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Blu's Journal


Jan 22, 2022
Writing Assignments:
My English Translation from my original home language of Swedish

Aim towards youth assignment
The Escape

She sat vigilantly on the shimmering top of home made out as a giant, sparkling hat. She rose on her hind legs and her nose vibrated violently as she sniffed the air for scent, her mucky white for rejecting the keen advances of sunlight. She jolted suddenly off her hunches, hopping like an automatic bullet off the glittering bronze hat and into the hole dug diligently in front, leading into the bowl.

The insides of the hovel were relatively bare, with a makeshift bed at one end and a bathroom at the other. Bounding up through the entrance, she immediately went about shuffling items on top of the hole, shoving all manner of bits and bobs into it and finally resting the bedding upon it, along with herself. It was only a matter of time, after which she began hearing the soft, persistent humming which reverberated through the earth, as if never given respite from the groping march of the vermin hoard which approached.

His ear lay on the wind like a hunter's to the ground. Miles away, Feradin, her friend, was on his walk home when he heard the thundering march and gleeful yelps of the army with the hares' house in their path. hairs prickling all over his body, he dropped all but his staff on his back and released himself onto all fours, galloping until his heart nearly exploded from the pressure he was exerting upon his muscles.

The singed grass as he approached the wreckage, wrote a story in the blackest coal of her struggle. They had set fire to the house he could smell petrol in the air they must've taken greatest care in making sure to burn all but the exit. She had dashed struggled and had been caught. A flash of red upon the ground from where they exposed the skin upon her neck lay among the blackened grass, a line drawn. Feradin reared--there was seemingly blood in his eyes; not specks, but a grading, unforgiving film upon their surface--and let loose a bloodcurdling yell, echoing across the valley walls, racing in time with the cold, howling wind which soared through the rift created by the tree-lines rising on either side of the enclosure.

Fasc's ears perked. He heard a scream, a most painful scream, slowly getting louder and louder in his ears until all at once it went silent. From the front he looked behind him for the source, but he could not seem to find it--it was everywhere around them. His ginger coat flashed as he at once turned his head back to the front and yelped out orders to those at his back as the accelerated forwards.

"Let's put a move on, shall we fellas? Get those legs moving, we got places to be, people to catch, and hare to eat!" The limp body of the hare lay across the Fox's neck.

Feradin roared through the underbrush, blinded by rage and bereavement. He raced faster and faster along the tracks following the narrow brook through the valley; he knew these lands better than anyone. He came to a halt as the tracks he was following suddenly appeared to jump across the stream, and over again, and continuing so for a good distance up the stream. He spun around and realized in his blood-eyed state he had stopped following the right trail only a few yards back. What was he thinking? He began to calm down as he asked himself this; the question, soothing as mind, in of itself caused him to return to rationality. For the first time since he began chasing the horde, he sat down, and wept.

The male hare lay curled up in a bed of leaves 'neath a tree, tears staining the soft brown for under his eyes. From the stream the tree gazed upon, an otter peered out of its hole, and nimbly shot out and clambered up the bank. He paced forward slowly as he approached the pile of autumn's tears, head darting about as he gained a better view of the creature which lay in front of the door to his safe house; a curious creation, carved into the tree, with a mound on one side of the gigantic tree extending the hollow trunk. Only a clumsily, moss covered, cobbled chimney broke that otherwise quite discreet exteriors of the abode. The otter spoke softly, breaking the silence like a single water drop


Creative Writing course
original Language text


Hon satt vaksamt på den skimrande toppen av hemmet utklädd till en gigantisk, glittrande hatt. Hon reste sig på bakbenen och näsan vibrerade våldsamt när hon sniffade på luften efter doft, hennes mucky white för att hon förkastade solljusets skarpa framsteg. Hon skakade plötsligt av sig hunchesna, hoppade som en automatisk kula från den glittrande bronshatt och in i hålet grävde flitigt framför, vilket ledde in i skålen.

Insidan av hovel var relativt bar, med en provisorisk säng i ena änden och ett badrum i den andra. Hon gick genast runt genom ingången och gick genast omkring och blandade föremål på toppen av hålet, tryckte in alla möjliga bitar och bobs i den och slutligen vilade sängkläderna på den, tillsammans med sig själv. Det var bara en tidsfråga, varefter hon började höra det mjuka, ihållande surrande som ekade genom jorden, som om hon aldrig fick andrum från den tafsande marschen av ohyra som närmade sig.

Hans öra låg på vinden som en jägares till marken. Miltals bort var Feradin, hennes vän, på sin promenad hem när han hörde den dundrande marschen och arméns glada yelp med hararnas hus i deras väg. hår som sticker över hela kroppen, tappade han all utom sin stav på ryggen och släppte sig på alla fyra, galopperade tills hans hjärta nästan exploderade från trycket han utövade på sina muskler.

Det förkolnade gräset när han närmade sig vraket, skrev en berättelse i det svartaste kolet i hennes kamp. De hade satt eld på huset han kunde lukta bensin i luften de måste ha varit mest försiktiga med att se till att bränna alla utom utgången. Hon hade kämpat och åkt fast. En röd blixt på marken varifrån de blottade huden på hennes hals låg bland det svärtade gräset, en linje ritad. Feradin uppfödd - det fanns till synes blod i hans ögon; inte fläckar, utan en gradering, oförlåtande film på deras yta - och släpp lös ett bloddrypande skrik, ekande över dalväggarna, rusande i tiden med den kalla, ylande vinden som svävade genom sprickan som skapades av trädlinjerna som stiger på vardera sidan av höljet.

Fascs öron fick ont. Han hörde ett skrik, ett mycket smärtsamt skrik, som långsamt blev högre och högre i öronen tills allt på en gång tystnade. Framifrån tittade han bakom honom efter källan, men han kunde inte finna den - det var överallt omkring dem. Hans ingefära kappa blinkade när han genast vände huvudet tillbaka till framsidan och skrek ut order till dem på ryggen när de accelererade framåt.

"Låt oss sätta fart, ska vi killar? Få benen att röra på sig, vi har ställen att vara på, folk att fånga och hare att äta!" Harens halta kropp låg över rävens hals.

Feradin vrålade genom underbrushen, förblindad av raseri och sorg. Han sprang fortare och fortare längs spåren efter den smala bäcken genom dalen; Han kände till dessa länder bättre än någon annan. Han stannade upp när spåren han följde plötsligt tycktes hoppa över bäcken, och om igen, och fortsatte så för en bra bit upp i strömmen. Han snurrade runt och insåg i sitt blodögda tillstånd att han hade slutat följa rätt spår bara några meter tillbaka. Vad tänkte han på? Han började lugna ner sig när han frågade sig själv detta; frågan, lugnande som sinne, i sig fick honom att återvända till rationalitet. För första gången sedan han började jaga horden satte han sig ner och grät.

