Mx Female Mind control and mind break


Sep 8, 2019
Im looking for a partner to roleplay.
There are a few important things.
-my mother tongue is the Spanish so maybe my writing could be wrong.
-I'm newbie in the roleplay.
If you don't mind this two things then we can roleplay together.
I'm a switch I usually play dominant but i would play dub if the story catch my attention.

Also I'm mainly interested in RP that involve mind control, mind break or brainwash, and they have to be non-con, so if you have a story with those tags that you want to play send me a message and we can make a good story together.

Here's my kink-list

I would like to use hentai images to some scenes.

So here I have some ideas.
1.The beast tamer.
This story will talk about a magic world, this world is currently in chaos, there's a brutal war going on between the two most powerful nations the humans and the elfs, the war is not going well for the humans and is because of YC the general of the elf troops and the most skilled magician that your kingdom have, every battle that she participated is a certain victory and her reputation is so great that most of the enemy forces retreat when they see her in the battlefield.
She is not just a very skilled wizard her strategic mind is like non other and on top of that her beauty is such that she rivals the queen.
The humans know that they can't take the general of the red flowers in a fight so they hired a mercenary with an assassination mission, there is where MC plays, the beast tamer is a mercenary magician that especializes in tame magic beast to fight, he is one of the most famous mercenaries in the world but even he knows that there's no way that he could defeat YC in a fair duel.
So he will have to attack when the general is more vulnerable, while she is sleeping.
He infiltrates in the castle and sneak in the general bedroom but when he is about to get the job done he takes a moment to admire the beauty of YC and in that moment his beast tamer nature takes power of him as he realised that of all the magic creatures he has tamed he never had an elf.
So change of plans the chance of tame such beautiful woman is more important to him that any amount of money, so he proceeded to used of his tricks in order to capture YC he throw a fungi spore right to the face of the general and in matter of moments she wake up and tried to counter attack but there's something strange she can't use her magic anymore, dumbstruck by tha fact that she is unable to use her magic MC don't waste the time and quickly summons one of his creatures a magic emerald wasp, the insect quickly fly to the back of the head of the woman and in a swift movement the wasp us it's legs to grab de woman's head and stung her in the back of the neck, YC barely could understand what was happening when suddenly she feel extremely calm and comfortable, the wasp start to rest over the woman head but don't getting rid of its grip is clear that the insect have no intentions of get off YC then MC puts you a cape with a hood that hide perfectly the insect, he then proceed to grab your hand and walk you outside, YC is perfectly aware of the situation but for some strange reason even while she is walking YC don't have any intention in run away or fight back it's like if she can't move by herself and have to be dragged by the hand like a little child, she can talk and call for help but is in a so emotionless way that if someone hear you would probably think you are joking,
He get YC out of the castle without problems and he puts the general in a cell were she will be train from now on.
So basically MC ability is the creatures he have and there's 3 magic creatures:
1. The magical emerald wasp, this one is introducen in the begging and it basically attached to the back of the head and stung the back of the neck, the effects of this wasp are movement inhibition, this basically means that YC won't be able to move by her will she can only move when someone move her, even when YC would be able to speak she is can't put any emotion to her word while affected by this creature.
2. The second creature is a snake that MC use as a scarf, this one is really straight forward, it has hypnotic eyes and can make YC do everything is order to, this one is also able to suggest the mind of YC, which could result in triggers that make her do stuff even without the snake.
3. The third one is a magic clutter fish, this one can shine in flashy ways making a strobo type hypnosis if YC sees this lights it becomes mesmerized by them receiving pleasure and entering in a happy trance where the only think that she desires is the pleasure of stare to the lights, this one is also able to suggest YC making her able to act of certain ways under certain color of light.

2.The super slut soldier.
YC is form part of a group of super soldiers called the galdiators, they are equipped with and augmented armor that increase their physical aptitudes, they also are very trained soldiers that always get the job done, YC is no just a gladiator is the greatest one, she have made insurgent movements disappear and save the world in various occasions, she is not a soldier anymore she became a simbol of hope, she ande her best friend became heroes but like in every good hentai that means they also have become targets of a horny man, MC is actually a really handsome looking man, to the point that someone could ask if he really need help of any mind control tech to get a chick, he also is a scientist that inflitrate in the armor development division,
He approach YC and he tell her to come with him because there's some new upgraded components for her armor and that he wants to take advantage that YC have the armor on, she just sit ther while MC gets a collar and a new helmet, he ask you to put the collar on, you wonder what could a collar do to help to upgrade your armor but you wear it anyways, then he handed over the new helmet, and just like the collar you put it on.
once you put the helmet YC turn to MC and ask if there will be any test to see if the upgrades work as intended.
MC just reply with an indeed.
He press a button and in the HUD of your helmet appears the text "welcome new slave".
YC quickly realize the situation and in fraction of seconds he was about to remove the collar and helmet, but she wasn't quick enough, her body suddenly stops and move to a stand by position, while YC start to swear and ask about what MC wants, he wants you, he wants that you become his little sissy slut he wants that the only things you can think of are the best ways to serve his cock, MC tells all of this to YC and she just start laughing.
He then show her the silent mode of the helmet, he explain that with this mode the armor don't allow that the people hear any sound that comes from the inside of this, then he activates the stealth mode which make her invisible. He order her to follow him and she obeyed.
He get YC out of the base into his secret lab here he will be making modifications to the armor of YC modifications that will help him to brainwash the powerful soldier into her sex slave.
The twist of the story is that as the brainwash progress the best friend of YC will be investigating about the suddenly disappearance of her friend, but when she get all things together it could be already too late, and YC will willingly help MC to submit and brainwash her best friend.
The instruments of this one:
1. The collar this one will make YC obey every order that MC it also could have a shock function if you like that stuff, the main goal of the story is that YC ended up obeying MC even without the collar
2. The helmet the helmet can display brainwash audios, videos and gases that will eventually twist and break the mind of YC turning her into a sex slave in body and soul.
3. The armor will be modified in any kind of ways to bring pleasure to YC in will have butt plugs, dildos, some needle here and there that inject aphrodisiacs and any kind of thing that we come up with.

3 the pet teacher
YC teacher and MC is a bad student, I never pay attention to the class and I'm a bully, I'm basically a under age criminal and I usually abuse and stalk the girls of my classroom, so one day you call me to talk about my behavior and my notes and you told me that I wont approve the subject and threaten me with Sue me but then I get violent and I threaten you that if you don't do what I say I will hurt you, after this I started to live in your house and make you walk in your 4 all the time while wearing a shock collar and making you eat only cum from a dog bowl.
The instruments:
1.the collar, the collar has function that allow to give shocks to the person wearing it, also has a super magnetic lock that only will deactivated with a voice command.
2. The bowl, the bowl is well a bowl I don't know what else I can say about it, I guess that if you want we can put the name of YC in it.
This one is also focused on pet play, but don't have any kind of mind control or magical thing involved, is domination at his finest, it's also heavely focused in cum eating, it's also heavely focused un electroshock, but if you are not into that we can leave that a side.

We can modify any of the stories together or come up with something new so let's talk.
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