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Fx Male sub asian doll looking to be played with


Feb 11, 2022

I have a history of role playing for as long as I can remember. My overactive imagination got me a lot into trouble as a child when I still wanted to become an actress and used to rp as my favorite movie or cartoon characters, much to the chagrin of friends and family 😅

In my early teens, my older brother handed me down his old laptop and I started writing stories online, exchanging and, eventually, role playing. It obviously turned sexual at some point and it has become my favorite source of "inspiration".

I can commit to 2-3 role plays at a time, so make sure you send me something that stands out a bit.

A bit about myself:
I am an Asian female, in my early 20s, living in Europe. I am quite busy during the day and can only reply around 11pm CET. I am shy and/but submissive at heart, I like my characters to reflect that, which means, I won't be playing a sex crazed bimbo, it's just not who I am nor what I like. I was raised by strict parents and role play has been my escape. I therefore like to see myself in my characters and help them free themselves.

My favorite plots/settings are modern, slice of life. I sometimes do some historical or dystopian plots but I really prefer to keep it realistic. I would also prefer to have some ongoing fun and prefer a partner who enjoys a long term role play.

I'm fine with smut, but it needs to be second to the story. I want to build MC and her relationship to YC and see where it leads us.

3rd or 1st person, PMs or threads (with a preference for PMs). No Discord or other platform!

Soft Limits:
- Family: The plot will determine if it turns me on but I'm usually opposed to incest
- Bimbo: Body enhancements are fine with me, but I don't want to play a brainless character
- Creatures (Only sex between humans)

Hard Limits:
- Sub men
- Slavery
- Unrealistic things
- Drugs, hypnosis
- younger male characters

- being exposed
- Training
- including all sorts of fetish
- orgasm denial / light torture (spanking, flogging, whipping, etc)
- painal
- being taken advantage of
- bdsm
- body worship (giving)

I am far more interested in hearing about situations or YC. Don't message me saying "let's play student/teacher", I want to hear about YC and/or MC and know what the setting and the mood will/can be like.

I love flawed characters, be it physically, mentally or socially... I like to give them depth, e.g. I much rather play a single mom unable to pay her bills than a cheerleader.

A music festival or a camping trip with friends. Booze, drugs and more booze. I end up in a tent with someone, riding him as if my life depended on it. I don't care if someone hears us, I just want to orgasm so bad. I am so in my world that I do not notice someone entering the tent and positioning himself behind me, ready to impale me...
A night of hot, sinful sex that could end with us exchanging numbers and meeting again from time to time. What if we grow bolder and bring other people along? What if it gets out of hand?

I work as a cleaning lady for this older man, he is 30-40 years older than me. Never married, no children (that he knows of). He is very old school, likes to drink, shoots his guns and has money to throw around. He can be quite scary, but he also enjoys the company of beautiful women. He takes a liking to me. He finds me exotic and likes to poke fun at me for being so petite. Every now and again he loses his temper, those moments scare me and I freeze. This time he had been drinking, I dropped something and broke it. I am on my hands and knees cleaning up the mess when he charges in. He has had enough and undoes his pants, his belt in one hand he begins to punish me. I scream as I try to crawl away, but he steps on me and pushes me down. he lays down on top of me and I feel him pulling my panties down. To my absolute shock he goes straight for my ass, first a finger, then 2... I can now feel him pushing his hard cock against the entrance. I freeze in fear....

Like in one of those lewd movies, a poor girl/woman takes the train home but this time she gets cornered by 1 man (or more). I would really love if it could be a mid to long term story, therefore it should not be non-con or blackmail. I would imagine that while scared she does enjoy it and slowly opens up more and more. She could even look forward to it and/or meet with her molester on weekends. The idea is really to explore a situation that is exciting and scary at the same time.

One of us should stand out. I could be the exotic girl in a town/city where 99.9% of people are Caucasian, or you could be the only Caucasian in my town/city. Being different has made us curious. Does MC taste different? Does she feel different? Will you be able to tame her? This story could include racial superiority/raceplay and focus on exploring differences, while remaining fun. Not looking for a slavery plot, just enjoying MC being put in her place and using different slurs or a different type of misogyny.

She is a freaky, petite woman in her late 20s/early 30s. She kept out of trouble while enjoying her wild 20s, but now she feels the need to settle down. She sees YC at the mall every now and again and they begin talking, flirting... She could work at a store/restaurant or go to her yoga classes at the mall. YC could also work there (security guard? janitor? store owner?...). YC is buff, assertive. She is outgoing, petite... He longs to share his bed with a female, she longs to be held by a strong men. This is a story about passion, lust and... being different.

We have been friends since childhood, we both are nerds, or at least, we were. I became quite popular when I stopped being a tomboy. You, on the other hand, never really changed. You are socially awkward, but the nicest guy I know. But all these years you kept a dark secret. You are a pervert and only get off to the most lewd, vile, sickest porn on the internet. That's the reason why you are single, because most women are scared of you. You pay women to participate in your fantasies. Money isn't an issue as you earn more than enough... but you want me. As fate will have it, I fall on hard times and you offer to help me out. I move into your house and you put down some ground rules. It's quite obvious that I have feelings for you, will you take your chance? How will you introduce your needs to me? How will I react? How far will I go?

Friday night means that we all go out after work. It's only about 12-15 co-workers. The 5 at the core, which includes MC, and then those who show up every now and again. We go to a club/bar, enjoy too much booze and talk shit about work. The later it gets the steamier the conversation. Sex obviously becomes a fun subject and my tales always seem to entertain the men in the round. I openly speak my mind and mention how submissive I am. A beautiful, submissive, Asian lady with quite a freaky sex life... Will you make your move? Will it become a regular thing or will I end up having fun with all the men at some point? Will it become a regular thing during work hours?

It's Friday evening, and as always, I retreated to my dorm to chat with my long distance boyfriend. We are both studying in different states/countries, but very much in love. As usual, the chat turns steamy and I begin to tease him. When I am on my hands and knees, touching myself in front of the camera I notice something. It could be a noise, it could be a light. Is the door slightly opened? Was someone standing outside and looking into my room? Who could it have been?
I laugh it off but when it happens again the following week I start to wonder if someone is stalking me and how long this has been going on. My boyfriend on the other hand finds it hot and begins teasing me about it. I play along and we nurture this fantasy of someone watching me while I pleasure myself.
What if my boyfriend wants me to go further? What if the stranger grows bolder? Why am I touching myself in bed at night wanting to be taken in front of my boyfriend?

I am not yet sure about the plot idea, but I am currently playing The Quarry and I love Kaitlyn Ka, so I'd love to play as her against an OC of your choosing. I suppose it would be easiest to keep it in some sort of summer camp setting, minus the killings, duh.

Feel free to expand on my ideas, or send me yours :)
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