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New World (Dionysus x Constellations)


Apr 9, 2021
It couldn’t have been more than a could of years before the world as everyone knew it changed. A disease had plagued the globe, killing of millions in a mere matter of weeks. Haru could still remember the panicking, the fear that lingered everywhere you went. It wasn’t until the finally figured out the ‘cure’, did the world begin to adapt to overcome it and to prevent any more deaths in the future. Those of a larger weight seemed immune, uneffected, not even slightly ill by the virus. There was however a small minority who were naturally immune, though for the rest of the population it seemed weight gain was there only way if survival. And just like that, the world seemed to change over night. Everything had become tailored to meet this new expectations to gain weight, fast food restaurants’ prices dropped significantly and began popping up everywhere, gyms began fewer and fewer, schools, work places everywhere had become tailored to those of a bigger weight, people were given promotions and higher pay based on their weight, not their overall performance.

That was how Haru had climbed his way up to the top of FF Entertainment. He’d started off small, quite literally, he had been a scrawny thing, a very high risk for the disease; in fact, it was considered a miracle by many he’d even survived. He’d gotten himself a job as one of their lower ranks, working in a restaurant and serving those who worked and lived here food. After all, their company specialised in promoting the new idea of fat as the new beauty standard, something people should strive towards. So, it had become the perfect spot for…well, fatties. Spas, restaurants, spacious rooms, etc. He’d been scouted however, rather luckily, and before Haru knew it, he was an executive. Fame, money, and food had been handed right to him. Haru’s job was promotion just like everyone else here, though he made videos to his adoring fans, as instructed by his superiors, and had fast accumulated millions of subscribers. In just over a year, people had been scrambling to book him for modelling gigs, public appearances, you name it.

Though, it had come at the price of his slim frame. Haru hardly resembled what he looked like before, just under 150 pounds when he first started, his weight had grown to ridiculous amounts. He was massive, to put it simply, a product of FF entertainment’s indoctrination and a symbol of what people should strive to become. His whole body was covered in soft, plump fat, the biggest part of his massive frame was his belly, which hung low and practically slapped against his thick legs as he made pathetic attempts to waddle around. His arms, legs, even his face was covered with plush, his cheeks puffed outwards and his pudgy face sat atop a thick double chin. Not only his physical state had changed, but his mental too, dumbed down to a bratty, greedy product of his company, addicted to the fats and calories in food, the feeling of becoming full.

Each feedee who worked at FF entertainment had a person feeding coach, after all they weren’t allowed any romantic relationships, his coach was all he had. But recently, Haru had become tired of it, grown sick of not getting any real affection. He wanted love, not the lies his coach told him just to get him to make profit. But of course, the company wouldn’t allow it. Haru was their best ‘product’ as they said, they couldn’t give him out for free. And so, he’d started acting out. Refusing to shoot videos, not eating as much as he used to, not showing up to modelling gigs. You name it, he was being a brat. Unfortunately, today his coach wasn’t having it, and Haru had been dragged from his accommodation down to the middle floor to eat, not that he was happy about it. The pair hadnt been sat for long before the fighting had started, the two going back and forth at each other, screaming and snapping. Haru wasn’t eating, and his coach really looked ready to break. The bratty male folded his arms, huffing as the other tried to push a plate of food towards him. Haru only continued to whine and yell
Teddy was working the night shift, the other co-workers had already gone home putting the last dishes of the night being a eating restaurant designed to get people fatter well, there was always plenty of dishes to go around and multiple dish washers so the production line was made easier. It was a 24/7 restaurant that had a unique attraction. Industrial size scales comfortable chairs so the clients didn't have to worry about breaking furniture. Although saying that most clients consider that as a challenge. But there was a fatty that was sitting in the middle of the floor by the looks of it his coach and him were having an argument of sorts.

When the coach stormed off, he could see that they're were no way of getting through to him. He then went over brought a sundae over as a pick me up-cheery when he realised who was sitting in the gold seats where the higher rankers sat amongst each other, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Haru? is that you?" His voice asked as he stared down at the very rotund, obese male. He put the Sundae on the side of the table and crouched down eye level. "Your attitude never changes doesn't it? I remember you were being this bratty at when you were the boss when someone caught you eating the left overs." He teased slightly out of affection. "God, I'd never imagined you could get to this size, I'm so surprised. Here I got this for you." He pointed to the Sundae. "Nothing fancy but you look like you could use a pick me up."

"Wanna tell me what's gone wrong with the coach? he looks mean." Teddy sat down and was prepared to listen he knew the gainers will have a hard time. "Did you want me to help you to the seat?" He awed at the belly that he sported.

He held out his hand to offer to help the other to stand. "You might be bratty but I know when you're not happy." He leaned down and gave the other a supportive embrace a proper comforting hug.
Haru was shocked when his coach got up and left, had their argument gotten that out of hand? He hadn’t thought so, yet there was his coach getting up and leaving him alone in the restaurant, and now he was without a coach- yet again. That was the fifth one in the last three months who’d quit on him, the only reason he hadn’t been fired was because of just how much money and publicity he raked in, after all, people recognised him in public, always bought whatever he was selling, it was hard not to notice him at the size he was now and the way he moved around so breathlessly. Still, that hadn’t meant Haru hadn’t clashed with all his coaches recently. To be honest, he just wanted someone to love, someone to care and cherish him. But…he would never be allowed it.

