Mx Female Literate Male seeking female for RP - forced strip search, medical exam, humiliation, NC themes


Feb 26, 2013
I am rediscovering this forum. It has been a long time since I've enjoyed a quality roleplay. I'm hoping to connect with someone who likes detailed roleplay done in a "live" chat manner as opposed to long lapses between responses.

I enjoy plays where females are manipulated by males into degrading situations. Medical examinations are a top favorite with extremely shy females who suspect they are being victims yet don't have the courage to speak up and stop the doctor from performing his "job". New hires, military nurses, scenes from the 50's (when women weren't allowed to stick up for themselves) are all interesting to me.

I like any play where a woman is surrounded by males with perverse interest, too. Suppose there was a woman aboard the plane that crashed in Lord of the Flies?

I'm open to ideas- including women in peril, capture/interrogation scenes, too.
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