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Fx Male Ismae's Request Thread (Story, Affection & Smutty Fun)


Jun 4, 2021
Hello there!

I'm Ismae, and this is my first general request thread. After being a member of this site for quite some months, I want to try out this way to find new inspiring, likable, and imaginative role-playing partners.

What you won't find here are any story proposals (for specific plot ideas I have in mind, I may create a dedicated RT). Instead, cooking up a plot with another creative mind is where I would like the joint fun to begin.

What you will find here is hopefully enough information to get an idea of my likes and my role-playing so that you can decide whether contacting me is promising. Please remember that this is my first RT ever, so that it may be a bit unpolished. Should some of the items below come across a bit harsh, I beg your pardon. Some are the response to experiences I made in the past. If you are unsure about a particular point, don't hesitate to PMing me.

General Expectations
  • I'm here to write powerful stories together with a partner. I am not looking for stories whose only purpose is to set the stage for one mindless and vacuous sex scene after the next one without any meaningful development outside the physical. Neither am I here to write stories not involving sex as some central element (these stories I write on other platforms), so detailed and regular smutty scenes are appreciated as long as they fit the story and have substance.
  • I don't care what your gender is in real-life as long as you can portray your character believably. I'm not here to find someone with whom to hook. It's terrific if you even get off when writing with me, but you don't have to tell me.
  • I'm from Germany, and my native language is German, so bear with me when I make a mistake when writing in English. But I do my very best, and this is what I expect from your writing as well.
  • I play via PM and, maybe, via a public thread on Bluemoon. I also play via email, and the latter may even be the most preferable. I don't play via Discord or other chat systems.
  • I don't have a strict post-length, but every post should contain a few paragraphs and, significantly, seizing ideas of the partner's posts. One-liners are not story-writing.
  • I prefer playing younger characters (no older than 30 years, say).
  • My characters are intelligent and usually have a healthy sex drive (we are on BMR, after all). I like playing witty characters that have a mind of their own.
  • I can play more dominant or more submissive characters, but we should agree upon the expected roles of our characters and their behaviors at the beginning of the role-play.
  • Deep down inside me, I am romantically minded. I want to write stories where the characters (eventually) care for each other and show affection that does not only encompass the other's body, but also to the other's personality. I don't want to role-play against charmless or unlikeable characters.
  • Power-play can be incorporated; the affection one character shows to the other may not be reciprocal at the story's beginning. I am in favor of all elements that make the relationship multi-dimensional.
  • I like modern settings as much as fantasy settings or sci-fi settings. I won't probably do canon or fandom. I love the creativity OCs bring with themselves.
  • I prefer photographic or realistically drawn face claims over anime (but that is not set in stone).
  • Please never force reactions upon my character ("god-modding") nor write what my character is experiencing. I want to read what your character feels and what your character's body is doing, as you should read about my character in my posts. If you think some reaction would be best for story-purposes, discuss it OOC first.
  • The most crucial point for me is that we are here to have fun together. Let us write this way and treat our role-playing partners always with that in mind.
  • Some of my kinks may be no-nos for you, as some of your kinks may be no-nos for me. These won't play a role in our role-playing, and I won't just judge you as a person for kinks I don't share.
  • Real-life happens, and we may not be able to continue all the role-plays we started. In this case, please drop me a line as I would you. It can also happen that a role-play, once started, does not fulfill the expectations of the players (or of one of the players). If you want to cease a story for that reason, I won't blame you; but again, short notice would be friendly.

I started to write down an F-LIST. It's certainly not complete, so feel free to ask anytime. Also, the transitions from Fave to Yes to Maybe are smooth. Certainly, not all of the kinks fit into one story, and specific kinks, even when marked as Fave, may not work in every story or in every situation. Some may even be mutually exclusive.

So you have managed to read through my wall of text! If I have whetted you appetite, write me a PM. :)
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