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Fx Any The World of Magic and Myth


Jan 26, 2014
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Welcome to the World of MAGIC and MYTH

Have you ever wondered why there are tales of Mermaids, Vampires, Unicorns and other Mythical creatures? That is because they are real. There are two types of humans out there one without magic and those with Magic that we call Magi.

As a Magi you will attend schools from age 8 to age 18 and then you have a choice after of what you wish to do. In America you have your choice of schools to attend at ages 8 to 14/15. They are known as the starter schools where you learn you basic's and you receive you wands or conduits that help harness the powers within.
Once the young turn 15 to 16 they are sent to one of three prestigious schools within America.

Cravensin School for the Magi
DaveyOn of the Magi School
Elvainmoore School for those with magic

These schools are each hidden within the United States by Magic. Every five years the schools will meet at one of the three school and have a tournament at one of the schools. These tournaments are used to show off the graduating class's knowledge and power as well as help redefine the magic hiding the school from those without magic for fifteen years when the school will hold the tournament once again.

Each school is a little different from the others such as Elvainmoore is not just a school for humans with magic but any mythical creature with some sort of powers. There are wood nymphs, mar-people, werewolves, humans, and other humanoid creatures that attend this school which happens to be the largest school in the United States.

DaveyOn is a school for strictly Humans with magic or those without magic but are raised in a family who have magic and are thinking of turning into a familiar. A familiar… That we can get into if you should choose that path. It is the second largest and has at least 1 teacher for every 15 children. It is known for producing great Familiars for the future great Magi.

Then there is Cravensin which is the smallest and hardest school to get into. They are what they call a pureblood school and only Magi are allowed within the gated halls of the school. They usually spit out the most powerful of the Magi and well-known Magi. They may be small, but they are powerful and the last fifteen tournaments they have won.

Which school would you like to attend?​
Stands there pondering about which mythical creatures to introduce to the first years. And which ones won't eat Professor Mugworms talking flora.
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