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NBx Any Feminization (full transformation)


good girl, fit for duty
May 13, 2010
Pretty new to this kink, but here's a stab in the dark!

As the title suggest, I am craving to play a man fully transformed into a woman - you know, a dude one day waking up inside a woman's body! Not just any guy mind you - a macho, somewhat misogynistic, loud and boisterous type. Perhaps by way of a higher power's practical joke - he is transformed into a girly-girl with a high-pitched voice and a stripper's body! He (or 'she' now) will have to learn what life's like the other side of the fence!

Settings could include -
Medieval/fantasy/role-playing game world

Looking for someone to play MC's (less obnoxious) best friend and the only person clued in on MC's secret; or the GM of the whole thing as MC goes through one 'educational' scenario after the next!

For my writing style, post length, frequency, and all that, please refer to my main RT! Let's see if this gets any interest!
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