Den manliga haren låg hopkrupen i en bädd av löv under ett träd, tårar som färgade det mjuka bruna under ögonen. Från bäcken som trädet tittade på kikade en utter ut ur sitt hål och sköt nimbly ut och klättrade upp på stranden. Han steg långsamt fram när han närmade sig högen av höstens tårar, med huvudet darrande omkring när han fick en bättre bild av varelsen som låg framför dörren till hans gömställe; en nyfiken skapelse, huggen in i trädet, med en hög på ena sidan av det gigantiska trädet som sträcker ut den ihåliga stammen. Endast en klumpig, mosstäckt, kullerstensskorsten gick sönder som annars ganska diskreta exteriörer av bostaden. Uttern talade mjukt och bröt tystnaden som en enda vattendroppe.

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Writing assignment 1769

Weather can have a dramatic effect on your storyline. Add a storm to your ongoing story,
or write a paragraph about a storm and see what happens.

Pulled his leather jacket closed, zipping it up as he opens the door of the library. Jamie shudders from the cold wind whips crossed his face. He tucks his long blond hair under the collar of his leather, putting the helmet on as he walks quickly to his bike in the parking lot. The weather had shifted while he had be researching for his next writing assignment. Jamie pulled out his scarf and gloves from his backpack at least he had a few items to give himself a bit of warmth for his ride home. The dark clouds nearly black in the sky looked menacing as well as the temperature of the air chilled him. His hands shaking as he kneeled down, placing his knee upon the gloves as he unlocked the chain that kept his bike secure. Jamie fumbled with the key to the lock, his hands began to freeze quickly, stowing the chain and lock in his backpack. He shoved his trembling hands into his gloves as he rose up, his eyes scanning the clouds that hung overhead in his direction home. Jamie kicked his bike over and headed out the parking lot. He was determined to beat the storm home.

Drops of water started to pelt upon his visor, making things a bit difficult to see at least the traffic was light as he rode over the bridge. Jamie sped up as he wanted to get home before he was completely drenched, wishing he had packed his rain gear. Suddenly he hit some black ice, his bike sliding into a large grassy yard, speed of his bike momentum finally landed to a halt as blackness over came him.

Jamie was a bit groggy as his eyes flickered from the sunlight shining through the small window in the room. He tried lifting up his head, the room spun around before he fell unconsciousness again. When his blue-grey eyes fluttered again the room was dark, he was warm beneath the thick quilt despite his lack of clothing. His head ached a bit, he went to lift up his hand to his head but could not move it. Jamie tried to pull up his left arm and a pain shot through him as he pulled against what was restricting his movement, swallow hard as he tried to move his right arm as well. Jamie began to panic as he discovered that his legs were imprisoned as well. His breathing quicken as he panicked in the darkness, hearing a few beeps near his side before he sunk back into the darkness for unconsciousness again.

Jamie went to stretch as he woke in the morning light, feeling the restraints again when he recalled the feeling of being totally trapped within the binds. He was able to see more clearly as his eyes adjusting to the light illuminating the room. There was an iv drip in his left arm and he felt a strange sensation on his limp dick as something was attached to him unknowing as he could not see under the quilt that was covering him. The walls in the room were covered in an eggshell paint. The room was very plain with no colour but the soft pink and blue quilt that had be laid over him. Jaime strained to hear any sounds beyond the closed doors.
Writing assignment 1770 in progress
You woke up with a number on your hand. It's the date of your death. Everyone has it. But this isn't dystopic.

it's just a personal info in your birth certificate. Society treats it casually. Short lives get social privileges.

Death is accepted as a part of life. And funerals are celebrations.

The alarm startled him, jolting up in bed as it rang loudly, Jamie had quietly silenced the alarm as he stretched; he noticed the number upon the back of his hand. Jamie was struck in awe as he blinked. He was confused as he was only on his first year of university and he had never known anyone to have had the number show up at a young age. He thought to himself, there must be a mistake but who could he go to. Jamie quickly got out of bed and dressed for class. He went into the co-ed bathroom and grabbed some cover up from someone's basket. He had seen some of the female students to use it to cover up bruises. Jamie quickly poured some on the back of his hand and blended it into his skin. He wasn't ready to celebrate his up coming death and wanted a longer life as most numbers show up at the rip age of 35 but he had just turned 18 and that was only two days ago. His hand showed the number 16 so it wasn't even barely long enough for him to celebrate proper. Jamie had remembered seeing previously some notes at the library on how one was chosen and that the youngest ever chosen had been 25. He made his way over to the research section of the library in hopes to find some information.

As Jamie crossed the street, there was sudden blackness that fell upon him. He heard people rushing about and he felt the cold creeping upon him. He was being lifted up and he could feel and see the EMTs working on him just as fast as the blackness had hit he was seeing light beckoning for him to come forward. Jamie's inner being struggled with the light.
Rodeo Dreams NSFW
Hometown Powell, Wyoming not far from the county seat in Cody in Park County, it is a small town of 6200 people which are mainly at Northwest college. Wyoming has never been known to be liberal, and trust me the small towns like this are known to be conservative as hell -- socially, politically, economically and (unfortunately) sexually. A lonely place to be gay.

The most exciting events in the area are the rodeos that are over in Cody. Rodeo is important in the culture in Cody, which calls itself the "Rodeo Capital of the World". The Cody Nite Rodeo is an amateur Rodeo every night from June 1 through August 31. Where hundreds of stud cowboys descend on the town for a buffet of flesh.

Usually, for the last few years, when it was the Stampede time July 1-4 one could find one or two of the young bucks wandering home, drunk, having struck out at scoring. A little talking, a little manipulation, a little "geez you're drunk" and "man are you a stud", and often Someone could have a little fun. Depending on what you might be looking for.

It was Jessi's senior year of high school driving his old International scout, slouching in the front driver's seat and was cranking Chris Le Doux's "Even Cowboys Like a Little Rock and Roll" . It's one of his favorite songs. Jessi was just singing to himself and eying the eye candy that was walking around on the hot July evening, and thinking lustful thoughts that should damn him to hell.

Suddenly, the passenger door opened and down plopped a fantasy stud practically in Jessi's lap. He had to be close to his own age, cowboy boots wrapped in wranglers practically painted onto his legs, a skin tight t-shirt with a collared shirt open all the way, topped by a black cowboy hat.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. NSFW
The passenger looked over at Jessi and he melted. Jessi soaked in the looks of his passenger, a strong, straight jaw, a little beard stubble, straight masculine nose, midnight black hair puffing out from underneath his cowboy hat. His half-goofy smile complimented his black eyebrows that topped a pair of green eyes that made Jessi weak in the knees even if they were slightly bleary from how much the guy had drank.

"Um, excuse me, do I know you?" Jessi asked. "If you don't, you should!" he half-slurred while laughing at his own joke. "I'm Blaine; down here from Rosebud, Montana. You know where Rosebud, Montana is?"

"Shit, that's over 200 miles from here; in the middle of fucking nowhere." Blaine snorted, and said, "And Powell is a fucking metropolis? Give me a fucking break! I came here for the rodeo and there's not a fucking girl to fuck in over 20 miles" "Christ, Blaine, I could have told you that and saved you the trip!" Jessi said laughingly.
Focusing again, Jessi said, "So.....why are you in my car?"

