Mx Any Monstrous


Sep 2, 2018
Hello and welcome! This request thread is for anyone playing any gender who would like their characters to get destroyed by massive monster dicks. This is a primarily smut-focused search but I'm not opposed to at least discussing grander plots if that's what my partner is after. Also, as a heads up, I'm a verbose motherfucker and this thread is long. Sorry and also you're welcome, if you're into that?

I'm going to be up front here about the fact that I'm selective of who I play with. I look for partners that I have good chemistry with, creatively and also in a platonic way. Let's be writing buds! I think I'm considered advanced lit? I'll give you multi-para to novella lengths usually at least once a day but post lengths vary dependent upon the needs of the scene. My RP style is based in collaboration, so let's keep everything fluid and conversational. In sending me a message, please tell me what you're interested in! Who caught your attention and what do you (and your character) want to do with them? Bring me an idea and I'll almost certainly be happy to flesh it out with you!

Since this is a smut thread, I'll go ahead and put my f-list up top. Each of the characters I'm going to list below have specific kinks that align with their individual attributes but the common themes are going to be stomach bulges, size difference, excessive cum, cum inflation, breeding (the kink, but not necessarily the pregnancy aspect), and bruising/marks of ownership. Also, drugs and aphrodisiacs. I didn't think it applied to all of them but in editing, I realized it does. Oops. None of these are fully necessary, but I would be so excited to be able to include them in a story.

I'm generally happy to indulge a partner's kinks as long as they aren't one of my hard limits. Along those lines, I'd be thrilled to explore kinks on my f-list that you're maybe curious about and just want to test the waters with. If we give it a shot and you end up uncomfortable, we can pivot away without hurt feelings. It's all fun and fantasy until one of us stops enjoying it, you know?

I know this is a thread about monsters, but please go into story negotiations with the understanding that these stories will not be non-con. Resistance and unwillingness to participate immediately turn me off, and therefore my characters. Dub-con is highly conditional. Insanely rough sex is totally on the table (better be a sturdy table, nyuk nyuk) but there will be enthusiastic consent and aftercare, god damn it.

Okay, so the fun stuff! The long and short of it is that I'm looking to play typically enormous creatures with similarly enormous dicks. I've got a variety to choose from but I'm also down for creating some new beast from the primordial ooze of my imagination. I've been kind of curious about playing eldritch horrors and getting into my more twisted side so I guess look me up if you want to play a cultist ravaged by Cthulhu or something.

Here's my list of potentials. All images are SFW. Also, please pay attention to the pronouns used for each character. They do not all identify as male. They do all have appendages designed to fill partners up with sex goo.

Malachi Burke is a crime lord with a rap sheet the size of Texas. Over the years, he's gotten good at hiding his tracks and the city can't seem to pin him down for any of the assaults and murders he's either perpetrated himself or delegated to an underling. His exterior is typically somewhere between sinister and smug and it's also expensive; his 8 feet of broad, solid muscle is almost always wrapped in a designer suit tailored to fit him perfectly and embellished with gold accessories to show off his wealth. But also, he wasn't always rich and powerful. For a long time he was just a freak who could fight - and win, 9.5 times out of ten. If you want to play someone against Malachi in his younger, scrappier days, I'd be so down.

**I've recently reimagined Malachi as a god of the forest and I'm enjoying that version of him quite a lot. He lives alone in the wilderness and can fit into any time period; if it's ye olden days, he'll be worshipped by a relatively small following of locals in exchange for his blessing and protections and if it's modern times, those days of worship will be long since passed. If you like the idea of him but not the crime boss element, this is a fun, new take that I've been appreciating thoroughly.

Kink focuses for him are public sex, drugs/inebriation, ownership, size difference, breeding, and animal anatomy (he has a giant horse cock).

Rorke is the name of a creature in my repertoire who is just that - a creature. I've gone with they/them pronouns for Rorke because it doesn't make sense to me that they would ascribe to any sort of gender. They do not have the capability for human speech, and so their name is more a series of gurgles and clicks that sound like Rorke. They are a deep sea cecaelia - an octopus mermaid. Frankly, their anatomy is pretty horrific. Don't get me started on how their bones work. Their lower half is a mass of eight tentacles of roughly equal thickness and length (except for one special Sex Tentacle that only comes out when it's sex goo time) while their top half is a gangly, too-thin human torso, complete with arms and head. Their head is slightly elongated and they have no mouth, just a pair of enormous black eyes. Picture Ursula and the quintessential big-eyed green alien character mixed together - complete with probing and the laying of eggs! Also, from the top of their head to the tips of their tentacles, they're probably 20 feet long.

A lot of their physical abilities and features are based in how actual octopi work and boy-howdy, are they some freaky little weirdos.

Kink focuses for them are underwater sex, I guess? Tentacles, and oviposition. Sometimes aphrodisiacs. Potentially all-the-way-through as well. My go-to setting for them is where they're kept captive in a laboratory, but I've got a couple other plot bunnies for them if you're interested.

Drimur (Dru for short) is a half-orc who identifies as non-binary. They are a forest druid with a knack for herbology and healing. Since their identity and their general attitude differ so strongly from traditional orcs, they live alone and often travel. They're also a nudist. My go-to smut setup for them involves someone stumbling into one of their campsites to find a gorgeous, 7.5ft-tall half-orc, fully nude, just sorta hangin out - and with their massive dick also just sorta hangin out. It delights me. Kink focuses for them include size difference, aphrodisiacs and drugs, and public sex.

Uthorim is a deity, of sorts. He lives in a realm separate to our own but can travel between worlds with little difficulty. He's a kind of shapeshifter. In his own realm, he appears as pictured except that his skin is a dark blue and his freckles are tiny flecks of light; in other realms, he adopts a shape that matches with the prevailing civilized race - so, in our world, he looks human. It's a different appearance every time he shows up, though; he has no control over it, so it's pretty random. The way he most commonly interacts with people is in dreams, since he can appear as himself and in dreams he retains his godlike powers, which don't work as well in realms other than his own. He's also huge. I'm talking 10ft tall here. He can adjust his size, but that's his starting point. Kink focuses for him are size difference (obviously), drugs and aphrodisiacs, and somnophilia.

About the faceclaims: I don't really use them anymore, generally? But Most of these friends are from the vault, so their images have been knocking around for a while. You aren't at all obligated to provide references for your characters.

I think that's it for now sooo. I hope some folks are interested.
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