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Fx Any Burning Moments

Progenitor Inferno

An end to all things
Jan 15, 2022
Burning Moments
A request thread
The Basics

: Laid back and friendly, old enough to know better, British, unconcerned about your physical manifestation or identification of gender. Happy enough to 'shoot the breeze' OOC. Not new to RP, I've RP'd online on and off for several years and played/consumed tabletop RPG's for over two decades. I'm probably a little out of practice for smut/erotic RP though. I'm a proponent of 'Real Life comes first' if you (or me for that matter) have responsibilities or distractions IRL then I'm going assume that you'll be dealing with them rather than get your rocks off with a disembodied voice. I try and extend understanding to writers whose writing might not be 'technically' brilliant - if you have a disability that affects your writing or English isn't your first language just let me know (if you want to that is!).

Writing Style: I can string a sentence together without issue (well maybe too many commas). I tend to write in third person, for something exciting enough I could be persuaded to write in first. Post lengths are roughly three paragraphs. Response time will vary with 'real life' demands and could be as little as once a week. If that happens I try and increase the amount I'm writing (but with no obligation for it be matched).

Writers I'm looking for: Folks who vaguely also match the above or who can be accepting of the above. You write five paragraphs on average but would be happy with my three? Step on in. You don't really like OOC chatter? Step on in and just let me know.

General Smut

Favourite Things: I'm pretty open minded and open to a lot of scenes and kinks, the following are things that will immediately catch my interest: Older women (playing as and against), Cheating/Adultery, Celebrities (playing as), Redheads (playing as), Pregnancy, Large cocks/breasts/butts, Clothing (forced wearing, dressing up, slutty, uniforms, cum on them). Age differences, Size differences, Non-humans (Playing as or against, furrys included).

Kinks: I've toyed with the idea of filling out one of those Flists but realised it'd be an hour of me clicking 'Favourite' or 'Yes' for just about everything. So just assume kinks are either a 'yes' or a 'maybe' in theory. I might not be feeling a specific kink at that time but a No is not a No forever. I also have a soft spot for obscure or out there kinks, so try me!​

Setting: I lean towards 'modern' settings just because there's usually a lot less world building needed. That's not to say Fantasy and Sci Fi are out of the question, they aren't in the slightest.

Face Claims: I like them. I don't prefer drawn over photographs or vice versa. Sometimes the mood of the RP kind of of dictates the medium though, for example: Want a light hearted, slightly silly RP involving big boobs? That's going to have to be some drawn references then!

More Specific Smut

'The whole open minded and up for most things is really cool, but how about you give me something a bit more tangible eh?' I hear you say. Fear not, here are some brief ideas of pairings and scenes (My Character/s is always on the left)

Mother x Son/Daughter (A classic pairing).
Aunt x Niece/Nephew
Teacher x Student
Human x Furry (or indeed Furry in any combination).
Celebrity x Furry
Celebrity x Fan/Stalker
Goblin x Human
Robot x Human
Something set in the Warhammer (old world), 40K, or (old) World of Darkness settings.

Hopefully you've gotten the impression that my inbox is open to all your weird (or standard but still hot) ideas, because it is, and I hope to hear from some of you.

All of the above subject to change as I work out how to word or present things better, last significant changes were: 20.01.2022
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