"You know, you're pretty rude. I've introduced myself to you and you haven't told me your name. Rude bastard!" Blaine said, drunkenly giggling to himself. He decided to see where this was gonna go. "My name's Jessi. Good to meet you."

"Jessi? Isn't that a girl's name?" Blaine snorted.

"It can be either, and fuck you if you don't like it. You can get out of the car if it's an issue for you." Jessi was pretty sensitive about his name.
"Now don't get your panties in a wad, Jessi", Blaine said, laughing at his pun. "Look, I couldn't find a girl, and I am just a little light headed from drinking a little too much and it was fall on my face, or jump in your car. I don't mean to be a prick".

Jessi immediately softened, and said, "I've been there before. The girls around here are tighter than a banker. You wanna just drive in the country and let you clear your head?"
"Let's go!" he said.

Jessi drove him around shooting the breeze just rambling about anything. Jessi kept looking over at Blaine and drinking in the incredible site that Blaine was.
Man, I'd like to spend a weekend with him on a deserted island. Jessi thought.

They were going down the back roads around Powell, the area around a few of the smaller ranches, Nothin but the pitch black sky and the moon hanging above .
"Hey, pull over, I have to whiz.", Blaine said. "Yeah, I could too." Jessi said.

Jessi pulled over on the gravel road, killed the lights, and got out of the car. Blaine did too. Jessi walked to the front of the car, unzipped, pulled out his little dick and let it go. Jessi heard Blaine walk up next to him, pulled his zipper down, and let go as well.

Jessi glanced at his dick while Blaine was pissing and involuntarily drew in a gasp of breath. He looked up and while Jessi had glanced at Blaine's cock, he had been looking at Jessi's face.

Jessi couldn't help himself, and asked, "how big is that thing"?

"You've never seen an anaconda this size before?" Blaine said smiling. "Uh, no, I guess not..."

Blaine winked at Jessi "Well, it's soft right now, about 8 ½ limp. When a honey shines it for me, it grows to just about 13."

"You're kidding me, seriously? Incredible..." Jessi continued to gaze at Blaine's cock

Blaine ran his hand up and down his soft cock to squeeze out the piss and looked at Jessi saying, "why, you wanna see it or try it?"

"Hey, I didn't want to be rude, I just had never seen one that big before. It's huge." Jessi remarked.

Blaine stepped away from the weeds he had pissed in, and leaned back against the front of Jessi's car, his dick still outside of his wranglers, swaying in the breeze.
Jessi zipped up and walked to Blaine and said, "Well, we should get going." "Why", Blaine asked. "What's the hurry? Just chill." Jessi leaned on the car
hood next to him and just chatted about anything and everything, all the while stealing glances down to his cock.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 3rd post NSFW
Maybe it was the breeze, maybe it was fate, but his dick slowly started to inflate from being just a little longer, to a semi-chubby, to a full chubby, to a full 13 inches of prime beef. It stood out from Blaine's crotch with a slight downward arch because of weight and girth.

"Um, Blaine, you seem to have a little problem there…" remarked Jessi as he stared at his growing cock in amazement

"Ah, Jessi, things are a problem only if there is no solution. I was figuring, my cock in your throat, my balls on your chin, no problem" Blaine said smiling his infectious grin.

"What the fuck!?! What makes you think I'd want to suck your cock?" Jessi half yelled.

"Seriously, Jessi? I drop in your car unknown, and unannounced, talk you into driving me around in the back roads while you rape me with your eyes, we stop to take a piss and I leave my dick out with no protests from you, and you think I don't know you're hungry for cock? You won't be the first guy to swing on this masterpiece!" Blaine grinned at Jessi

Jessi started to protest again, and Blaine smacked his hand across Jessi's face and barked, "Shut the fuck up, kneel down, and start sucking!" Jessi stood there stunned at his change in attitude. Blaine placed both hands on Jessi's shoulders and pressed down until his knees collapsed and Jessi knelt before him. "Suck" was all he said.

The angry pole of flesh throbbed with each of beat of his heart. Blaine's hands encased Jessi's skull and pulled him toward his cock. "Suck, I said!"

Jessi's began licking up and down Blaine's shaft trying to get it wet enough to allow him to swallow it. Blaine had a massive set of balls, and Jessi's tongue danced with them as He imagined the load that they held for him.

Blaine soon grew tired of the ball play, and slowly lowered his cock to the level of Jessi's mouth, dragging the tip of his cock across Jessi's forehead, eyes, nose to his mouth, leaving a thick trail of precum in its wake. Jessi opened his mouth wide and accepted the first four inches before closing his lips around the thick girth.

Groaning, Blaine locked his hands behind Jessi's neck and began a slow thrusting in and out of Jessi's mouth. This was by far the largest dick Jess had ever sucked, and the girth of his prick was making it hard to breath. Jessi soon found out Blaine really didn't care.

Like a battering ram, Blaine's cock hit the back of Jessi's throat again and again. Blaine had a large belt buckle from a championship rodeo that had been Jessi's focal point as he thrust into his mouth, and Jessi reached up and opened the buckle, and unsnapped his pants. They fell to the ground in a clunk and Jessi realized Blaine had been commando all along.

Jessi grabbed his legs to steady himself as Blaine's hips swung his cock in and out of Jessi's mouth in an arch of lust. Soon, he stopped the in and out thrusting and slowly began to push his cock into Jessi's throat. Jess choked and gagged over and over, but it did nothing to stop the assault.

Blaine didn't stop until Jessi's lips were buried in his dark bush of pubic hair. After grinding into his face, Blaine quickly drew out of his mouth. Blaine's cock was covered with a layer of mucus from Jessi's throat. Blaine used the mucus to jack his meat a few times, then put his hands behind Jessi's neck again and like a torpedo jammed his cock down Jessi's throat once again. Every few thrusts, Blaine would draw his thick raging cock out and jack it with Jessi's throat mucus, then jam it down once again in one push.

Soon, breathing raggedly, Blaine began to moan loudly and buried his huge meat in Jessi's throat and held it there. Jessi could feel the pulsing of his cum in the vein under his meatstick as he emptied himself down Jessi's throat. After seven ropes of cum were sent down Jessi's throat, Blaine released Jessi's neck and his dick slowly slipped from Jessi's mouth leaving a trail of sperm on his tongue as Blaine exited.

Gasping for breath, Jessi looked up at what was now an angelic face of contentment framed with his cowboy hat. The same guy who just raped Jessi's throat now looked so innocent...

Blaine reached down, pulled up his pants, fastened his belt and nonchalantly said, "Well, let's get back, I'm thirsty for a beer." He hopped in the car and waited for Jessi to get in as well. They drove back to town with Blaine singing with the music on the radio. Jessi's throat was so sore, he didn't even
begin to try to sing.

Suddenly, the song "Coward of the County" came on the radio. Blaine belted out at the top of his lungs, "Everyone considered Jessi the cocksucker of
the county..." They were entering the town by this time, and Jessi kept trying to get Blaine to quiet down. As Jessi parked the car and got out, Blaine hopped out grabbed his crotch and belted out the phrase one more time and half yelled "Jessi's the cocksucker of the county!"

