Mx Female Considerate, Capable, and Corrupt (NSFW Content)

Sep 21, 2015

    It is time to make a change. Welcome to my second request thread but this is truly just an updated and more modern version of the writer I have become. Have no fear if you are a fan, you will still get the same high-quality smut you have come to know and expect from me. What I offer now is just a bit more expanded. When I first began on Blue Moon I chose a particular niche and reveled in the beautifully twisted roleplays that I wrote with my partners. Now, times have changed, and I have changed, and it was necessary to represent that.

    I consider myself a very literate writer, always providing a minimum of 400 to 500 words in replies (an average of three to five meaty paragraphs). I strive to ensure my grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct to ensure quality in my work. That quality comes with content and context that hopefully inspires my writing partners in multiple ways. I consider my writing style the in-between, not giving too little and not providing a novella, but the sweet spot that leaves the reader satisfied in my responses. At times I take artistic license and include face claims, gifs, and pictures to accent my work based on preferences.

    Throughout this request thread, you will find the updated version of Father Figure. Still a dark, twisted, and demented soul who happens to want to cast a wider net for his roleplay preferences. Take your time in considering what I seek in a writing partner, kinks, fandoms, and plot threads. Be inclined to follow me, search up my writing in threads, and hopefully after doing so you will find yourself eager to be in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.
    I seek someone who meets the same parameters in writing style that I have, with a good sense of humor and comradery. Kinks do not need to completely match. I consider the F-list to be a menu that you are ordering from – not a requirement. I would appreciate a posting frequency of about one to three times weekly. My ideal writing partner is communicative and strives to stay in touch concerning our scene, complimenting and receiving compliments when a particular reply is amazing and otherwise keeping an open dialogue about what we are writing. I understand completely the need for anonymity and privacy on the internet, a comfortable partner is a happy partner. I will be as companionable or as professional as you, the writer, would like of me.

    I am not ghost friendly, merely let me know that you have lost interest. However, far too much rides on the turn of phrase and the inflection of words. It is hard to gain context over the internet. If something in the scene is not appealing, please let me know, and I will edit it. If I have reached out to you concerning the scene, take everything I say in the best possible light and know my words do not represent demand or an intent to be bothersome.
    Tentatively Searching⠀ ⠀PMs / Threads
    400+ words⠀
    ⠀1 - 3 replies weekly⠀
    High Quality Smut⠀
    ⠀Twisted Stories

    F - L I S T
    Domination and Submission
    Degradation and Objectification
    Defilement and Corruption
    Blackmail, Adultery, and Risky Behavior
    Compromised Morals and Terrible Choices
    Consensual, Dubcon, and Forced
    Lack of Communication
    Unrealistic Character Responses
    Short Replies
    Unsanitary Bodily Fluids
    Extreme Pain
    Extreme Humiliation
    Dungeons and Dragons
    Star Trek
    The Kushiel Trilogy
    Game of Thrones
    Oriental Adventures / Legend of the Five Rings
    Legend of Vox Machina






      P R O G R A M M I N G  L A N G U A G E  
      S C I - F I / C Y B E R P U N K 
    Artificial Intelligence, Caste Society, Free Use

    "Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make." - Nick Bostrom.

    The future is a bright one, with revelations and technologies both beautiful and horrific. Humanity marvels at the creation of artificial intelligence but like all things it is corrupted and defiled. No longer trafficking in human flesh, criminals and corporations use robotics for a variety of everyday tasks. Childcare, manual labor, tutoring, war, and of course sexual exploitation. This setting can vary between the Utopian society of Star Trek to the grimy streets of Cyberpunk. It can involve the romantic and heartbreaking idea of a lonely man finding a companion or the horrific and debased use of an AI companion like she was nothing more than another appliance.
      S A C R A M E N T  A N D  S A C R I F I C E  
      H I S T O R I C A L / M O D E R N 
    Religion, Corruption, Occult

    "Corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst." - David Hume

    What is a soul? What is the value of morality in a world that is lost whatever it meant in the first place? It is the kind of question that a disheartened nun might ask herself late at night as she stares into the depths of darkness. Does the darkness stare back? Is there a fallen angel that would answer her prayers or a demonic presence that would grant her sickest wishes? In this story the lovely nun can find herself corrupted by powers beyond her imagination or be a sinful wretch calling upon demons and deities of old. Does she fall from grace, make pact with Satan, or start her own cult to satiate her desires?
      M O R A L  D E G R A D A T I O N  
      H I S T O R I C A L / M O D E R N 
    Taboo, Blackmail, Compromise

    "Every time I use my heart in deciding to trust someone, I end up broken and hurt." - Unknown

    There is something frighteningly appealing about corruption and the destruction of innocence and trust. It lures us like moths to the flame whether it is at the hands of a relative, a person in power, or a confidant. In this story what manner of horrid deed is up to the participants, but we all know the tragic and depraved ends of what will occur. Compromised spirits, broken homes, and whimpers from behind the hand that covers a mouth. Is this where you want to explore?
      T H E  D A N G E R S  O F  A D V E N T U R E  
      F A N T A S Y / F A N D O M 
    Adventures, Dark Magic, Overpowered

    This is a fandom request and not the typical prompt. Recently I have become quite enamored with the Legend of Vox Machina and the characters involved. Particularly those lovely female adventurers – Pike, Vex’ahlia, and Keyleth. I am interested in writing scenarios of high fantasy where the adventurers face dangerous foes, occasionally win, but find themselves on the bad end of things in numerous ways. Imprisoned, magically coerced, or monstrously taken. Perhaps there is another fan out there that would enjoy this?
      H O N O R  A N D  H U N G E R  
      O R I E N T A L / M Y T H O S 
    Adventure, Mysticism, Broken Promises

    This is a setting request and not the typical prompt. I am looking for someone familiar with Legend of the Five Rings, Oriental Adventures, or Japanese mythology. I am fascinated with the aesthetic of the setting, the beauty and archetypes of the world, and the possibilities involved. A young samurai-ko on her first adventure, a courtier in the halls of intrigue, or a shugenja fighting the corruption of spirit…any of these protagonists would fit well. Will she face an Oni, be captured by a rival clan, or face off against a blood mage?
      H O L O D E C K  M A L F U N C T I O N S  
      S T A R  T R E K / F A N D O M 
    Sci-Fi, Aliens, Artificial Intelligence

    As an avid fan of Star Trek, especially from an early age, the Holodeck represented the culmination of technology. Especially when it comes to perversion. What kinks could be explored when there are no repercussions? What suffering could be inflicted on holographic beings who you could delete after the fact? What traps could be set for other crew members to endure before being dematerialized and recycles in the ship’s energy systems? What dark thoughts could a craft artificial intelligence or a powerful member of the ships crew explore in a limitless world of their own creation?
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