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The things one does for survivial~me and Angelforonlyyou03


Jan 11, 2009
What's going on? Where is everyone? Why is there blood but no bodies? Questions like these just flooded young Alicia Clarks mind as she walked the now lonely streets of what use to be the city of Paradise. How ironic that a city named paradise was, to plenty of people, the very definition of hell. Alicia was alone on the streets. The only light coming from the various fires burning all over the place. Some were from exploded cars, and others had been intentionally set. Alicia had been wondering around for hours. She wasn't entirely sure what was going on in the city. One second, she was calmly walking through the park, the next, she was being hurried to a helicopter nearby with a bunch of other people. But, before she got on, screams erupted at the edge of the area. She couldn't believe what she saw. A group of freakish looking people just tearing into one the army men like animals into a piece of meat. When she saw that, she freaked out and just ran, which she later cursed herself for. Still, she wouldn't go back.

That was how she was in her current predicament. Wandering the lonely streets of a big city where........something had happened. Whatever it was, it was no doubt beyond bad. It was a living nightmare. Alicia was quite a beautiful young woman, but that beauty was partially covered by dirt and soot on her face. She held her arms around her waist, trying to provide herself with some warmth that her turtleneck sweater no longer provided. Her pants weren't warm either. They were your typical skin tight jeans that were all the rage nowadays. Any other time, she would look quite lovely. Nice tan skin, long brown hair, and beautiful green eyes. Her body was nice as well. She had long, slender legs and a tight, flat stomach from working out regularly. Her chest, while not exceptionally large, was still well enough endowed. Though, all superficial matters were gone from her head as she aimlessly wandered around. She was tempted to call out to someone, but in a city this size and no signs of life, she knew it would be pointless. So, she went on, hoping to find........something to help her get out of this. All the phone lines were dead and even cell phones wouldn't get reception here any longer.
Everything had happened so quickly. No one was quite sure how or why it happened. Most were cuahgt in the dismal acts of their daily lives. Marching around like ants unknowing of the havoc that life had in store for them. Then it happened. The streets flood with fear and confusion. Screams painted the dominating structures as flesh grew with sweat and charged with energy. Faces smeared in the clouds of fear that seeped into ever pore. Some tried to run. Others tried to barracade in businesses and apartment. It all just happened so quickly. Screams soon fell silent as the hours passed and the night wore on. Those who could still hear would soon find the screams returning, but something was different about them.

As time passed, everything grew silent once more. There were a few screams here and there, but few and far between. It seemed that those who survived, whatever it was, were in hiding..... or dead.

The air was rather stale as the unseen eyes traced the girl walking the streets. The calm fell over much as it had before, but maybe it was just too calm. In sudden burst, a ringing groan came out from within the streets. Movement skipped a beat all around the girl. Bodies rustling around as the mutated flesh of the undead began to fill the stale air. Horribly twisted bodies lumbered towards the girl. Slow at first, but quickly picking up speed.
Alicia head the groan and froze in her tracks.

"Its was just the wind.........right?" she asked noone in particular, chuckling afterwards and trying to laugh it off. Her unease only increase when the stench of dead bodies suddenly filled the air. It hadn't been there a moment again, and there were no bodies how could it possible smell like death in a random, deserted street like this. Followed after, was a state of sheer panic when she heard the shuffling sound of feet on the ground. She looked around, it being too dark and her being too overcome with fear to spot anything that might make the sound around her. Fearing for her life once more, she didn't wait to find out what it was and just took off running straight ahead, not really caring where she was going or where she'd end up as long as she was safe.
The hunt was on when the fear hit the air. The sound of groans once again rang out and the shuffling picked up from all around. It seemed the streets had come to life with no one in sight, but the girl. As her pace quickened, the sound grew closer and closer. The unseen eyes were following the girl as she headed down the street towards the dead end. Would she choose to shelter herself inside, or brave the dark of the streets that were so alive?
The increasing groans and the sound of the shuffling grew closer with each second. She was beyond afraid now. If she was thinking straight, she would have probably ducked into a nearby building for shelter, but she was just too scared, so she kept running, never wanting to stop. But, before long........she had too. She ran smack into a dead end. Her eyes were wide in shock and for a few crucial moments, she couldn't move. Eventually, she spun around and was about to run back the way she came.......but he was too late. She saw the dark shadowy figures nearing her position, cutting off her escape. Whatever they were, they were no doubt the sources of the strange sounds that had sent her into a panic. She instinctively stepped back, only stopping when she went up against the wall. She lightly scratched at the brick behind her, but that was in fear and nervousness, not some vain attempt at escape.
As the girl slowed, so did the groans and grunts from around her. All be it that the sounds were taken over by the rustling of bodies and the sudden hault in all activity. With the small pool of light still cast by the moon, first sight was given to the creatures. As they stepped into the light, the young girl could see her attackers..... These horried things were nothing more than the remains of those before her. Covered in tattered clothes and drenched in the blood that once gave them life. Their faces and bodies now disfigured from death and contortured in pain. Snapping and clawing at the girl, they began to close in on her. The sight and smell was enough to make even the most timid afraid.

Suddenly, hands began to shoot out and grab the girl, pulling her this way and that. Deformed faces snapping at her and groaning. The crowd seemed to close in on their prey, pushing eachother around. In the shuffle, on the the horrid creatures brushed its contorted cock agianst the girls arm, causing it to give a slight moan and stop. This only lasted a moment before it began to claw and bit at the girl. Would nothing stop them?
When Alicia saw her soon to be attackers, she gasped and covered her mouth. Zombies!? Real life fucking zombies!? That was all she could think as she saw the rotting flesh all over their bodies. She was too shocked to even try and get away when they first grabbed her, but her survival instincts kicked in and she began to struggle. She grimaced when she felt ones rotting manhood rub up against her arm, but was more shocked by the things reaction. He actually seemed to...........enjoy it? A vile and digusting thought suddenly entered her head. She tried to shake it out, but it lingered in her mind. She saw no other way out of this. So, clenching her teeth she actually reached out and grabbed hold of the............things cock. She had no time to wait for a reaction, as her other hand had already grabbed another.

((I'm fixing supper at the moment, so until I'm done eating, I won't be posting. Shouldn't be too long. Only a couple of hot pockets.^_^))
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