Jessi turned around as he did that and saw the senior class football players frozen in place, mouths open and staring at the two them.
Writing assignment
When Sven was finally granted his familiar. He had been waiting for what felt like forever, and when the day finally arrived, Sven was so excited and could barely contain himself and was awake at 4am. A familiar is one of the most important things a person can possess in life. They are loyal creatures that vastly improve their owner's life. his parents had both been granted familiars when they turned 15, and they spoke of it with such reverence, as if they had been given a gift from God himself.

So when it turned out that his familiar was an owl, Sven thought the universe was playing a cruel joke as he hated birds. Not only was his familiar a bird, it was one of the absolute worst - they ate mice, bones and all, their young looked like creepy alien people standing on two legs, and they couldn't move their eyes. Could you imagine that? Not even having the decency to have proper moving eyeballs like the rest of us.

The first three hours of his life with his familiar consisted of him sitting in a cupboard with it on the outside. Looking back on it, he probably should have put it in the cupboard, but Sven suppose that would have involved touching it, speaking to it, or generally acknowledging its existence, all of which were not appealing.

"You're going to have to speak with me at some point," his new familiar said finally - the muffled sound of it speaking from outside the cupboard was the first words it had said to Sven, "Surely I can't be that bad."

His speaking voice also sounded like an owl, aloof and hooty. Sven thumped his head against the cupboard wall. Resisting the urge to keep doing so, Sven decided to speak back - The owl had a point.

"Can I get a different familiar?" He said to him, "It's just me and - ugh -birds- there's no nice way to say this, retch whenever I think about your kind."

"Of course," he said.

Hope rose in his chest, "Really?"

"No," the owl said, disappointed, "If there were, don't you think everyone would be doing it?"

So not only was his familiar an owl, The owl was a wise guy too. This day kept getting better and better. Sven opened the door a crack and closed his eyes to better hear him.

"Listen," Sven said, "There's got to be another way. Familiars are meant to improve the lives of their owners. I'm sorry, but you're just going to make me miserable."

There was a clacking noise as the creature moved about where it was perched. Sven did his best to ignore the mental image of the talons moving across the bookcase which came to mind.

"Is there a reason you're so scared of me?" he said, voice taking on a gentler timbre.

Sven shook his head, squeezing his eyes closed as much as he could. "It wouldn't be an irrational fear of birds if he could say why he was scared," I said, "Then it'd be a rational fear - like being scared of a tiger that's about to eat you. That's very rational."

"Some of my best friends are tigers," said the familiar, "But that's besides the point. Did you have a traumatic experience with birds in your past?"

"Besides this one?"

"Yes," said the familiar, sounding like he was gritting his non-existent teeth, "Besides this one."

"Every time I was near a bird. Whenever I went near fountains, or I was around people who had bird familiars. I just get this sheer feeling of panic. I even stopped seeing my best friend when she got a bird familiar last year," Sven confessed.

The bird sighed. Sven wasn't sure if real birds could sigh, but familiars didn't tend to follow those sort of rules. "Listen," the owl said, "You're not the first person to receive a familiar that they didn't like. Luckily for you, you do have something going for you."

"What?" He said.

"You've got me," the owl said with a note of pride, "I am considered unusually wise and patient among familiars. We can take all the time you need to get comfortable with me. If that means that we have to talk through a door for the next week, that's fine by me."

Sven groaned, rolling his head backwards and looking up at the ceiling. "But what if I don't get over this? What if you just end up following me around, making me miserable - that's no life for you either. Familiars and humans are meant to be companions, bound to each other's soul. The only thing I feel bound to right now is the crushing despair of having you near me."

The familiar paused for a moment before responding, "But what if you do get over it? There are many benefits to avian familiars like myself. You could see through my eyes, experience flight - even see in the dark like it was the middle of the day. Not to mention my quite stimulating intellectual conversation, if I do say so myself. Listen - why don't we start with something simple. I didn't catch your name yet."

This was it. It was really happening - there was no way it wasn't a bad dream. Sven felt nauseous and panicked, but a least the nervously sweating had stopped.

"Sven," He said, "My name is Sven."

"And my name is Fothers," said the familiar, "It is very nice to meet you. As your familiar I am at your side, for better or worse. Or in this case, outside a cupboard. Now, would you like to come out of there? You don't have to look at me yet, but I am a bit worried that if you stay in there you'll end up becoming an eccentric cupboard-person, and that won't do at all."

Sven kept his eyes tightly shut and hesitantly walked out of the cupboard, sitting on the plain wooden chair in the corner of the room – He knew the layout by heart. The owl was sitting perched on a chair in the opposite corner of the room when feathers and blood went flying in the air and the chair hit the floor with a bang. Mia's familiar not sat there cleaning it paws of the bloody mess. Sven yelled out to his sister. "Bloody hell, Mia your cat ate my familiar."

Suddenly, someone tapped Sven on the shoulder. He turned around and saw a boy about his age. There was a strange grin on his face and was holding an envelope.

"What's this?" Sven asked him. The boy didn't answer, but instead handed me the envelope and ran away. Confused, Sven opened it and pulled out a small piece of paper rolled up into the shape of a tiny scroll. he opened it and read:


Dear Mr. Petterson,

I have been so pleased with your performance as a student at the academy that I decided to grant you a second familiar. Please meet me in the auditorium at 8am to receive your new companion.


Headmaster Collins


Sven was stunned. Why would the headmaster grant me a second familiar? He rushed immediately to the headmaster's office. Knocking on the door, he heard "One moment, please."

Several long minutes passed while Sven waited. He tapped his foot impatiently, anxious to find out about his new familiar. Suddenly, the door opened and the headmaster appeared.

"If you'll come with me, please," she told Sven. He followed him inside. The room was filled with people, The man led Sven up to an office door and knocked on it. "Enter." Sven was led a woman in the office

"Your familiar is inside," the woman told him, gesturing to a huge box on the floor. Sven looked over at the box and gasped. He had been expecting a small snake, or maybe a black bird. But there, in front of him, was a full-grown tiger. Sven opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

The woman left the room and closed the door behind Sven. He stared up at the tiger, terrified.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 4th post NSFW
Blaine grabbed his crotch, gave it a yank and yelled out, "Give him a try boys! He drained me dry!" Then laughing, he stumbled away.

Now, we're a small town. Almost all the boys go out for football, a whopping 37 guys, and 7 of them, including me, would be seniors this year. As Blaine stumbled down the street laughing loudly, the guys formed a circle around me and just stared. Jessi could feel that blood drain from his face. Sam Matthews, our quarterback, said, "Is there something we should know Jessi?". Jessi couldn't speak, but slowly shook his head back and forth as He could feel tears forming in his eyes. Erik Matts, one of the running backs, broke the spell by grabbing his arms and ushering Jessi away saying, "Come on Jessi, let's go for a ride and talk". They climbed in his Ford F-150 and drove away, the others staring at them when we left.