He’d been deep in his own thoughts when suddenly someone approached him, with a sundae. Haru looked up to thank whoever it was, only to find…Teddy. The two had worked together back when Haru was a waiter at the restaurant, before he’d been hand selected by the company to start in their offices. “Teddy? You’re back?” Haru chuckled, after all, Teddy had left just after Haru had went to the office job. “Oh, yeah, you can blame my size on my bosses…I suppose I have gotten a little fat.” A little fat wasnt even a good way to describe half of what Haru had become. He was absolutely massive, a miracle he could still walk around. His gut pushed his legs apart and nearly hung over the edge of the seat, thst soft belly of his also pushed against the table, even though his chair was pulled back rather far. Even. his hips and thick legs were already pushing against the sides of the chair, his arms and face had ballooned up too, heavy with soft fat, no doubt another chin would be coming up on Haru’s face again.

“Thanks for the sundae, I appreciate it.” Haru said, before digging in to the sweet treat, licking his lips as he shoved a spoonful of chocolate covered ice cream past his lips. The food here always tasted delicious, as if you couldn’t taste the amount of fat and calories that had been forced into it to make it even more weight gain inducing. “I hate the fuckin’ coach, he’s a pain in my ass. He keeps booking all these events even though I told him not to. I mean,” He paused, taking another spoonful, “Today, he dragged me out of my room to come here. I don’t wanna sit and have to eat with him…it just doesn’t feel the same anymore.”
He looked at Haru and knew that coaches could be on to the extreme side of things but he knew that the other's coach was properly one the best on the market. But Haru was extremely difficult, sometimes it's best to not confront Haru and let him come to the conclusion on his own. Forcing on the matter would only make things worse. Long as Haru was in control or at least thought he was in control then half the battle was won. Shouting at him he just immediately shut down and start being bratty.

"Sounds rough, I can tell your not happy. Although saying that he shouldn't have forced you if you stated your boundaries. I'm sorry your not happy." He listened to Haru's complaints, enjoying the view as it turned out. "I have to admit I have been thinking about upgrading to a coach, working on a one to one but I don't know if I'd be cut out for it. It felt wrong making you guys fat but if it helps the immunity then that's the only way I can justify it. But I have to say I'm liking the extra pounds on you are you like the fattest one here now?" Who would've funk it. Haru was such a shinny twig. "I remember you used to sneak in the eating the left overs, I used to rub your belly when you got silly full."

"I have to say, I left because I started getting feelings for you I didn't want to be inappropriate I know you enjoyed the attention but you weren't a feedee then." Teddy admitted as he had his coffee. "I thought If I worked here it was more opportunity to see you. Do you enjoy being this size? "
Haru, who was already halfway through his ridiculously sized sundae, continued to rant at the other about his issues. How annoying his bosses were, how stupid the coaches acted, how frustrating all the modelling and pageants had now become. Anything and everything, he talked about, all the while enjoying his sundae. After all, it was just delicious. Whilst he hadn’t wanted to eat and come down here, Haru couldn’t turn down the food. The company had kept all of their fattened up employees addicted to their food, never seemingly full of it and always wanting more, no matter how their bellies looked ready to burst, or chairs creaked under them, or how they struggled to waddle to the elevator to get back to their apartments.

Listening to Teddy, Haru quickly paused eating and gasped, before nodding his head rather enthusiastically. “Yeah! You should totally become a coach. I mean, working down here must be stressful with all the food you guys have to prepare. Plus, coaches get paid a crazy amount now. Oh, and don’t feel bad about it,” He let out a chuckle, his fat gut jiggling as he did so “It’s good for us, we’d be goners if we weren’t this big. Besides, we all love it. It’s so relaxing, we just get paid to eat, sleep, and eat some more.” Haru gave a grin, before his pudgy hand reached down and rather proudly rubbed his massive belly, nodding “Mhm, fattest one here now. I’m FF Entertainment’s top seller. Everyone knows me and everyone wants me.” He only continued to brag, wobbling his gut and letting it jiggle, hanging low. He smirked again, then returning back to his ice cream.

Though he was caught off guard by the sudden confession, a blush spreading to Haru’s cheeks.”What? You…liked me. As in, like, like?” He couldn’t believe it. Truth be told, Haru had also developed a little crush on Teddy as the pair worked together. He could remember how he’d blush and be left panting after enjoying too many left overs, how embarrassed he’d been when he was caught so many times in the kitchens after hours. He’d been so thin then, a skinny little thing, quite different to the fatty that sat in front of Jasper today, wolfing down a large sundae. “Mhm,” He mumbled “I fuckin’ love it. It feels so good, I get amazing food, lots of money, attention and free housing just as long as I meet my targets. Its shit though, you know they don’t let me date anyone right? And they hardly let me out and about on my own.”
"Yes, like like, but because of the strict rules I felt it wasn't allowed. But Strictly speaking I am an employee here." He grinned at the other 'bending the rules' "I'll talk it up with the higher ups, now the fact that you're got no more coach. I rather see you be happy Haru. They might place you under someone else's care someone far worse. I know your a handful but you're defiantly worth it." He smiled watching the other showing off his belly.

"Well, we're kind of here for the same reason who ever works at FF, I walked away but to be honest it was the biggest mistake of my life. I missed working with you but now you're ballooned it's even harder for me to say no to you." He enjoyed Haru's company he was strictly forward and blunt, some say brattish but he found it refreshing. Some were too submissive for his liking. He belly rubbed here and there as part of the package only a few that were able to eligible for it.

