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Fx Any This Sassy Imp Needs A Playmate


Jan 23, 2022
Eastern US
Hello hello! I'll just get right into it I suppose. I'm looking for partners for smut driven RPs. I am Bi and tend to swing more towards woman, but I am more than willing to play with a guy as well. . My interested are summed up neatly in this little neat little F-list.

My prefrences are as follow:
  • I write anywhere from 1-5 paragraphs, depending on my partners. I do expect something to work off of. I need at least one well structured paragraph.
  • I am always open for OOC talk. If something isn't clicking with the rp, I want to talk about it! Ghosting is one surefire way to get on my bad side, and I won't forget that.
  • I am open to any suggestions or ideas from anyone! I'm always willing to try some new stuff. It never hurts to ask for anything yoy may be interested in.
Now for some more specific types of cravings, if you would:
  • I have a tendency towards non human characters. Anthros are a fantastic example. I also love things like imps(duh) and demons. Shortstacks are an obvious given for me. Not that I have any issue playing humans, I am down to listen to any idea.
  • I really prefer OC characters over any Cannon characters. I am fine borrowing a universe for a setting, but I am not a fan of playing Cannon characters.

Some Fandom Interests
As I said I am not a huge fan of Canon CHARACTERS but I do love some of these settings that could be used.
  • Beastars
  • Fallout
  • Warcraft
  • Warhammer 40k or Fantasy
I'll add more as I get settled in. This is just kinda under construction. I look forward to hearing from some of you!
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