Now, Erik was a running back, and a wet dream. He played both football and wrestled. Brown eyes, mop of dark brown hair, he was 5'10" and 170 pounds of muscle. The only way Erik looked better than in his football gear was when he was in his purple and white wrestling singlet which was so tight nothing was left to the imagination. The singlet molded his butt and formed around his crotch so that simply watching him was like watching soft porn. Our school mascot was the "Panthers"; Jessi knew by changing with him in the locker room that Erik lived up to that and more; he'd been a subject of his jackoff fantasy for a long time.

We drove in silence with Erik glancing over at Jessi every so often. He zoned out, and by the time Jessi realized where they were, He found myself right back, at almost the exact spot that him and Blaine had just left. Erik looked over, flashed his infectious smile with the huge dimples and said, "Let's get out and talk."

Erik got out and Jessi did as well. He had on a baseball cap, tight school t-shirt, jeans that bulged obscenely at the crotch, and his signature Nike tennis shoes. Erik lowered the gate of his truck and half sat, half stood -- this caused his crotch to bulge even more pronounced. Jessi tried so hard not to stare as he sat next to him.

"All right, so what gives, Jessi?" Erik said. "I dunno what you mean..." Jessi replied.

"Well, let me run down what I know. A complete stranger comes back from riding around with you, his farewell is to grab his crotch and proclaim a great blowjob, your voice is hoarse and your lips are puffy which seems to indicate something occurred, and.…" Erik stated

"And what?" Jessi hoarse voice seemed to confirm his accusations. "Well, ...." Erik said looking at his crotch. Jessi looked down to notice a huge wet spot where his precum had leaked through; even the outside of his jeans was sticky. Jessi realized that giving Blaine a blowjob had turned him on, but that Jessi hadn't had a chance to take care of himself. His dick still was chubbed, and still leaking into his underwear and the outside of his jeans. Erik reached over and touched the spot; there was so much precum a small strand extended briefly as he drew his finger away. "Well?" Erik repeated.

Jessi looked down at the ground; what was he supposed to say. As Jessi looked at the ground, his eyes continued to flicker to the left and would rest upon Erik's crotch which seemed bigger than it had a few moments earlier. Erik slid over so their legs were against each other. He reached out with his right arm and drew Jessi close. Erik looked at Jessi with his face six inches from his and said, "Look, we've been friends since Kindergarten. You can tell me. Are you gay, Jessi? Are you a cocksucker?"

To actually hear a friend ask seemed to jolt his heart. his head whipped around and Jessi looked into a pair of soft, dreamy brown eyes and immediately started to get lost in them in a way he never had. "So, Jessi, are you?" Erik softly asked, side hugging Jessi again. "Don't hate me" Jessi said. "Never", Erik replied. After several seconds of looking into his eyes, Jessi said, "Yeah, I guess I am."

"No problem", Erik said smiling, "You're still the same guy I've hung around with for 13 years, no big deal". his heart started to soar as Jessi looked ahead to the distance. Not to be rejected was incredible.

"But", Erik said, "you're gonna be sucking a lot of dick in your last year of high school, just so you know that."

"WHAT?" Jessi exclaimed jumping a little to the side. Erik had stood up to stand in front of Jessi; he had his thumbs in the front pockets with this fingers toward his crotch forming a "V" frame for his crotch. The worn, faded crotch on his jeans began to swell slightly. "Just what I said. You know how frigid the cunts are around here. Hell, if you drain our balls on a regular basis, we won't make demands on the girls and they won't be so uptight about making out with us."

"But...but...but..." Jessi stuttered. "Well," Erik said, "you can ask for my ass all you want, I really just wanna get sucked off...." By now, Erik's crotch was swelling lewdly. Jessi remembered his body from the showers; a little bit of chest hair, a thick treasure train from his belly button to his prize, and a huge bush of pubic hair surrounding a plump thick dick. No one manscaped in a small town, but Erik probably should have.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 5th post NSFW
"Let's go" Erik said. Jessi watched his perky butt walk to the truck and get in. Jessi got in the passenger side, then they zoomed down the road about 2 miles to a pasture land owned by his uncle. Erik drove up a trail about 300 feet, stopped, looked at Jessi with a twinkle in his eye and said, "Let's do it".

Erik jumped out and was grabbing something from the back. By the time, Jessi was out and got to Erik, he had spread a large quilt onto the grass, plopped a pillow on the quilt, laid down with his knees bent and spread, his hands crossed behind his head and his mop of hair blowing in the wind -- a classic blowjob pose. "Cocksucker of the county is an arrogant claim; let's see if you're worth the hype!" Erik arched his crotch toward Jessi and he wiggled his eyebrows up and down, damn he was hot! Jessi thought.

At the edge of the quilt, Jessi fell to his knees, and began to crawl toward his future. When Jessi reached his crotch, he looked up into his face. Erik eyes were closed half way, a smile on his face, no malice, no anger, just expectation of a good suck. Jessi's fingers kept fumbling with his belt buckle, he was so nervous that Jessi had trouble getting it undone. Erik just stretched his body with a loud yawn, and that made his stomach leave a little room that Jessi got the buckle undone. After unsnapping his jeans, Jessi pulled the zipper down and yanked his jeans over his butt as he lifted up slightly. Erik had on a pair of black briefs that were bulging by this time. Jessi pushed his shirt up slightly, ran his fingers through his treasure trail to the waistband of his briefs, and slowly pulled them down. Out from the bush of pubic hair stood a solid pole of what had to be 8" of throbbing flesh. Straight and hard, it was throbbing, waiting for relief.

Jessi was mesmerized at this gift, and wondered if his throat could take another pounding so soon. He was still pretty sore from Blaine. "Hey", Jessi heard. He looked up into the bedroom brown eyes again and heard, "I know what you're thinking. I'll be easy today. Just suck me off. Swallow my seed. Blow me baby!" Jessi licked his swollen lips, covered his teeth, and gently closed them over his head. Erik groaned, and Jessi realized his dick was too dry, so he opened his mouth and tried to drool on it as much as Jessi could, then put his mouth on it again, and started bobbing up and down. He was only taking in about half of his pole, but Jessi was jacking the rest of his dick with his hand. Jessi felt Erik's left hand gently rest upon his head and bob up and down with his head.

He kept up this gentle suck for what seemed like forever, but was probably only five minutes. Suddenly, Erik said, "are your lips tired?". Jessi said, "mm-hmmm". "Does your throat hurt?" Jessi said, "mm-hmmm". "Do you want me to bring it home?" Jessi said, "mm-hmmm". "You got it".

Jessi kept up the gentle suction, and ever so slightly felt Erik's hands begin to twirl into his hair for a grip. Suddenly, his legs crossed over Jessi's back and Erik hips thrust up while his hands pushed down. All 8" jammed into his throat, and he began a jackhammer type of face fucking. Jessi's gagging and coughing seemed to only urge him onto a quicker thrusting.
Suddenly, with a loud groan, his thighs gripped the side of his head, and Jessi felt the head of his dick explode into his mouth. A flavor of fruit, nuts, salt, and honey all at the same time assaulted his taste buds. Swallow after swallow finally emptied his mouth except for the film of sperm that coated his tongue and inner cheeks.

