Mx Female Veteran writer returns from the Void. Seeks out Romance and Fandoms.

Ser Gin

Jan 27, 2022
About Me:

Henlo. My name is Gin, and I am a veteran writer and roleplayer returning to the site after a very long period of inactivity. For reference, I think I've been away for about three years.

If you're keeping score at home, I'm a late thirties male living in the southeastern United States. I have tons of experience writing on a variety of various internet platforms throughout the years. The primary reason I am back, however, is to write long term, M/F paired, romance centric, story driven rp's that are rife with a liberal amount of hot and steamy smut.

I will tell you upfront that I am a very busy individual, with a long daily commute, and a job that takes up a large portion of my time. Writing is not my only passion either. You will frequently find me on Discord, as well as being active with gaming, cars, and my other hobbies. It is rare that I am not multi-tasking. That said, I absolutely have time for a couple of long-term rp's so long as my partner(s) understand where I am coming from, and what I need out of a partnership.

My Expectations:

That last sentence dovetails nicely into what I would like to ask out of you. I require two paragraphs at a minimum, when I am writing with another person. There to five is my ideal sweet spot, although the pacing of certain scenes may differ.

I do my best to put forth grammatically correct, properly punctuated stories and I expect the same out of any partner. No one is perfect, however, if you can't spend a few minutes editing and reviewing your own work afterwards then perhaps it is best that we not proceed any further.

Typically I tend to write more in the beginning as we are getting established, and then ideally fall into a nice rhythm with one to two replies per week depending on my own levels of busyness that particular week.

I will only write with you in the third person, and I will only write with you on BlueMoon. At this time I am only looking for pm rp's. That could change, but as I am just getting my feet wet after a long sojourn elsewhere I'd prefer to get one or two established and running well before I look at a thread rp.

A romance centric plot is essential to me maintaining interest in the rp. I'm looking to write detailed oriented, lengthy romance plots with a focus on character development. I will list my likes later and I would ask that you at least consider some of my requests. I will do the same for you in trying to give you the most rewarding rp experience possible.

I will provide a face claim and ask that you do the same. Typically I like to select three choices and present them to my partner. Again, I want to do my best to tailor my character to fit your interests as much as possible without compromising what I'm looking for as well.

Character sheets are not required for most rp's, though if you personally would like one I do not have a problem making one. The only time I would insist on having them is if either of our characters is rich with power of some sort that should be well thought out and ultimately defined beforehand as it can break the story: be that the magical kind, vast and powerful underworld connections, extensive titles where vast control over people and land are involved.


I thoroughly enjoy detail rich replies. Furthermore, I can say that I personally view them as critical in an oc character rp. In order for me to understand your character, and whey they are the way they are - you must tell me. An ideal way to keep me interested, and focused on maintaining a long-term rp is to please give me details and hooks to work with.

I am pretty decent, I like to think, at setting scenes. In fact, I enjoy seeing time progress in an rp, to work the slow burn properly. If we have accomplished what we want out of a scene, I have no problems moving us forward or deferring to you if you wish to do it. Let's communicate ooc and plan where we want the story to go.

I enjoy rich characters that are multi-layered, like we are. They have experienced the highest of highs and ultimately the lowest of lows themselves. Please don't be afraid to give them scars. I rather enjoy broken characters, particularly when a story arc involves one of the characters helping to heal the other of some past trauma they've been holding onto.

I enjoy writing passionate and steamy scenes when the rp progresses to that point. Two of the bigger kinks I like to focus on are primal and hunter/prey. All of my males are ultimately very passionate men, though they may take some unlocking to get to that point.

At this time, I am not focusing on anything bdsm specific though I am fine including some bdsm aspects. I'll save you the TLDR and sum this up. I focus on writing very descriptive and explicit scenes of mostly vanilla sex between male and female characters. I'm not the partner you want if you're looking for a sadist Dom to beat your characters ass. I am the partner you want if you're looking for a detail rich, story driven rp with heavy feels and descriptive acts of raw, primal sex between two characters who the ultimate goal is to make fall in love with each other.


Fortunately, I can keep this section very short.

Don't be an ass.

Don't be inconsiderate of my time.

Don't ghost.

Hard no's for me are M/S (elements of D/S are okay though), things that belong in the toilet, or anything that violates site terms & conditions.

Genres I'm Interested In:

ROMANCE - willing to listen to any romance plot

Historical (I have done, and am willing to do research for historical rp's. IRL history nerd.)

Modern (Easiest.)

Some fantasy

Some Sci-fi (Am picky here. Also requires world building.)

Cyber/Steam/Gothic punk (Same as above.)

Vampire the Masquerade (Must have basic understanding of lore.)

Apocalyptic (No zombies, please.)

Slice of life (Needs multiple character and story arcs if we're going to do this one.)

Themes I'm Interested In:

Soul mates

Friendship to lovers

Childhood friends to lovers

Coworkers to lovers

Unrequited love

Destined to be together

Broken characters finding something in each other


Feels-heavy stories

Supernatural Themes I'd Consider:

Elder Vampire x Newly Sired Vampire

Two newly sired vampires on the run together

Knight x Sorceress


Fandoms I'm Very Interested In:

Older Final Fantasy series and titles. Final Fantasy X and earlier.

Final Fantasy 8 is the way to my heart. I have read and written extensive fanfiction about that game, specifically about Squall. Note the lion pfp. He's my most researched fandom character ever and one I know that I write very well.

Mass Effect Universe

Dragon Age Universe

Destiny and Destiny 2 Universe

Marvel Comics and MCU - Colossus is my favorite character. Colossus x Kitty would be very appreciated.


Thank you for taking the time to read my newly created request thread. I expect to make more updates, and add additional plot/storylines and character requests at a later date. Hope to hear from you.


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