their family might just rise to middle class if she learns enough magic to take the Qualification Exam to become a Mage under the royal army.

She can read several languages and speak three, but that isn't the most interesting thing about her anymore. Given a mysterious gift by an unknown sender, MC eats a chocolate cake left in her sleeping quarters for her birthday. Little does she know, eating the cake has put her under a curse! From then on, she is trapped in the form of a male version of herself. She can only turn back into a female if she finds the caster of the curse and convinces them to lift it, but where does she even begin?

Not only has she turned into a boy, his scent is extremely inticing, serving as an aphrodisiac for men around him, especially those he finds attractive, tied closely to his arousal.

MC has always been interested in men, but had never acted on her attractions due to being so busy supporting her family.

Her main attractions? Her King, a kind but stern ruler and two of the King's Guard Captains, a playboy flirt and a cold, callous, mysterious tsundere type.

They are all three insanely hot… and MC has to do everything in his power to avoid them as now even random men tried to rape him.

Even with men that MC is not attracted to, the aphrodisiac effect of his pheromones at it's weakest, it causes an overwhelming urge, and those with low self control and discipline lose their minds completely in his presence.

While he is confident the knights and her King have plenty of both, control and discipline… je is worried, scared even, of them not believing him. Sex between males is illegal, punishable by death in their church-run kingdom so MC is ashamed of their now sinful attractions. If he is caught having sex with men it could cost him his life… but with this curse what choice does he have when they throw him down and ravage him? The effects of this curse only subside after MC has had sex, returning after a few days… but he cannot keep living like this!

We’re at work!

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Begging to stop, fighting, Being held down/pinned, Foreplay, Nipple play, Biting, Hickey, Creampie.

MC is a rather feminine looking boy with a hangup over his short height and 'cute' face. MC has a crush on YC, who is the owner at the hotel where he works. MC was sure that YC wasn't interested in him as YC is extremely popular with the ladies… That is until YC suddenly professes his love for MC while he is cleaning the lovers suite and goes on to kiss him.

Things get ahead of MC and as their clothes are shed for the first time - my, YC's huge!! He never would have expected YC's lips to be caressing him all over. It's terribly embarrassing, but his boss with XL size wants to make MC his despite his protests and insecurities.

A Boy In an All Girls School!?

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-Con, Dub-con, Crossdressing, Crying, Begging to stop, Fighting, Restraints such as handcuffs and rope, Androgyny, Brat, Being held down/pinned, Foreplay, Nipple play, double penetration, sex toys, Biting, Creampie.

At Riyuu Academy, students are expected to be on their very best behavior and to never break the rules. Anyone caught breaking rules is punished severely. Only the elite of the elite can attend and the school shows great pride in their reputation. There is a 99% graduation rate, and has the top grades in the country.

Riyuu Academy is a live-in all girls academy for the rich and promising.

MC is a boy named Fujisaki, Akira, raised secretly as a girl by his family. It is embarrassing, but Akira's mother has always been unstable and wanted a daughter, not a son. By the time Akira realized that something was amiss… he couldn't tell the truth. The thought of being bullied and humiliated by his peers for living as a girl for so long…? No. It would just be easier to just keep up the act.

One day Akira receives an acceptance letter from Riyuu Academy, the letter promising him the freedom he craved from his mentally unstable mother. So even though it would be incredibly risky trying to keep his identity a secret he convinced his mother to let him attend. Four years away from the woman that ruined his life? He didn't have to think twice.

Because of the grades Akira earned at his last school, he was seen as eligible for a scholarship. Coming from a public school in the suburbs prior to his big move to Tokyo Japan, Akira doesn't realize what he's gotten himself into!

Riyuu is all about teamwork and cooperation. Though no one dares to cheat due to the school's strict rules and teachers that seem to have eyes in the back of their heads. Homework is encouraged to be discussed, but anyone caught asking for or giving answers away will be punished. All students are required to live on Riyuu High's extensive campus as most students live too far away to go back and forth each day.

The campus is beautiful, and serves only the freshest meals three times a day at no charge to the students attending. What will happen when a teacher finds out one of the students isn't what they seem? Akira has to keep his true identity a secret, or else he will be kicked out, or worse, could be charged with a crime!

Akira manages to find himself in hot water when an attractive, overbearing teacher becomes suspicious of him… how does he convince this man that he's a girl when he most certainly isn't?

A Yandere Sized Problem

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Fighting, Being held down/pinned, Arguing, Foreplay, Nipple play, Sex Toys, Biting/Hickeys, Creampie, Recording, Knife Play, Some physical abuse.

What happens when a talkative, cheerful boy strikes up a conversation with the quiet loner in his class? MC's friends discussing rumors they've heard about the loner making MC take notice of him for the first time.

YC is always overlooked during group activities such as sports and class projects despite looking fit, attractive, even approachable. What gives? MC decides to try to become his friend, preferring to find things out for himself firsthand. Everyone has their own story and MC is determined to find out the truth about YC. What's the worst that could happen? They're both boys, even though MC is rather small, a bit femininely built.

MC approaches YC to prove to their classmates that he is a normal person like everyone else, not 'cursed' or anything weird like that. As he suspected, YC seems like most guys, MC finding him to be smart, witty, perhaps even cool. At first he thinks YC is just a bit rough around the edges and misunderstood, like a delinquent with a heart of gold, but MC learns YC is not all he seems in the coming weeks.

YC seems to have developed an attachment to MC, the two spending all of their time together. MC cannot say no, as he has always had tons of friends and YC has none other than him… but one by one his friends begin to abandon him. The girl that MC has a crush on refuses to talk to him… everything seems to be falling apart somehow since becoming friends with YC.

Rumors have started about the two of them as well as YC is overly affectionate with MC. MC has never expressed interest in men, but now the entire school is gossiping about the two being romantically involved! While the loner is very attractive, he is clingy, possessive, jealous even… to a terrifying degree.

At first he put MC in mind of a large lost puppy, but is this guy dangerous after all? Were his friends right that he should have kept his distance? YC's harmless behavior seems less so when he doesn't even want MC taking his shirt off during gym class. What the hell man!? I like girls! MC tries to explain, but YC doesn't seem to care. What do I do…? MC asks himself.

Forced to Host

Aspects I would like to see in the Roleplay:
Non-con, Dub-con, Crying, Fighting, Being held down/pinned, Arguing, Foreplay, Nipple play, Sex Toys, Biting/Hickeys, Creampie, Double Penetration, Threesome, Recording.

Yashiro Academy's host club needs one more member to avoid the student council forcing them the cease club activities. When MC, the freshman class representative walks in to give them their final notice, his life changes forever.

The two most popular hosts decide he should join the club to keep them from having to close their doors, and despite his reluctance they 'convince' him to join. MC is less than willing to help out, feminine and shy, but the older boys threaten to spread a nasty rumor about him after they force him into some incriminating poses.

Blackmailing MC into compliance, he becomes the newest member of the club… blackmailed by two of the school's most popular guys. While he is the only one that seems to see them for the devils they are, he cannot reveal their sadistic sides without risking his photos being leaked to the entire school.
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