Mx Any The stories just keep growing (new plot)


Jan 10, 2022
Hey there!

So first time posting something like this and hope I can find someone to do at least one of the prompts, but first a bit about me and how I roleplay.
I am a 29 year old dude living in South Africa, working night shift, I have been roleplaying for a good 15 years now. So I tend to have a lot of time for writing and creating stories. I tend to go with pairings that I do not quite see often and gravitate towards them as well, as I find them interesting.
I am a literate roleplayer that can come out with a good 2 paragraph per post, more if the details permit them.

In terms of the roleplays I like, they are story driver, with a 50-50 to 60-40 smut-story.
I love seeing strong and powerful women being played out and seeing how that facet of them melts away when they are with someone they hold dear to them, I also love to experiment and explore new kinks and such through roleplay.

With that here are some pairings I would be interested in playing in format MC/YC:
  • Student (18+) / Teacher
  • Sports Player/ Coach
  • Soldier / Princess
  • Experiment / Scientist
  • Monster / Adventurer
  • Human / Godess
  • God / CEO
With the pairings out of the way here are a few plots I would love to play out and explore:

It's a Harem World

In this story, human society has changed, sometime a good 200 years ago, harems started up all over the world, your place in the world is determined by the harem you are in, both men and women work hard to form part of the best harems around. This is taught to kids at school and there are even graded based on the harem that they can start. We will play out as a couple or best friends who decide to start a harem and make a name for themselves? The first woman of a Harem is very important, she will become a First Lady which will help direct and push the harem in one way or another, also to say which women join said harem.

I really am curious at doing this story, so if anyone is open to making this happen let me know

The Haunted house

The story is such. There is a neighborhood somewhere in a rich city where an old lustful demon used to live thousands of years ago. Who has been dormant for a long, long time. That is until this family moves in, within the family is a woman, who is by all intents and purposes a pervert and she flaunts it, she watches her neighbors have fun, brings home a few random guys from Tinder and so on. This awakens the demon who decides to play with the neighborhood. Making them dream weird and wonderful dreams, before manifesting himself as part of the toys or stuffed animals some of the families have. Unfortunately he is transfixed on going after the perverted girl.

In this roleplay you would play the woman being targeted and I would play the demon that plays with you.


The Cheating Wife

This story is about the wife of a man who at the beginning of the relationship was perfect for her, but, things started to change as their lives progressed, the fire is just not there anymore, their random weekends away to exotic places? Gone. Random gifts brought by the husband after work? Yeah right. So the wife started to look around, trying to find that fire again. Is she going to go for younger men? Is she going to look for a different race? Is she looking for something serious? Maybe she wants multiple partners? Only our minds will decide what this wife is looking for.


Celeb/Pornstar's "normal life escapade"

This story follows a celebrity/pornstar who needs a break from the high life, and decides to go incognito and go to a holiday resort to just live for a while and be normal. There she finds a man who while he does recognize them, maybe not at first, he does not treat her like a fan would, he would treat her like a normal woman, teasing her, being playful, teasing her and even making her blush or get flustered. Making her fall enough for him, to let him know who she is, and maybe introducing him to her life, along with the challenges that would bring.

The Bleaching of the Ebony MILF

The story follows an ebony woman, someone who has been around the block, maybe she is already married, or she is between partners. Either way, she lives in a modest home, with her son or daughter, life is good. She has always had this thought being with black men is the way to go, they are better in bed, and they have cocks on the larger end. That is until she meets a young man, being about her child's age, going to the same college, they meet through her child. Little does she know that she will end up in a hole of depravity, getting to see his member through his pants would be enough to peak her interest to go after the man and try to get him in bed, and once there, she finds the one thing she never had before, aftercare. This leads her down the road of actually falling in love with him and growing closer to him.

This plot can involve cheating and cucking.

The Princess and her Promised one

In the far future, humanity have outgrown Earth, left it as a base of opperations for a very militaristic society. Throughout their expansion, they have made sure each solar system can and will be able to sustain themselves with the resources there, the story happens on a planet, called Edena, this is the luxury and farming world of the solar system, it is ruled by a noble house, which is the house considered the strongest, the one with the most ties off world, or even, the most influential. YC's noble house is currently in power, and they have had that power for nearly 100 years, the way they hold it is to make sure that those born in the house have the best possible chance to become very successful. To do that, they have built a lab, which is there specifically to create the best possible partners for the heirs or family members of the noble house, how this works is. At the age of 13, there will be a questionnaire sent asking for who the "Prince Charming" or the "Perfect Princess" That the child would want to be with when they are older.
Filling in this questionnaire would give the lab something to push forward with and work on.
YC puts in the details as expected and send it through (I am open to play Male, Female or Futa for this one)

The story would be how that couple finally meet when YC turns 20 and where they would go. Maybe an adventure, or war? Maybe they try to take over, or ditch the nobility and go live with the common folk. The world is our oyster.

The Silver Stripes

Humans and Werewolves have made peace among themselves, they now live in peace with large swathes of land left untouched by humans to allow werewolves to thrive and grow strong. Every year at the same time there is a gathering of the packs, a massive celebration of the peace that was brought, but also, a common place to meet up, have wolves meet their mates and start families, also create many friendships.
YC is the daughter of the Alpha of one of the stronger packs out there, you are reaching the age now where you not finding your mate yet is becoming a problem, you are frustrated at this and your father is trying all manner of things to get you to.
MC is part of a special pack of wolves, they do not follow the natural laws of werewolves, they can only shift once they have mated with their mates, they cannot feel the mate bond until they have shifted, but they have the strength of normal werewolves in their human forms, and when they do shift they are bigger than most wolves with a silver stripe going down their backs.
In order to keep the peace and not have anything pull the packs out of balance that pack is not allowed to be in politics or even influence anything, the only thing they are allowed to do is be the neutral party of a conversation or negotiation.

The story would center around our characters, MC is YC's mate, but since I cannot feel it YC would need to persuade mine or even try to make them feel it. We can discuss how they never met before or something like that but could be fun if they meet at one of those gatherings.


The Tentacle Monster and the Queen

Humanity has reached the point in their development where they are looking to colonize other planets and expand beyond the solar system. Thing is, there are a lot of other races out there, not many find humans good to talk to or deal with, so there are many wars, to counter that, humans created the tentacle monsters, sending them out to conquer or destroy, though they found out that it was impossible to control them, which lead to more and more deaths. That is when the Queen Program started. After Highschool, a woman could enroll in the program, where she would learn how to be a tentacle hive queen, making her less susceptible to the slime of the monster, and make sure the monster does not break her, also making her quite confident and strong, to tame a monster of her own, it is a grueling process, and less than 1% of participants live to see a monster of their own, fewer still manage to tame one. You are one of those that has made it through and your final exam is to make your hive and tame the prime of the hive. How will you do that.

The roleplay will have pairing between the hive and the queen, the queen will start laying roots down on a foreign planet with the hive, but also, would need to figure out a way to expand it, maybe having breeding women or taking over the planet, all to be ready for when humanity would need her to defend it.

Well these are my Plots, feel free to pick one, or pick a pairing and we can brainstorm an idea or plot from it. I would rather do this in PMs and if it gets somewhere and we click well then You can contact me on Discord: Zorham#2476
Let's make beautiful stories together :)
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