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NBx Any Tripps Spellbook (enby edition) || seeking queer stories


a frog, for real
Jul 7, 2021
Hello there and welcome to my thread! Cantripping here, just your average nerd with a love for roleplaying and creating stories looking for someone to indulge in those hobbies with . My username likely gives this away, but I am a big lover of plots of the fantastical nature, the more dndesque or fairy tale like the better! That being said, I'm not opposed to plots of other genres, my other favourites are slice of life and anything historical, but I'm really not picky and open to give any setting a go. What I am pickier about though would have to be pairings, I pretty much exclusively do queer pairings and have a heavy preference for playing as and against men/masculine-presenting nonbinary characters. I do enjoy fxf, fxnb and fxm, but I have to be in the right mood and they're usually reserved for secondary couples in rps with people I consider friends. So if a big gay adventure sounds fun to you then the two of us just might work out well as partners and I encourage you to keep reading this thread!

About yours truly
~ they/them
~ MST timezone night owl
~ intermediate to advanced writer. My posts fluctuate in length a lot depending on what's happening
~ nearly 12 years of rp experience under my belt
~ friendly as fuck

What I'm looking for in a partner
~ a literate partner, but a chill one
~ someone who loves ooc chatter and plotting

~ preferably someone willing to play switches, this is not a dealbreaker, though

~ I love a good mix of fluff and angst
~ I have very few triggers and love dark themes (within reason)
~ if I like our story enough I will draw our characters being cute
~ lover of diverse characters
~ need romance in my stories or I will die
~ prefer story over smut, but I'm still a degenerate and am totally okay with having the plot full of tons of sex scenes
~ if we had an rp in the past that ended abruptly for whatever reason, no worries, if it was my fault it was nothing personal and if it was you I won't hold it against you so feel free to hit me up again

~ don't be a creepy weirdo
~ be nice
~ rping over pm is basically the only place I rp, but I may be willing to do discord
~ if our rp involves any trans or nonbinary characters there will be no use of any fetishy or offensive language. Not to be that guy, but I myself am a living, breathing nonbinary person and I have no patience for it.
~ if you want to rp try to send me a little more than just a 'hey' or a 'wanna rp'
~ try to refrain from oneliners and constant short posts

Some basic pairings and ideas
~ enemies to lovers
~ arranged marriages
~ historical settings
~ steampunk
~ scifi
~ poly relationships
~ sex worker x client
~ royal x royal/knight/commoner
~ supernatural x human/supernatural
~ obscenely rich brats being
~ himbos
~ magic users
~ mentor x apprentice
~ teacher x student
~ pirates
~ ELVES!!!
~ vampires, werewolves and other supernaturals
~ demons
~ soul mate aus
~ gods (greek, norse, fictional, whatever)
~ and many many more!!

Kinky stuff
I'm primarily story driven with my rps, so I don't really plan my plots around kinks. However I have an F-list for you to check out if you're interested. My no's are non-negotiable, my yeses and faves don't have to all be included, if something you're into isn't there, ask.
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