Erik's thighs released his head, his legs uncrossed, and his hand let go of Jessi's hair. He pulled off his dick with a long trail of spit stretching from Erik's dick to his mouth. Jessi fell to the ground panting and gasping for breath. He looked over at Erik, who was just coming down from a high and heard, "thanks, dude, I needed that!" Jessi spat out, "what the hell? I thought you were gonna be easy on me?" "Well," Erik said, "I wanted to be, but you wanted me to finish and I guess the brain of my 18 year old dick took over! Sorry man."

Jessi fell to his back and continued to catch his breath. "I gotta tell you, Jessi, if you think I could be rough, be careful with Josh." Josh Vanski was their wide receiver. At 6'2", and 190 pounds, he was a man who demanded attention. "What do you mean" Jessi asked. "Josh can get kind of wild... you'll find out, trust me."
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 6th post NSFW
With that, Erik jumped up, pulled up his black boxer briefs, pulled up his jeans, zipped up and buckled them, then grabbed the pillow and started gathering the quilt. Jessi stood and combed his hair, and tried to wipe off any saliva that might be on his face with the back of his hand. Erik finished folding up the quilt, flipped it into the bed of his F-150 and got into the truck. Jessi wasn't moving fast enough, so he honked the horn a few times. Jessi ran over and jumped in.

The ride back to town didn't take too long. Jessi was massaging his throat trying to stop the tired aching feeling Jessi had from being skull fucked twice in such a short amount of time. Jessi burped, and immediately the taste of cum was in his mouth and on his breath. "Gross!" Erik yelled, "that smells awful!". Jessi looked at him, and saw a grin come over his face as he stared at the road. "Smells gross, but it felt great to me when it was going down your throat!".

Jessi shook his head and stared out the window. Erik started to whistle country tunes he liked, and then started to whistle, "Coward of the County". Jessi jerked my head in his direction, and saw him looking at me while whistling, his eyes dancing and sparkling, and once Jessi looked, he dissolved into a fit of giggles. "Jessi don't know if you're the cocksucker of the county, but it looks like you might end up being the cocksucker of the football team!", he said, then continued to whistle that song. Jessi was beginning to hate that song...or was it resemble that song? Jessi continued to watch cornfields go by in the dark while Erik kept whistling Kenny Rogers. As we pulled up to the curb in town, he softly sang, "the football team considered Jessi the cocksucker of their team..." and began softly chuckling. Jessi shook his head and got out to face his truck.

Lying on the hood of his car with their backs against the windshield were Josh Vanski and Sam Matthews, drinking beer right out in the open. Sam's older brother was the town policeman, obviously they weren't afraid of the law. Both were dressed in tight Wranglers that they reserve for the rodeos, both had their cowboy boots on, both had Powell Panther T-Shirts
that were a size too small, and both had a shit eating grin when they saw how nervous Jessi was.

Jessi just stood there frozen looking in their direction, they raised their cans of Bud Lite and toasted me, before laughing then emptying the can. At the same time, both let out a belch that could have been heard the next county over, causing them to dissolve in a fit of drunken laughter. Erik came up, put his arm around Jessi's shoulder and guided him toward some of his future destiny that was sitting on the hood of his scout.

"Well?", Josh slurred. "How was it?". "Sweet", Erik said. "Better than I could have dreamed." At that, Sam began to rub his crotch and said with only a slight slur, "I don't know if I want to hear more, or if I just want to experience it myself?"

"I couldn't describe it if I tried. You REALLY want to experience this for yourself", Erik said. Jessi couldn't believe they were talking about him as if he wasn't there.

Now Josh, as Jessi mentioned before, was a wide receiver for the offense, and a corner back for the defense. He stood 6' 2" and was 190 pounds of solid meat. He had bushy brown eyebrows that topped an incredible set of brown eyes that could seduce you in a second, or cause you to quiver in fear in the same amount of time. His smile, which he showed rarely, was made up of perfect teeth that were framed with deep dimples and lips that begged to be kissed. He had begun a beard on his chin, a "muff diver" type and with unruly brown hair on his head that looked like he never combed it, made his entire look one that screamed of testosterone. He had always caused Jessi to be weak in the knees when he looked at him; he was a sex machine that made guys want to be like him, and girls want to be with him. Jessi knew from the locker room that he too had a treasure trail from his belly button down to a medium bush of dark brown pubes -- the carpet matched the drapes! His cock, which Jessi had only seen limp, was about 4 inches long and always seemed to curve to the right.

Sam Matthews was our leader, the quarterback. He was the same height as Josh, 6' 2", but was 30 pounds lighter at 160 pounds. Some idiots thought that meant that Sam was not as tough as Josh, but they found out the hard way how wrong they were. He was often described as brawny, lean but extremely muscular. He didn't have a six pack, he had an eight pack. His lighter brown hair framed a face that always looked determined. Straight eyebrows over hard brown eyes, a determined nose and a mouth that was almost always straight -- never frowning, never smiling. He rarely said much, but when he looked at you it spoke volumes. He didn't have a face that could be describes as "dreamy" or "sexy" or "warm", he just looked at you and you knew you were going to give him whatever he wants.

From the locker room, Jessi knew that he had a light layer of chest hair, a light treasure trail to a moderate bush of pubic hair. He had an impressive, cock that was 5" limp, and stuck out and arched down even when flaccid. His crotch was like an eye magnet that Jessi's eyes couldn't fight. He and Josh were definitely the alphas in their school.

Jessi just stood there as they cracked another beer. Jessi wasn't about to ask them to get off the hood of his scout, Jessi wasn't that stupid. Erik was massaging his crotch and said, "Well, guys, I'm just `drained' of energy; I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go home. Huh, I gotta tell ya that it's been a while since I didn't have to beat my meat in order to sleep! Well, don't stay out too late! Later!" With that, Erik walked back to his car softly chuckling to himself.

Jessi was thinking he was going to seriously have to rethink his definition of friendship when Jessi heard Josh bark, "Hey! I asked you a question!" Jessi
jerked back to reality and noticed that Josh wasn't slurring nearly as much as earlier. "Huh?" Jessi said. "Geez, what'd Erik do, fuck the brains right
out of ya? Jessi, I asked if you were ready!" Josh said. "Ready for what?", Jessi asked.

"Yeah, Erik must have face fucked him so hard he bruised his brain and made him stupid", Sam said as both he and Josh slid down the hood of the scout,
bringing a bag full of Bud Lite with them. The guys stood in front of Jessi, each with a hand on one of his shoulders. From a distance, it was just some
good buddies talking; the dialogue was much more harsh. "You see, Jessi, my balls are so blue they are ready to burst.", Josh said. "I haven't seen
Erik that content in a long time. You really.....relaxed....him, and I'm thinking you might do Sam and I a favor and help us out. I always get horny when I have a buzz, and," he said looking around, "you are about the only solution to my problem that I can see." Jessi looked over at Sam and his
eyes were boring into his like a great white shark, they revealed no emotion. Jessi knew he was gonna have to do whatever he told him. His eyes had
the `don't fuck with me' look about them. He almost seemed dangerous.

