Mx Female Such a nice couple

Mature Male Writer

Nov 19, 2019
Coastal Georgia, US
Everyone in town thought they were such a "nice" couple, but if people only knew about their perversion. That is the main point of the plot, this writer seeks. Read on, if you want the details of what this writer has in mind for a role playing story. This writer seeks to write a period piece, 1953 - 1963, about a married couple who discover that they are well suited to, no need, BDSM in their lives. This writer seeks a long term, slowly developing story.

A few things about this writer. He tends to write third person with post averaging about 200 words because he wishes the story to be very interactive. The time period is a key part of the story to satisfy a kink he wishes to include. If you are a female writer with an interest in this sort of story, please let this writer know, and we will see, if we can write together. Thank you for your kind consideration.
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