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Journals and Absences


Dec 19, 2021
United States
Just a bit OOC for myself.

I'm recording mostly absences since work has been popping everywhere. I work as a caregiver so I don't usually know when I'm going to work. Could be Monday through Friday, it can be two days or even one day.

I try to post everyday but it seems to put my partners (roleplay) off. It sucks because I had many real good RPs and then they just disappeared. It's frustrating because I use this platform to let some steam out when I just want to write down and dirty sex. Could it be the way I write? Do I write too long and give way too much detail? I'm not sure. I wish I had a steady one. I have one, but I feel like they're going to ditch me too. I want to know what I can do differently or what. I'm just venting now. :cautious:
Forgot to mention my hiatus, but I'm taking one for a bit due to having a mid-term after spring break. I'll be back when I am able to multi-task again.
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