"So what do you say", asked Josh, " you ready to get creative with Sam and I? Your teammates?" As he said the word teammates, Jessi felt Josh's hand
tightening significantly on his shoulder. Almost on cue, Sam's hand tightened his other shoulder. Jessi glanced to the ground and saw two crotches 8 inches from his own that Jessi had a feeling he was going to be intimately familiar with what was underneath within a short amount of time. They seemed to radiate such heat he was surprised they didn't glow.

"Guys," Jessi said, "I would probably `help' you, teammates and all, but I gotta tell you that I have a really bad sore throat right now, and am
thinking a good night's rest might be what the doctor ordered." With an even voice, but a voice that seemed to surge with power, Sam said, "Isn't
that cute, Josh? He thinks I give a fuck how his throat feels. Erik really did bruise his brain." Sam's eyes were pounding into his, shriveling Jessi's
confidence, and Jessi knew that he wasn't going home in the near future. Josh took his free hand and grabbed Jessi's face pulling his cheeks together, pursing his lips. "Jessi, Jessi, Jessi, you know we're gonna fuck you silly, right? We own you, and by the time we're done with you, you're gonna wish
that a sore throat was the worst of your problems!" Jessi's heart sank as he realized there wasn't an ounce of friendship or compassion in their voices.
Jessi was screwed figuratively and probably eventually literally.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 7th post NSFW
"Guys, look, you've both had a lot to drink, we should pick a different time, you shouldn't be driving." Almost on cue, we heard someone yell, "Hey, Sam, what's going on?". We turned toward the street and saw Cody Frost at the wheel of a Chevy Silverado. Cody was the Junior quarterback, Sam's understudy. At 5' 10", he was shorter than Sam, but at 180 pounds weighed more than Sam. His face was more square, more defined almost like a military officer. His hair was shorter and light brown, his eye brows curved slightly at the end which softened the severity of his face, but his jaw line was straight and strong. He was an understudy for Sam note only as a quarterback, but as the main Alpha of the team next year. He was waiting for Sam to graduate so he could take over completely. Amazingly, Jessi had never seen him nude in the locker room, his locker was no where near mine and amazingly Jessi had never been in the shower at the same time as Cody. Jessi was only able to admired his god-given bubble butt that looked like it could literally suck you into it without seeing the real deal.

Sam called out, "Cody, my man, would you give Josh, me and our buddy Jessi here a ride out to the hunting cabin. Whatdayasay?" "Ah, Sam, your wish is my command! Come on!", Cody called. Josh gave Jessi a shove in the middle of his back and caused him to stumble toward the truck. Sam and Josh came stumbling toward the truck as well. Cody was laughing as he reached behind and opened the back cab door. Jessi got looking into the dark back seat when Josh pushed him in and followed Jessi in slamming the door. Meanwhile, Sam got into the passenger front and began chatting with Cody.

"Sam, gimme a beer", Josh said. Sam handed one back to Josh, gave one to Cody and opened one for himself. Jessi didn't dare ask for one. Jessi watched Josh swallow his almost all at once. "Gimme another, Sam." Sam gave another, and turned back ahead and continued to chat with Cody. Josh turned, leaned against the door, and spread his legs. He motioned toward Jessi to lay down, and Josh steered Jessi's head so that he was laying on his back, with his head lying on Josh's crotch between his legs. He crossed his legs across Jessi's chest so his neck and head could feel his cock under his jeans, his solid thighs holding and caressing the side of Jessi's cheeks, his legs holding him in place, and his cowboy boots were resting on Jessi's crotch. His cheeks could feel Josh's thigh muscles tensing as he began to rub his crotch with the heels of his boots.

Jessi heard him pop his beer above his head and again heard him gulping it down within seconds. Suddenly, he thrust his crotch against the back of my head, slightly pushed his heels into my crotch, and Jessi heard the reverberation through his gut as he let forth an earthshattering belch that almost knocked the doors off the truck. "Brrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaap!"
Immediately, his legs were caressing Jessi's cheeks as Josh laughed above him. From the front of the truck, there came a duet of loud belches that came from both Cody and Sam.

Josh then reached down and locked my head in place. Jessi felt his crotch thrust slightly, then Josh laid back with a sigh. Within a few seconds, Jessi was unable to breathe. They called them "silent but deadly", a fart that made no noise, but was noxious in smell. Jessi struggled to get up and get away, but Josh was too strong and with his legs crossed on his chest, Jessi had no chance to get away. His crotch thrust slightly again, and this time Jessi knew what was happening. Jessi began to struggle more, and cried out, "Oh, God, no! Let me go!". The rotten egg smell once again surrounded Jessi's face.

Sam yelled from the front seat, "What the fuck, Josh! Holy shit, what crawled up your ass and died?!?" "Sorry!", Josh said, but Cody from the front seat said, "Like fuck you are! Smells like you took a shit in your pants!" Down came the windows up front, but Josh pulled a blanket from the back and covered his lap (and my face) with the blanket. Jessi was thinking,
"WTF", until Jessi felt his hips slightly lift up once again. Jessi struggled to escape, but couldn't move with Josh's legs wrapped around his body trapping him between his legs as Jessi lay upon the seat. Jessi thought he was gonna die as the smell surrounded his face and had no where to go as it was trapped by the blanket. At the same time, Jessi suddenly felt the vibration as Josh let out another loud belch, and as the whole group laughed, Jessi felt his crotch lift once again; how could any human being fart so much? Jessi began coughing
and gasping for some oxygen. The more Jessi squirmed trying to get away, the more his head massaged Josh's crotch and soon his head was lying on what Jessi really thought had to be a lead pipe, but Jessi knew what it really was. In the pitch darkness under the blanket, his cock continued to grew even stiffer, his hips lifted slightly again to give Jessi another dutch oven, and Jessi heard and felt him give off the loudest belch yet. "You fucking pig!" Jessi screamed from under the blanket, which caused the others in the truck to melt into laughter.
Writing-assignment - interrogator brief start up

The dark and cold of the night reached beyond the darkness as the gray day came to light. A shadowy figure pushed away the plastic tarpaulin confronting the hooded man that was strapped to the chair. A bucket of cold water wakes up the man as the interrogator sets the bucket aside, yanking the hood off and begins the line of questioning. She looked over her glasses down at the man that she captured by seducing him and drugging him into submission. Her voice caused shivers to go down his back as she hook electrodes to him.
Rodeo Dreams Cont. 8th post NSFW
Jessi felt the truck go over a bumpy area and soon stopped. The engine died and Jessi heard the front doors of the truck open. Josh flipped the blanket off him, finally releasing Jessi. He glared at Josh as laughingly untangled himself from Jessi, opened the door, and jumped out. "You cumming? Cuz, Jessi think we might be pretty soon. Come on."

Jessi staggered from the truck and was barely able to walk; his eyes were watering and Jessi was still gasping for real air. Jessi thought to himself, 'I've had nothing to drink, but these guys who should be three sheets to the wind are walking better than me!' Jessi staggered forward until suddenly he came up solid against what felt like a wall. Jessi orientated himself, and looked directly into the face of Cody. "Hey, man", he said, " you got your shit together yet?" he asked. "Um, I'm ok." Jessi replied "Uh, you don't seem surprised by any of this yet. What gives?"