Then, Teddy slid around to the other side of the table where Haru's gut was partially on the table and half way cutting through the stomach making it uncomfortable. "I have to say the added chub is way more adorable on you I do have the extreme side of things, I have to say. Would you be willing to go all the way with me?" He asked, he gently put his hand on the firmest part of the stomach and gently rubbed it. It felt magical.

"I'll do it Haru I'll be your coach and your boyfriend. We owe it to ourselves. "He smiled as he gently kissed Haru's chubby cheek even though his mouth was full of food. "I'll hand in my notice." He smiled." I'll see what FF net work say they'd probably approve if you hit your mile stones." Gently rubbing his belly. "How do you like that? you think you can handle another sundae?" He smiled. "We have a tone of left over things that I was going to dispose of."
Haru’s blush only continued to worsen, his cheeks a rosy shade as Teddy slipped over to where he was sat, an empty sundae dish cleaned out by Haru sat beside him on the table, as well as his massive gut spilling onto it ever so slightly. That only excited him, that he was already outgrowing the furniture on this section of the restaurant. At the rate Haru was going he would be outgrowing this chair within a couple of weeks. He let Teddy run his slim hands over his plush fat, whimpering as he rubbed and patted his uncomfortable stomach. It had been a relief, in all honesty. Haru was struggling to reach the bottom of his stomach, where it hurt the most, and his fat covered fingers couldn’t do the job as someone as skinny as Teddy could do it.

“I-I’ll do it, I’ll hit all my milestones..” Haru stammered out, slightly taken aback by the other’s bluntness, but he still welcomed it either way. “I want you to be my coach. I’m sick of all of them, and I just want someone who…who cares for me. Those coaches only care about getting more money in their pockets.” Haru looked at the empty sundae dish, before back to the other and nodded “Mhm, I can handle plenty. I want more.” Haru was quick to demand, seemingly back to being bratty when it came to his food. Heart Attack restaurant was hardly known for its small portions, yet Haru demanded as many as the other could carry. He was eating until he couldn’t even waddle back to his accommodation
Teddy risen his eyebrow, " You sure you know this isn't a normal restaurant heck that Sundae is a family Sundae's worth." He was proud of Haru's attempt. He then went to the back taking the now old Sundae to the back to be washed and brought out 5 plates of various unfinished meals, it was a horrible thing that wasn't to go to waste it was family sized portions. "I'm so chuffed I get to be your coach I always wanted to be one but was too nervous about it." He didn't want just anyone and now he's got one of the largest of it's kind at FF.

He then placed the plates in front of Haru one contained three sized double decker burgers, one was various meals that Haru enjoyed eating. Plenty of chips. "Is your belly alright Haru?" He asked. "I can help you back to your dorms after wards if you'd like?" He asked showing that he cared more than what the coaches. "I don't do it for the money I think the extra fat suits you. I always loved big men. Bigger the better."

He sat on the edge of the table so Haru had plenty of space. "How do you normally like to be fed?" He asked everyone had there own personal preference. Some liked it forced, some like it nicely given some liked to eat for themselves. "I want you to be breathing hard after this okay Haru?" He smiled rubbing the edge of the comfy belly. "I want you to be a throne for me." He smiled. "I can't believe I get to date you!"

"I will put in the application form to be your coach. You sure your okay with this?" He gave the first plate on Haru's big belly for Haru to start munching a chocolate milk shake to wash it down with. Which was an family size carton full of Rich calories. He patted the other's belly. "Do you think you want me to feed you? " He asked nicely as he rubbed affectionately around Haru's adorable face. He then started to place the chips into Haru's mouth, it was more than 3 at at a time. "Tilt your head big guy and I will feed you and love you at the same time. How's about that? would you like me to sit on you and feed you? if you breathe in a little man I will get on it." Teddy found himself climbing on to the big belly with bit of a struggle.

He didn't stop with the chips until the entire plate was consumed. When the fries were done, he got the double decker burger and handled it with care so Haru could munch into it. "Open wide for me Haru. How's your stomach feeling?"
"Yeah, I didn't ask how much each size was, I told you to bring as much as you could carry." Haru quickly reminded with a snap, his belly growling loudly, as if to agree that he was still hungry and saw no food left in front of him. He watched with a grin as Teddy finally stood, walking off to try to appease his ferocious appetite. He waited, belly only getting louder as time passed before finally five plates of food were placed in front of him. Three ridiculously high burgers, dripping with grease and fat, a plate of fries enough to feed at least four people, and a pizza, covered in fattening toppings like bacon, cheese, chicken, meatballs etc, all fried in absurd amounts of oil and lard. After all, the chef's had to maximise taste and calories, so if that meant covering it with unhealthy oils and fats, so be it, as long as people gained weight.

Haru wasted no time digging in, grabbing two slices of pizza at once, rolling it up just to fit more in his mouth at a time, every now and again to chug the litres of chocolate milk provided by Teddy. He let his belly be pat and rubbed at, the gentle touch only getting him more and more riled up to just eat more. He couldn't stop, he was addicted. Though, the same could be said for the others, who like Haru sat with their coaches or colleagues eating themselves into food coma's.

