Mx Female Original Characters Period Costume Story

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Hello fellow writer, and Thank You for taking time to read my story request. I am a writer who seeks a partner to write a unique story. The characters should be near originals of our personal design. I will go on and get the sticking point out of the way. While I have no particulars about your character's size, shape, or hair color in mind, I do wish that you are willing to dress her in period correct clothing, as I have a strong desire for a woman to wear certain clothing. I am willing to make an exchange in my character appearance, if one is desired, and to be fair.

Now to the story I seek in general terms. In style, I am looking for a story where the characters metaphorically explore a dark cave with flashlights. I am looking to write a consensual romance about a committed adult married couple, this does not exclude an arranged marriage in which both characters are using a matchmaker or service to find a mate. I am willing to do some consensual kink between the two of them. The NOs in this area are cuckolding and incest. I am open to BDSM done in a certain way.

Like most writers at BM I scan the request threads and know this one is different. If you are that writer, ready to break the mold, I look forward to hearing from you. If you have suggestions for a story, please feel free to drop me a line, because I find brainstorming and story creation very stimulating. Again, Thank You for considering my request, and best wishes on finding good stories.
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