"Well", Cody said, "Good news travels fast, and fantastically great news travels even faster. Trust me, if there's the cocksucker of the county that will swing on the football team, people are gonna hear quickly. Jessi, do you think I stopped by you guys by accident?"

"Geez, who all knows?" Jessi asked.

"Um, give or take one person, I think by now the whole fucking team. How much cum can you take in a night? Cuz if you don't know now, you're probably gonna find out at some point." Cody said. He put his hand on the small of his back and gently guided Jessi toward the hunting cabin, as Jessi's throat began to ache once again.

Jessi paused before the door of the cabin, trying to gather the courage to open the door. Cody came up behind him and reached under his arms and hooked him by the shoulders, and pressed up against Jessi's butt, thrusting against his butt. Cody ground his crotch into Jessi's ass, leaning into him and whispered into his ear, "Jessi, I know your throat is sore. I'll respect that. I'll be just as happy to fuck your ass. You have a sweet ass, Jessi, and I know you admire my bubble butt. Maybe I'll let you lick it...we'll see. But out of respect for your throat, your ass will be mine tonight. Let's go in and see what the boys are up to."

Cody unhooked from Jessi's shoulders, reached around and opened the door. Light flooded out into the porch dispelling the darkness. Slightly blinded from the sudden light, He looked in and saw that Sam and Josh had wasted no time and were shotgunning beers, with a swig of JD in between. Jessi thought, 'Maybe these guys will drink so much they'll have whiskey dick and I won't have too much going on tonight anyway.'
Cody walked around him and said, "Come on in, Jessi. We can't party without you." Jessi still hadn't gotten enough courage to enter when He suddenly felt to sets of arms locking with
his on either side and beginning to walk into the cabin. Startled, Jessi looked from side to side and saw my escorts were cousins, Hans and Alex Gideon. What startled him was that they were Freshman. Seriously?

Hans was a defensive end, stood 6' 2", was 159 pounds. He wore his blondish brown hair in a short buzz cut. His eyebrows were light blond, and he had an incredible disarming smile. Alex was another story. A tight end for the team, he was 6' 3" and 185 pounds of "don't fuck with me" muscle. Alex was incapable of not looking intense. Long, unruly dark brown hair topped a face that was defined by a strong jaw line, a prominent nose, and two eyes that could make you quiver in fear if you crossed him. The only time Jessi ever saw him smile was after he had nailed an opponent; he would jump up and while standing over him he would pump his fists in the air and scream at the sky the future alpha scream as only a freshman could
do. He would then look with absolute contempt at his victim on the ground, and walk away shaking his head and grinning from ear to ear. Even as a senior, Jessi would look at this freshman and hope he never paid attention to him.

Since Alex made him so insecure, Jessi turned to look at Hans. He showed him his disarming smile, so Jessi smiled back a little. He leaned in, and in a conspiratorial whisper in his ear, he said, "I get to fuck Jessi's first ass tonight. Mighty neighborly for you to offer yourself that way!" Jessi jerked back and he smiled a little more, and Jessi realized that his angelic face in
no way betrayed what was going on in his groin. Alex leaned in and hissed, "Come on sperm breath, let's move it!". They pulled Jessi into the hunting cabin and Alex flipped the door with his foot as he went by. The door slammed, and Jessi thought to himself, 'I honestly don't know if I'm going to live through the night.'

The cousins took Jessi to a reclining chair, flung him into it, and Alex said, "Stay!" Jessi thought, 'What the fuck, am I a dog now?' Almost like he could read his mind, Alex swung around, eyes boring into his and took one step towards him. Immediately, his eyes broke contact and Jessi stared at the ground, which happened to be where his feet were. Jessi could sense Alex just staring at him, so Jessi kept staring at his feet. Jessi began to think how big his feet were, and as worn as his Adidas were, these were feet that were used to heavy duty action. After what seemed like an eternity, Alex turned and walked away. Jessi looked up to stare at his butt and wondered how many pussies he had already plowed in his 16 years of life.

Hans came up to me, smiling his smile, and said, "Here, have a beer. You're gonna need to relax your butt and your throat. I mean, I want it tight, but I don't want it to hurt too ungodly much for you." Jessi kept staring at him as Jessi took the beer and slowly drank it down in one long gulp. Hans just kept smiling, waiting for the can. Jessi thought to himself, 'Jesus christ, this kid thinks he's being compassionate while talking about fucking my ass! Holy crap!'. Hans took the empty, walked away, and returned with another. He pulled a coffee table over, sat on it, handed Jessi the beer, and began to excitedly but calmly talk about how he was gonna enjoy his first butt fuck. From his tone, you would think he was talking about going to a concert, or observing the rodeo this weekend.

"MMM, I gotta tell you, Jessi, it's mighty fine for you to help out your teammates this way. And I'm gonna be honest with you, there's a special thrill in a high school freshman plowing the butt of a high school senior. I mean, I just turned 16 and you just turned 18, I mean fuck! I would never let this happen to me in a million years, but that's what makes you so special to me. You don't mind my fuckin that fine ass of yours, do you? I dunno, should I let you suck me a bit first, what do you think? Ah, maybe not, I'll save myself to have all the joy of feeling your ass caress and making sweet love to my cock! You know, Jessi, you'll always be my first, and that is a kind gift. Thanks, buddy!" Hans smiled a broad smile, ruffled Jessi's hair, grabbed his empty beer and walked away with a happy bounce to his step.
It Been awhile and so much has happen
II an trying to get back into roleplaying. It's been a while since I've been on the site. I missed role playing. Its been over 2 years but a lot happened, I lost my mum and it tore me up I wasn't in the mood to write and I was depressed. Thinks are looking up, Just had midsommar weekend our biggest holiday here. So Glad Midsommar Alla.

Hopefully I can find someone that will accept me, as a bottom boy and being that English is my 4th language and that my grammar is not perfect far from it. I have samples of my writing in my journals. I have the tendency of playing a femboy or an Effeminate char. Mc has the tendency of believing what YC tells him? Now trying to think of some setups that I want do. Its good to be back and hope to find One that will over look my flaws in writing.
update on why I have been away
Thought I might up date a few things. I left BMR for awhile as I had no access to my account. It wasn't until a day ago I discovered I could access my account through discord. This was awesome as i have reached out to a few I had role plays going on with. I am still studying but now I am living in my family home that I inherited as my mum passed away. I am running a marina and sailing business that was family owned too with the help of some long term employees which have been awesome in helping me out so I could still keep in my education. I got my BA completed and started on my Masters in Film Since being an only child I promise my mum before she passed that I would adopt at least 2 children. Which is not as hard here in Sweden being a single gay male as it is in many other countries. So I am in the process of adopting a very special 18 month old little girl. She is special needs and has a Trache. She is smart and learning fast, probably faster than I as we are learning signing together and she is working on how to make sounds. So that is an update on me and I am happy to be back Rping.
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