He raised no objection when Teddy climbed atop his belly, trying to suck in to make room but it was pointless, he could hardly make a difference no matter how hard he held his breath. There was a noticeable change in Haru's breathing after the other sat on it, becoming more of a pant as his face was stuffed with fries, well until the plate was cleared and next came the three double decker burgers. He fed himself this time, soft,plump hands wrapping themselves around the top of the burger, opening wide as to attempt to fit it all in, a little grease and sauce dribbling down his thick chins as he munched and drank
Teddy couldn't get over the sensation of feeling like a water bed sitting under him. It felt better and more intimate the way they sat, he knew no one would be here. So he felt safe to do so. Haru's gut was very wide, it was hard not to feel the discomfort in the girth. "You're doing so well love. " Teddy pushed more fries into him making the belly gurgle. Teddy squeezed a little with his legs hoping to encourage Haru to eat a little more.

"Would you want to be the fattest boyfriend there is?" He grinned as he loved the intimacy. The breathing was noticeable shallow. He felt it gurgle, making noises as Haru was gulpng down the food. "How much of this do you think you can eat?" He wondered briefly Haru was eating like a champ. Munching through the fries like it was nothing the last few fries, he helped scooped down the plate so it was a cluster of them, none escaped Haru's mouth. "I think it's the most intimacy we done."

Teddy stroked Haru's cheek affectionately continuing to add more food to the other's mouth. The breathing got noticeable harder and more shallower, Teddy felt the girth get tighter like a drum around his legs.

Then, with out further a dew, he then proceeded to the next plate with the next burger and a next set of fries. "You said bring everything." Teddy reminded with a smirk. "I bet you can't handle any of this." He leaned behind his leg and patted his tight belly. He did a little push down making the belly giggle. It gurgled loudly.

"I want you so much bigger, imagine what we could do together." Teddy whispered lovingly. He wasn't manipulating him he generally meant it. He shoved an entire burger when a mouthful of food was still being chewed with a continuous loop. The belly coughed with indigestion issues because it was getting full.
Haru only continued to eat, though he found himself growing full after the fries and ridiculously large burger. Plus, he now had to deal with the other sat atop him, only making it that much more of a challenge for him to both breathe and eventually get up, something which he already struggled with, what with the way he heaved his body around or barely fit through doors now. He finished the fries with a belch, groaning as he licked his lips just to savour that last fatty grease, anything that had calories in Haru wanted, all thanks to the company’s constant pushing of eating until you were practically rolling back to your apartment, that or you could barely breath. That seemed to be a common occurrence, not just in this restaurant. Fatties sat with bellies full, yet just struggling to breath or having to get the help of a few coaches just to get them up and walking, Haru had been caught in that situation almost daily, hence why he’d gotten to the size he was today.

Though full, he couldn’t turn down the idea of more food, no matter how he was already struggling. “Mhm…’mhm,” He paused, shoving food in his mouth “Wanna get bigger, fuck, gonna get,” Another pause as he took another bite “Gonna be…so big.” He huffed, his breathing noticeably getting shallower, wheezing out as he whimpered to be fed more “Wanna get fattened up by you, want you as my coach too!” He continued to whine as he ate and ate at the burger, finishing a few minutes later with a groan. With two of the three burgers eaten, Haru reached for the third, this and a pizza the only thing left for the plump Haru to devour, but it looked as though he was finding it difficult to muster enough room for more
As Haru greedily ate whatever he out in front of him, he smiled wider. He even leant down and patted Harus under belly that supported him. He felt the rises the belch rumbles his belly like a water bed. He could tell Haru could have a belly ache and possibly dry heave at this point but Haru was so consumed by the need for more to notice

He then grabbed the refreshing chocolate milk which had weight gaining shake to wash the food down he tipped it between Harus lips. "I'll be your coach if you can finish this in one go. If you want to sit side ways facing against the wall so your belly has more room ill help you."

He shifted his weight so Haru could breathe easier moving his body so Harus belly had less restriction. He then sat back down on his belly " Breathe in baby" his belly was bloating bigger he tipples the entire glass down Harus throat. He kneed a little to encourage Haru to finish all of it without a breath.

"Come on you can do it for me." He strokes Harus cheek. He kissed Harus forehead affectionately. He could tell the food was threatening to come back up. "You can do it all the way darling think of all your efforts ill be so proud of you. You don't want me to bounce on your belly now do you?". He smirked a little he squatted a little firmer.
Haru whimpered as the carton of milk was slowly tilted up against his lips, but listening to him he felt a whole new feeling of urgency. He wanted so desperately for the other to coach him, he wanted to have a chance with someone who he knew had his best interest at heart, and wasn’t just looking for a chance to earn some money off of his success and fame. So, clearly eager to please, Haru gulped it down. It was getting hard to catch his breath as he did so, only going faster to get it all down in one go.

When he did manage it, he yet again finished with a belch, all that food and drink settling uncomfortably in his stomach. Haru looked ready to practically burst, each breath laboured and shallow, panting as he let his plump arms fall at his sides. He titled his head back, trying to keep his mouth shut in fear of the food coming back up, but then his breathing only got worse. Panting and huffing with a mountain of plates beside him and his belly unnaturally full, he looked like a turkey fattened up for thanksgiving, round and lazy. Though, he was eager to get back to his accommodation and nap, it was going to be a challenge moving around this much. “Y-You gonna be my coach now?” He stuttered, looking back at Teddy hopefully

“Help…” He paused, panting “Help me up..” Haru whimpered to Teddy, gulping as he watched the other stand and attempt to get him up. It took a few tries, but Haru was able to stand, though he was sweating just from the effort of just standing. “Need to go…” Another long pause as he huffed “Lie down.” With that, he did his best to set off walking to his apartment - or rather, waddle.

