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The breaking of a sister

Alric Sanosake

Jan 28, 2009
Leon had just got back from college, it was spring break. Thus it was time to quickly get home, he had family to see. When he got there, he was greeted by warm welcomes. But what caught his eye was his sister, she grew in quite the woman. This very much intrigued him. He hide his thoughts well as he talked with his mother till she went off to made dinner.

Not soon after he got a text from friends, they knew he'd be back and he was already invited to parties. He just smiled, he knew fun times were ahead. He thought about it and looked to his sister, 'Maybe I should take her, I'm sure she'll enjoy it alot...' he thought silently to himself.
Leon paced around the room for a moment debating whether or not to ask his sister to a party with him. It wasn't long before Leon 's sister approached him and gave him a hug. "Leon, Oh how I have missed you!" She kissed his cheek. Leon shook the thought out of his head. "So what are your plans for the evening" asked Leon's sister.

Leon glanced around the room, trying to keep his eyes off from his rather attractive sister. He finally looks up at his sister and says "Ryan asked me to a party, and I was just wondering what you had planned for the evening. I was thinking you might enjoy coming to a party with your brother?" Leon's sister raised her eyebrows. "My brother wants me to party with him? Wow that's a first!" She giggled. "Of course, Leon. What time do I have to be ready by?"
"Time to be ready by? In about an hour. I think thats enough did to get your feminine needs sorted out and readdy to leave by then" He laughed as he loved to tease his sister. Especially since it was true she took nearly forever to get ready for anything. He messed up her hair as he went to his room to change, "Best hurry!" He smirked as his mind started to let loose on evil thoughts.
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