Mx Female What I'm in the mood for currently.


Yahahaha, you found me.
Jan 28, 2022
He-ho, ho-hey, what's GuySir in the mood for today?

It's recommended to read my introduction , just because it'll give a bit more of a feeling of the type of person I am.

Decided to go ahead and rework this a bit.

Hello! If you read my introduction, really thank you! That's already enough to the point where I'd be glad to talk to you, so don't hesitate to message me. But I'll give some more information on my RPing knowledge and experience.

I'm new to Blue Moon, but I've got around 5 years of experience in RPing, and about 7 in terms of just general writing. Just enjoy it for the people to meet and the ideas to share. It's a good enough time that I think it's worth the occasional hassle.
If there's something you'd like to ask me, go ahead and ask! I'm not particularly shy about anything, within reason. I won't be giving out bank info on here ;P

Now, for plots, I don't keep a detailed list on hand of ideas, but I'm open to discussion! While keeping knowledge of various fandoms, in case you're interested. This DOES mean I am willing and eager to play canon characters, or original plots.

When it comes to writing abilities, I can match you well. I'm confident in my English knowledge, as well as my reading comprehension.

Oh, and I love playing multiple characters a lot of the time, I think it's hot!

I'll post a few ideas every once in a while so stay tuned if there's anything you might be eager to do.

Idea 1:
Fandom stuff. I know tons of fandoms, and have off hand knowledge of even more. Ask me literally anything and I'll probably give you my knowledge of it.

Idea 2:
Smut filled fuckfest! Can't stress this one enough. If you wanna get to the point right away with no story, feel free to ask for it.

Idea 3:
Project Moon. If you know about this stuff, I can play anything about it. And I'm always in the mood too.
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Will bump, but let it be known I won't accept everyone, a lot of people like reverse harems xD
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