Haru hardly looked out of place though in this environment, watching as the other employees waddled out, huffing and puffing as they clutched their bellies with their coaches beside him. He got to the lift, though he needed a rather sturdy one to support his weight.
Teddy rubbed the other's gut proudly and leaned into Haru's ear. "I'd be glad to be your coach." He remarked as he got off Haru's belly, he was helping Haru up as they both went to the lift. He couldn't keep his hands of Haru's belly he rested his head against the pecks of his chest. Haru took most of the space in the lift, the lift was already on it's last legs with all the all the food that was in his belly he could see the other was struggling so he rubbed it gently and kissed it.

He then helped him out, Haru had to go in side ways just so his belly didn't get wedged. "I'd be your coach Haru, I have to warn you I want you to become massive, doubling your size you are now, you sure your up to that?" He asked he patted the belly. "But know this I love you even without the belly I'm not doing this for the money." He murmured softly kissed Haru on the lips.

Finally the lift got the floor that Haru lived at he used Haru's pass to get into it to assist Haru to the bed. He had helped the other down." I honestly can't believe how big you gotten. How do you feel about being immobile? do you really have a limit?"

He helped Haru down to the bed and patted. "Breath in my darling. " He murmured softly seeing how sickly full the other was. "Look what I have here". He grinned at the other as he sat on top of Haru's belly again. He found it a bit harder this time. "I want you to eat this cake for me." He murmured softly.

He passed the cake into Haru's lips.
Haru listened to Teddy before he nodded. He wanted to be bigger, wanted to eat until he couldn’t eat any more, wanted to be big he couldn’t move, til he was struggling just to gasp for air. It was an addiction, a dangerous one at that, but both his coaches and the company made sure Haru was almost oblivious to it, that he only cared about new and faster ways to grow. “I’ll double my size.” He said rather confidently, sighing as the lift dinged and they walked out onto the apartment floor.

The way the building’s layout was structured was a sort of hierarchy. With offices on the lower floors, the infamous Heart Attack restaurant, the spa, feeding tube rooms on the middle floors, and the accommodations on the top floors. Luckily for Haru, the biggest employee working at FF entertainment got to live in the penthouse on the top floor, hence why the lift was so reinforced, to be able to handle the sheer size the penthouse’ occupants would no doubt grow to. Perhaps they hadn’t expected that Haru would be getting there sooner than expected.

Haru forced himself through the narrow opening of the elevator, going forwards this time and barely getting out. He got stuck for a moment, having to tug himself out with a groan as he continued to waddle until he reached his bed. Haru flopped down with a sigh, whining as he seemingly naturally expected belly rubs. “I wanna be big…get so much bigger.” He huffed, eyes closing and opening as he was almost slipping in and out of a heavy food coma. Seeing the cake, his belly gurgled, but he knew he couldn’t take it. Huffing, he tried to refuse, whimpering “I-I need to nap..”
Teddy stroked the others neck he squeezed his legs a little around his belly. It was gurgling loudly. Wheezing. "Come on Haru." he whispered lovely to him he made it under his nose, so he got the hungry for it. He then forced it it into his mouth.

It was a big Chunk. "Come on Haru you said you'd everything." He reminded as he forced the cake all the way in so Haru had no choice but to eat it. His belly gurgled coughed clearly had enough of food. He felt the girth between his legs he squeezes a little every moment he made his belly jiggle." We'd have to try the funnel room at some point."

Teddy then got off Haru with the max room he had which was very little he put his head on Harus stomach listening. "Eat the cake babe your belly needs it." He could tell Harus bell was squirming under just the weight of his own head resting against it. He could feel him struggling with the panting. So out of breath from the walk.
Haru tried to turn his head away, but with Teddy jiggling his belly and waving the slice of cake under his nose, he couldn’t help himself. His stomach groaned again, both from now being hungry but also with the sheer amount of food rested inside of him. He chewed, slowly and reluctantly as the chunk of cake was forced inside of him. He himself groaned, laying his head back as he continued to pant, chest rising and falling rather quickly.

After what felt like hours of feeding, Teddy had fed all of the cake to Haru. He looked so unbelievably stuffed, his belly round and plump, hard to the touch and a slight red tinge around his belly button, from the all stress on his belly. He was barely staying awake, his body just wanted to sleep this belly ache off, that and to help him keep it down. “‘m full..” He mumbled, though wheezing breaths “Full for real this time, can I nap now?..”
"You can sleep by beauty." Teddy patted the big round tum "You did well today." He grinned at the other as he put a little pressure on to his stomach. "I want to make your belly into a worthy throne for me to sit on." He patted it like it was a well earned prize. "I can't believe your my boyfriend and my fatty." He was so chuffed that things turned out that way. Haru's belly was making noises, turning into the belly ache of the middle of the night of the food threatening to come back up. The belly was bloated like mad, Teddy heard the noises coming from his belly. He patted and soothed it. Now and again he would go to Haru's fridge and get the milk out which was always well stocked and a pantry to max.

