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Fx M or F I Woke Up As A Girl?!


Mar 3, 2021
Hey Everyone! My name is Zeno or Candy, if you prefer! It's nice to meet you!!
Today I'm doing a concept that I've always wanted to try, but have never actually been able to carry out to the fullest extent. Hopefully here I can actually have some fun with it!

First of all, I want to say that this prompt can go many ways, depending on YOU! It can be all NSFW, all wholesome, something in between, etc! I'm fine with anything in that regard, really.

Now, for the general premise!

I want to play as a character that starts off Male, but somehow, (whether it be some kind of magic potion he accidentally drank, a science experiment gone wrong, simply just out of the blue, or possibly your character has something to do with it?) he ends up transforming into a beautiful woman! Now she has to find a way to turn back into a guy, while adjusting to her new body-- until, of course, she realizes that she actually prefers being a girl.
Maybe your character helps her get acquainted with being a woman, or maybe your character notices the pretty new girl that's around and decides to say hello. Maybe something else, the possibilities are limitless!!

If this interests you at all, please please PLEASE let me know! I'd love to get something sorted out between us and have some fun~!
Thank you so much for your time, have a great day!!
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