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Looking for 2 players for Shipbound sci fi rp


Mar 22, 2021
Hey there fellow roleplayers. Had an idea I want to put out into the universe and see if there are any takers. A bit about myself before I explain the idea further. Been roleplaying for over a decade now, played many roles with many fandoms, original settings, and weird AU's. Dont really care about my partner's gender so play what you want how you want. Kink wise im pretty open to everything with the exception of macro,micro, bathroom stuff, and gore. But now onto the idea.

The idea is pretty freeform. Looking for two players to play crew members aboard a ship in a custom sci fi setting. I dont mind and in fact would be ecstatic to poach ideas and certain things from fandoms. Want some Quarians? Done. Want some Twi'leks? Done. Vulcans? Live long and prosper.

Our characters would be mercenaries/smugglers/general fixers onboard a ship traveling through the galaxy on jobs. I would like for each of us to take turns DMing jobs/problems for the crew. Hired to bring a bratty rich daughter back to her father but she's the type to get her way with loads of cash to do it. Investigating a derelict ship that unfortunately is filled with a spore that causes an intense aphrodisiac effect one one or more of the crew's species. Open to plenty of ideas, and this rp would require alot of OOC talking to coordinate and tweak things for everyone's enjoyment.

Down for FxF,MxF, FxFxF, MxFxF and so on and so forth.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
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