He then went over to Haru's sleeping body patted it before he then tipped the large amount of milk flooded into Haru's mouth. The coaches were expected to do this whether it was consented or not. "Swallow it love, that's it think of the well earned callories." He knew that the belly wasn't even began to settle it. When the Milk was gone he put it a side and patted the well stuffed gut. "Try and lean on your side so I can use your belly as a pillow love." He patted it prodded it. He leaned against it the belly was turning to a massive belly ache with the added milk. He was struggling to breathe at this point of fullness.

"Breathe through it love."
Waking up from his nap, he was surprised to one, find Teddy gone, and two, the knocking at his door. Had Teddy left and gotten locked out? Though it took more than a few tries, he got himself up and slowly made his way to the door, frowning as the knocking got louder. “Coming!” He called as he made his way to the door, opening it with that same frown. “Wha-“ Haru began but cut himself off when he saw his friend Harley stood there, pouting a bit himself as he scolded “Hey what took you so long!” He said, waddling past his friend to get into the penthouse. “Man I always love your place..” He sighed, taking a seat on the couch.

With Haru being number one, Harley Winters was number two. The pair were similar in size, and appetite, Haru just managed to beat him into the number one spot. Normally, one would expect them to become rivals, when in fact the pair had become best friends, feeding buddies as they liked to call it. He was soft and plump just like most of the people here, though just unlike Haru it seemed most of his fat settled around his hips and thighs, then his stomach, for Haru it was the other way around. With chubby cheeks and a thick double chin, thighs that seemed to cover half the couch, compared to Haru one could tell who number two was. Haru squeezed himself onto the couch with his friend, which to be frank looked rather…comical. The way the pair had gotten so fat with just the two sat down on a rather wide couch, their fat still pressed up against one another. Still, they didn’t seemed to mind .

“I came up cos’ I wanna go get something to eat, but everyone’s busy, my coach is at some meeting too, and I know you’re never around yours so…let’s go” Harley began in a sort of ramble. Haru had always been bratty and pouty, but Harley was the polar opposite, with a bubbly and all too eager personality, it was strange how the two were so close. “Well,” Haru began, “I found a new coach, who I actually like.” To which Harley gasped in a sarcastic sense of disbelief before giggling “Really? That’s great and all but I’m hungry.” He sighed, rubbing his belly. The pair chatted for a few more moments before finally getting up, though that too took some time.

Before Haru knew it, he was following behind Harley down to Heart Attack restaurant, a grim sounding restaurant but with its portion sizes one could hardly disagree with the name. He had to follow behind Harley however, the two couldn’t walk side by side in fear of getting stuck in the corridor, that’s how big these two had left themselves got. The same story was said for the lift, having to take separate ones to not get stuck or break the damn thing.

Getting to the restaurant, the two took a seat at the heavier side of the floor. Each part of the restaurant was divided by size, smaller chairs and portions were offered at the left side, whilst on the right each chair seemed to get wider and more reinforced, not to mention all the extra help given in moving around and bigger portion sizes. Haru didn’t waste any time giving a waiter his ridiculously large order, three pizzas, two double decker burgers, two portions of fried chicken and a side of fries, for dessert a whole cheese cake, oh and to drink nothing but milkshakes laced with weight gain powder of course, and each portion enough to feed a family of four. Haru licked his lips greedily once he finished, belly growling hungrily. Not long after, Harley also put in his order
After the meeting was done, he didn't know what to tell Haru. Was originally going to complain about the over sized pay check that was in his wallet, that was a coaches. Turns out he didn't need to ask permission. Since he had gotten more out of Haru than the previous coaches, the FF industry were impressed with how he handled Haru. There was nothing to it. They just wanted him to get Haru back on track and they even okayed for it to be official relationship.

When the food had arrived, or at least begun to arrive Teddy found and spotted Haru with another member of FF. He wasn't complaining in the slightest. He came up from behind and noticed the two were gorging mindlessly set into eating. "Hey you started without me?" He sounded hurt, but only pretending. He put his hand on Haru's shoulder. "Hey Harley, how's it hanging?" Teddy grinned at the words were more pun then intended. He rubbed the side of Haru's gut.

"So I good news, they cleared as myself as your coach, long as you meet your mile stones. Second... I don't know how you'd take this but they want me to give you 24/7, if they want me to be your boyfriend they accepted that on those terms only." Teddy awaited Haru's answers not sure if Haru was comfortable with the idea of living together so suddenly. He placed himself with the opposite of the two fatties eating.

"You can't let him beat you Haru." He said encouragingly. He'd never get bored of Haru's gorging habits completely lost stuffing his face. Clearly determined to beat Harley. He then went over and got the milkshake that had the weight gaining shake, he went to Haru's lips "Open wide for me sweetheart,." He murmured softly as he poured down the liquid instead of small chunks it was completely devoured in one breath.

