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Ilvermorny School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Jan 26, 2014
Your closet
Welcome to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


We are a large school located in the United States. We as well as the other Wizarding Schools are having an exchange in our students to try and bring together the children of the Wizarding World. We invite you to our school this year.

Things we Need to know about Your Character:
1. Name
2. Age
3. gender
4. Wand (if you have one)
5. If you are an exchange student what school you come from
6. What your character looks like
7. About your characters background

As you enter Ilvermorny for the first time it is much like any other Wizarding school. It screams magic around every corner. In the front there is a teacher sorting student out. "First years please head straight and follow Professor Magnus." The teacher who looked to be in her mid-forties said pointing to a tall handsome man with long black hair and deep blue eyes. He didn't look particularly friendly nor did he seem unkind. He just stood there staring at the women who had pointed him out. "Transfer students will follow me Professor Horx." she said holding her hand to her chest introducing herself. "The rest of you know where to go." She said as everyone seemed to split up.

Which way will you travel? Do you follow your friends you had made years before at Ilvermorny or do you follow one of the teachers?​
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