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Fx Male ♢Fae's Original Plots! ♢Doubling Friendly~

Slumbering Fae

Jan 23, 2022
☽ Slumbering Fae's Partner Search ☾

Hello, and welcome to my thread. Thank you for taking a look!
PM me if you're interested, do not post here.

Important information:

❖ I prefer story over smut. I'd say 70/30, or 60/40 at most in terms of story/smut ratio.
❖If we write smut, you must be a woman. I'm not comfortable writing smut with anyone male/who identifies as male.
❖I'm also open to any gender pairings.
❖I have some mental and physical illnesses that make me exhausted and foggy-brained. I cannot promise a reply to our role play every single day, but I can at least promise one a week. I don't expect you to be able to reply every day, either.
❖I'm drop friendly. However, I would very much prefer if you told me you wanted to drop. I won't attack you if you ghost, but It does make me sad.
❖I'm open to OOC on Discord, but role playing must stay on Blue Moon
❖ I write in 3rd person, and I need partners who do the same. I'm looking for partners who have decent grammar, spelling, and use of punctuation.
❖ I can write anywhere from 1-4 paragraphs per post. I won't promise a novel, because I can't focus long enough to write one.

Hair Pulling
Being tied up
Dirty talk
Being used
General roughness

Anything illegal that harms someone else
Anything related to toilet play
Stinky smells /musk
Gore ( Anything that leaves wounds. )

Our royal siblings have been kept locked up tightly, with only each other and their parents to connect with. As children, they were quite sickly, so this was a necessity. However, as they got older, they were allowed more and more freedom, but having only connected with each other, the two of them soon began to experiment with each other, and this eventually turned to a twisted form of love and possessiveness.

The Princess, spoiled and used to getting her way, made her brother promise to never love another, and to swear on his own life that he wouldn't.

Now that they're both adults, the Kingdom is in danger of war on multiple sides, and the only way to save it is to unite with other kingdoms, which means our brother and sister will have to be married off. The only problem is that they've been in a romantic and sexual relationship with each other since they were teenagers, and have no interest in anyone else. Since it's their royal duty, however, the Prince convinces his sister to go along with it, promising to never love anyone else, and only be doing what he is supposed to.

The Princesses' future husband seems like a wonderful match, but behind closed doors he's horrible to her- verbally and physically abusive, cruel and cold, and only too happy to cheat on her with any woman he finds even slightly attractive.

The Prince, however, has found a wonderful match, in a young Princess who is sweet, soft spoken, and gentle. She's a favorite of her Kingdom, and everyone who meets her falls in love. Soon, the Prince finds himself falling for her too- and when his sister can see the difference, she grows livid. Sly, cunning, and not afraid of getting her hands dirty, she decides that her brothers wife has to die.

In the land of Faelia, there has been a war going on for centuries between Witches and Humans. In the beginning, Witches ruled the land, and they got along peacefully with the humans, but eventually the humans decided they wanted to rule themselves, and soon wars began to break out all over the land. At first, the Witches were winning, and the humans began to wonder if it had been a mistake to start a war against them. But, with the Witches never believing they would be overpowered, they never bothered to gather allies or look into gaining more power, which, ultimately, was their downfall.

Humans began to research weapons to bring down the Witches, and they gathered more allies as they went, eventually growing their armies much larger than the Witches thought possible. Over time, the Witches were brought down, until there were only a few thousand left.

Magic was outlawed, and the Witches were either killed, enslaved, or sent to exile, far from the kingdoms and villages where Humans reside.

Witches still managed to live among humans, but only in secret, and only extremely carefully. Even under these conditions, it was still better to hide your true nature and live in one of the villages rather than in exile or under a cruel ruler, so many have completely hidden their powers and pretended to be Human.

One such Witch lives in a large village in one of the more fortunate kingdoms, and runs an apothecary, where she sells herbs and remedies to the villagers. She does well hiding her magic and true nature, but even so, Witch Hunters are always on alert. When a new Witch Hunter begins to suspect her, he soon finds himself falling for her, putting both their lives in danger.

A random college girl has been stalking her victim for years, obsessed with him and anything to do with him, she’s collected any information she can find on him. She has a shrine in her room, a blog dedicated to him, and a collection of items she’s stolen from him over the years. He doesn’t know she exists, of course.

One day, she finally finds out where he lives, and begins to plan her break in, with the intention of stealing something from his house- preferably something he’s worn.

On the day she breaks in, she gets carried away and doesn’t get out of his house before he arrives back home. When he finds her there, he’s livid, but intrigued.
It turns out he’s a serial killer, and there’s much more to him than meets the eye.

*Based on the Manhwa, Killing Stalking.

A young and overworked woman sees an ad in the paper for a live-in assistant. Working three jobs and living in a shitty apartment, she decides this is the job opportunity of a lifetime. After being hired and moving in, she begins to notice weird things about her new employer, and some scary changes to herself, as well.

She fears he may be a murderer, or have some kind of nefarious plans for her, but she never thought he’d be a Vampire.

A newly married couple have begun having issues after a miscarriage. For years they tried to have children, but could never conceive, until this pregnancy. After the miscarriage six months ago, their marriage started to deteriorate, and things haven’t been the same.
The wife, finally beginning to heal and open her heart back up to her husband, notices he’s not acting the same as he normally does. The husband has begun to see a woman at work, and though he never planned for it to become serious, it soon comes to light that she’s now pregnant with his child, and plans on keeping it.
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