"Slow down there Harley, you'd get a belly ache like that." He noticed how Harley was completely obsessed with food. He patted Haru's belly proudly. "You might get wedged in like that the two of you eating like that." Teddy remarked. It was only the three of them and the remaining staff. "Who's going to eat more? you Harley? or you Haru?" He grinned at him, knowing that would tempt Haru further.
“Mmf!” Haru exclaimed as he set his burger down “This is Teddy, the guy I was telling you about.” He grinned, but quickly went back to eating, grabbing fistfuls of fries and pushing them past his lips. “Nice to,” Harley took a bite of some fried chicken “Meet…” Another bite “You.” Haru just as quickly went back to his meal, taking huge bites out of his burger with a satisfied look on his face, leant back in his chair, though his belly still dug into the table, some even spilled out onto it. He listened to Teddy as he ate, clearly happy about the relationship and coaching thing. “I’m fine with you moving in, if anything it’ll be good to have someone to help me move around.” He giggled “I suppose I can meet my milestones, I’ll start showing up for work too.”

Though, it seemed their simple enjoying of a meal was fast turning into a competition, grinning at each other as they tried to best one another, Haru gladly leant back and drank some of the milkshake pushed against his lips, to which Harley only pouted “No fair, you have your coach helping you.” Haru just smirked and licked his once he was finished with it, giggling again as his belly was pat, clearly he liked to show off his immense girth. Either way, the pair ate like they’d been starved for days. The two were both just so addicted to food, even though this restaurant’s food was practically just grease, calories, butters, fats etc, taste was some part of it but fattening up their restaurant customers was their main goal.

“I’ll be fine..” Harley replied as he scooped up a mouthful of pizza, belching when he finished the slice and immediately going for another. But Teddy was hardly wrong, with his fast they were eating no doubt would they both end up with belly aches, but also wedged right into their seats, a regular occurrence these days for Haru, it was a miracle he hadn’t went and broke the damn chair. After all, their next stage in the restaurant looked unachievable. With portion sizes double what Haru and Harley were eating now, chairs ridiculously wide and reinforced, instead of having to even get up to book an order, all one had to do was push a button and a waiter came right over, clearly that was meant for those reaching immobility or already there, a path Haru was hurling towards now.

The two friends continued their competitions until there was a clear winner, Haru. First to finish all of his food, he leant back triumphantly, fat hands massaging his belly. Harley only had about two plates to go, but he was already so stuffed, it would have been impossible. But Haru’s victory came at a cost, as now he was left with a stomach ache and was now just wheezing for breath, mouth wide open as he groaned. Haru reached down, unbuttoning his pants button with a heavy sigh, letting his gut spill out with now shame. Harley was a sight for sore eyes too, arms limp at his side as he too was left groaning, not panting as much as Haru was
Teddy smiled at the efforts the two have gone through, he had helped shoved more food into Harley's face so he had finished it. He had completely forced the last few foods into Harley's mouth seeing the other had started to slow down with his in-takes. "There you go Haru you're a a clear winner." Teddy was patting the sides of Haru's belly proudly he noticed the other was wheezing slightly, shortened breaths to make sure the hyper stuffed gut doesn't come back up and react, clearly Haru was going to have some trouble getting out of the seat.

He had used the last plate of fries and stuffed some more food into Haru's mouth. "You both can't be done yet" Teddy smirked cockily knowing the two were truly spent. He kissed Haru on the forehead proudly at his boyfriend's efforts. He went around the table and sat on the corner his leg was resting against Haru's stuffed side. He then wedged himself to sit on Haru's big stuffed gut to feel the firmest of the belly. It groaned protesting it. Teddy couldn't help himself, he loved it when Haru was this full and stuffed to be brim. "Breath in for me darling." He murmured into his ear. At this close range, he shoved a few more fries into Harley's. A double feeding session.

"You're alright their big guy?" He asked Harley who was wedged into the seating. Sitting on Haru's belly. "Your belly keep's coughing Haru." He grinned at the other knowing the other was struggling with Teddy's weight and it' being cramped into a small space. Haru's belly was making all kind of noises. Turning into a huge belly ache. He bounced a little on it. He then got a milkshake that Harley's was meant to drink, he got it up and poured it into Harley's mouth forcefully into it even though he could tell Harley was struggling. Harley's belly was protesting and struggling as much as Haru's was. "Tell you what why don't you both come back tot he flat? I can belly rub both of you if you'd like a double-time feeding it will encourage Haru to eat more." He looked ato Harley thinking that he would agree with it.

"How about it Haru?" He asked he squeezed his thighs around Haru's tight belly. The waiter brought another sundae as a winner's drink as he picked it up and poured it down Haru's mouth forcefully as well.
Haru groaned in protest as he was fed even more, trying to exclaim how he simply couldn’t eat another bite. Harley was too full to even refuse. He did as he was told however, sucking in with a shaky breath but he sighed back out soon after, unable to hold his breath for so long. Having his belly bounced on and another sundae forced down his throat didn’t help either, no matter how much he insisted he wanted no more. “Ah…sounds fun. J-Just to relax for a bit.” Harley stammered. Harley had just found his voice again when he went to get up, groaning as he found he was wedged in tight, noting it, Haru followed only to come to the same realisation.

His panting and wheezing only got worse at that, though he looked rather…comical, such a large, plump man trying to heave himself up as he panted and gasped just from the effort. No doubt it’d be a miracle if he could manage the walk to their penthouse, the same could be said for Harley. Haru’s gut hung over the chair, only making it worse with just how full and round it’d gotten. Both the feedee’s bellies looked just as stuffed, gurgling and groaning as the pair tried to get wedged out of their seats. It seemed to take a while, but by some stroke of luck Harley was first to come free, nearly landing right on his behind as he did. Haru was a little more difficult, taking more than a few tries before he finally sprung free, even then the real challenge of managing the walk came.

