Mx Female Through Blood and Sex (A Vampire the Masquerade NSFW Roleplay)


Jan 26, 2022
As the Title says, I'm looking to do a roleplay firmly planted in one of my favorite settings. It's a dark setting grounded in reality, where the things that go numb in the night are real. Plus there are already tons of sexual elements to this setting, as that's kinda the point. You are playing a vampire after all.

As far as what Im looking for, I guess someone who either knows the setting or at the very least is interested in it. I can answer any questions you may have on it so feel free to message me. I'm also looking for more of a slow burn. I want them to feel like actual characters and not just two dolls that are being smashed against each other. I'm into just about everything though I do have some limits. Mainly scat, watersports, vomiting and vore are off the table. Most everything else is fair game.

As for the setting itself, I'm thinking Chicago in modern day. From there some choices.

The newly turned
(best for people who are new to the setting)
You have recently been turned into a vampire and now stand before a group of people you don't recognize. Whoever they are they seem to be discussing what to do with you, with some suggesting to just kill you and have it done and over with. The one who appears to be in charge decides rather then killing you, to instead give you over to another vampire so they can teach you the ropes.

Childe and Sire
You were turned by my character. As for the reason you don't know, but one way to find out

A chance encounter
While hunting at one of the local clubs our characters have a chance meeting. We spend the rest of the night talking, laughing and dancing. After which we agree to meet up again the next night

Im also open to other suggestions if you have an idea of your own. Either way I look forward to it.
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