GM for LitRPG Slice of Life


Oct 25, 2017

I'll be using the world and game/magic systems of The Wandering in as non-canonical backdrop for this game. Prior knowledge of this story and setting are not required, but may give you some insight into what to expect and an edge in your playing. The primary difference between my game and the story is that this will be far more erotic and potentially dark. It's not all gloom and doom, in fact things could wind up light hearted and fairly silly at times, but bad things, sexual or otherwise, can and will happen to your character.

The premise? Your character is a young woman from our world, somewhere between 15-25 years old. One day they turn a corner, open a door, doze off--something!--and all of a sudden, she finds herself in a magical world, full of a ton of difference fantasy races and levels. A further complication? She's starting off at Level 0 and no real understanding of this world or its magic. Everything is strange and everyone is more powerful than her. For now...

Here's what I'm looking for...
  • I'm looking to GM the world & NPCs for female characters. You can propose a male character, but they'll have to be extremely interesting and your writing skills extraordinary for me to accept. Transgender characters are welcome, but be aware, this is going to be a very realistic world that does and is not necessarily accepting.
  • Classes, if YC has enough experience to level, are not selected by you. As the GM I will award levels based upon your character's actions, decisions, demonstrated skills, and as consequences. She may get something awesome. Or she may get something common. It all depends. Your character will probably earn multiple classes the longer she's played and sometimes they can consolidate into more powerful, specialized classes. Or a class may upgrade at a certain level once specific prerequisites are met. This is a "soft system," which is to say, no numbers will be involved or stats, other than keeping track of Skills, spells, and levels but we will keep track of those things.
  • The flipside of that? This is a completely open game. Your character can try anything she wants. Do anything she wants. There will be consequences, good and bad, but you have freedom and agency insofar as the setting, other characters, and your own characters capabilities allow. Maybe your character will become an [Alchemist] and live in a city getting to know her neighbors and fellow citizens. Maybe she'll become a [Barmaid] catering to adventurers. Maybe she'll learn magic and become a [Mage] and join a team of adventurers! Maybe she'll become a [Slave] or a [Bard] or a [Soldier]...but the game is going to go day by day, slice of life style. Action and rip-roaring adventure aren't necessarily going to be the norm.
  • Sex. That's why we're playing on this particular site, isn't it? It can and will be included. It might or might not be consensual--it depends on your character's circumstances and decisions. Maybe she'll run afoul of goblins or bandits and be gangraped or maybe she'll win the heart of a [Mage Prince] and be swept off her feet in a whirlwind romance. You'll need to be adaptable as a player, comfortable with the good and the bad, and alright with non-human, even monstrous characters.
  • Please have read everything here carefully. Include The Wandering Inn somewhere in your PM to me when you reach out so that I know you have been paying attention.
  • I play ONLY via Private Message on Blue Moon. Nowhere else. Screw Discord. No emails. No other websites. Sorry, but I'm not moving on this.
  • I am going to be VERY selective about who I GM for. This is a big task. I don't ask for perfection, but plz dnt tlk like diz to me or write like that. Post length can and will vary. I don't expect a novel every time, but I do expect the length to be appropriate for what we are doing. I will try to post regularly. I may not be able to. I may need to take the occasional sudden hiatus due to work or RL complications. I'll do my best to let you know when that's happening.


Character Name:
Background: Where is she from? What does she do? Any particular trivia, skills, or details of interest? Keep in mind the age of your character for this and what she brings to the table. It may or may not have an impact on what class(es) she earns and how she's able to survive.
Your Interests as a Player: Any particular kinks you'd like to see included. Are there things you'd like to see happen to your character or for her to accomplish? Any classes or types of classes you might be interested in playing--I won't guarantee that you'll get that class, but it might inform the gameplay.
Hard Limits: While I ask for an open mind and sexuality, the point is ultimately for us to have fun. Let me know the lines you don't want crossed.

Make your character interesting and fun! Show me something that I haven't seen before! Bring your A-Game as a writer and player!

I'm only going to take on one or two players at the moment. If you do not hear from me right away, that doesn't mean you're rejected. It means I'm sorting through the applications. Further, just because I say No is not a rejection of you personally or your character concept. This really is a big thing I'm going to try to do and I do not want to over commit. If I like what you sent me, I may reach out later if things don't work out with one of my other players.
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