With quite a bit of effort, Haru made his way out of the restaurant and to the lift, waddling and wobbling around like he’d fall over and end up getting rolled back home. Harley had to take a separate lift, and with just Haru and Teddy in one together, there was little room, it seemed no matter the space Haru was always the centre of attention, mainly thanks to that bratty attitude and enormous size.

Though, when the two full fatties made it back, they were both quick to squeeze themselves onto the couch together. It looked to be a tight fit, round bellies pressed against each other, all of their fat seemed to be overflowing as they leant back. “I-I’m so full…” Harley groaned, face red as he clutched his belly, panting. Haru’s gasping and wheezing had only gotten worse though, nodding in agreement “Fuck…I’m stuffed.”
It was a comical deal to see the two trying to wedge themselves free, he could see the struggles of both of them as they made it back to the flat. He saw the two had made it to the couch, completely panting complaining how full they were. It was a miracle really having two fatties under his care, he would alert the coach of where Harley was when Harley was done. He went over to the middle of the two fatties which was a bit of a squeeze, he rubbed Haru's gut which rumbled in protest and of course Harley's stomach as well so he had a bit of an attention because he wasn't as big as Haru.

"We should do this more often how about it guys?" He asked the full fatties, Haru's belly was lower. Teddy enjoyed Haru's current state. The two were still breathing hard trying to catch the breath he could tell Haru was struggling. "How's your belly ache Harley?" He asked knowing that being a smaller fatty he would've struggled. Both were trying to keep it down. He had went to Haru's pantry and got too milk litres one was two and the other was three. "Breath in for me darling." He murmured to Haru "Your belly's a bit bloated it's difficult to get on it." He then got onto the other's belly his leg was wedged between the fatties "Don't worry Harley you'd get the same treatment rest whilst you can." He patted Haru's belly. Haru was under his control.

No matter how full he was. Haru agreed to comply with getting fuller. He patted Haru's belly as encouragement and poured the three litre milk down Haru's throat forcefully. He poured it down at least till half way to allow Haru time to consume it. "You've agreed to become my fatty babe." Teddy remarked with ah whisper and kissed his chubby cheeks. "I want this all gone." He wanted the added calories. The sharpness of the breath's was ridiculous, at one point he thought Haru was going to be sick, but in the end he forced all the liquid down his throat when he was done he kissed Haru on the lips. "Good boy." He patted Haru's head affectionately.

"Right your turn Harley. " Using Haru's belly he patted Harley's. "Breath in Harley." He murmured softly "Haru just use your belly inches this way so I can get onto Harley's." He was reliving Haru's belly. He had then Sunk into Harley's fat which was full, making Harley burp massively almost close to dry heaving being sick. "Now you've got to keep it in. I want this all gone Harley that's the deal." He squeezed his tummy with his legs to prove a point. He rubbed Haru's belly which demanded attention. It was digesting the milk.

"I want you two to be so full you can't leave this couch." Teddy smiled he then poured the liquid milk into Harley's who murmured in protest, breathing deep. It gurgled. "If Haru can do it you can do it." He reassured he wasn't as affectionate with Harley because of Haru being his boyfriend. He bounced a little on Harley's now bloated stomach. "I want you both to try and get on all fours for me darling Haru you try to do it first as Harley is finishing this milk. Come on Harley slurp it all up, keep it down." He stroked Harley's cheek struggling to get at least half way through.
Haru, though reluctantly now, agreed to drink whatever he was given. So, here he was with Teddy sat on him and litres of milk being pushed down his throat and into his already full belly. He was unbelievably stuffed, and with three litres of rather thick and heavy milk, he was only worse. His gut was so round and well…heavy, having forced his legs apart to hang ever so slightly off the edge of the couch. After the sheer effort of eating so much, it looked like Haru had been running a marathon, with his red face, heavy breathing and groaning. Though checking his size it was clear he couldn’t even run from the couch to the door, never mind a marathon. Harley was pretty much in the same state after his two litres, finishing with a belch and an embarrassed blush.

Though both of them gave Teddy a rather angry look at the sudd request. They were in fact so full they could hardly move, now they were supposed to get up and on all fours? The pair were already wedged in the couch, the two round fatties already struggled getting up as it was. Harley, the smaller of the two, sighed as he attempted to get up. Watching him, even Haru giggled and he huffed, rocking himself back in forth until he got enough momentum. But, Harley practically fell off the couch, landing on his back with a loud thud. He struggled to get up, panting as his shaky arms and legs got him on all fours, though he pouted with his belly almost touching the floor.

Haru was next, and boy had he regretted giggling at Harley’s struggles. As the heavier of the two, Haru was definitely trying to put an effort in. He copied his friend, rocking back and forth, but it seemed even that couldn’t get him up. By the end of it he was just left pathetically panting and whining, red in the face from the effort, somewhat resembling a beached whale. Pouting, Haru looked over at his coach for help, mumbling “Can you give me a boost?” After which, he gladly accept the other’s hand as he was slowly pulled up. Just like his friend, standing up so suddenly he was knocked straight onto his ass, his gut wobbling for a second. And yet again, he needed assistance getting on all fours. Looking at the pair now, it was clear who the larger one was. Haru’s gut sagged down to the floor, squishing against the wood, his thick thighs and behind only giving him a larger look, though he was still out of breath from all that effort
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