- Joined
- Nov 21, 2021

After many days of conference, they had finally come to the agreement. They worked out trade agreements, filling out the necessary documents to officiate this. Bard of Dale was as equally and eager for opening trade, his own city in need of desperate repairs. So the three leaders had come together against all odds, when in the beginning, they had been at each other's throats. It stung Thorin's pride a little to negotiate with the Elven King that had imprisoned him and his companions, but over time he had seen to his own errs and swallowed that pride for the betterment of his own people. It seemed King Thranduil had managed to contain his own pride to do the same and that had given Thorin the push he needed to go through with this. The years that passed since their initial negotiations moved quickly. The three kingdoms prospered from their trade and soon both Erebor and Dale were restored. During this time, Thorin could even dare to say he had garnered a closer friendship with the cold Elven King. A surprising turn of events considering, but the amulet that hung around his neck spoke volumes of how their relationship had gone from pure hatred to kinship.
It was this amulet and the presence of Thranduil's elk that told him something was desperately wrong. First it had begun with the amulets vibrant light beginning to fade. It made the dwarf king confused, but at first had thought nothing of it, then he felt a pang in his chest as he watched the beautiful stone crack. Hours he would spend pacing, trying to figure out why this amulet would crack. In a strange sense, this whole time he wore it, he felt he could feel Thranduil's presence. At first it had been odd then it had been comforting so this happening only made him uncomfortable. For once, Thranduil felt so far away, almost as if he were gone. Then he felt a strange sickness, nauseous suddenly, but he shook it away as nerves. It was when Thranduil's elk was spotted outside of the mountain that Thorin felt his heart sank. He joined his comrades in approaching the distressed beast, the elk bellowing loudly until it spotted him. The elk moved close and Thorin almost thought he could see mourning and concern in those large, deep black pools.
"What's the matter, beast? Where's your rider?" Thorin asked and cautiously raised his hand to touch the elk's neck, brushing downwards until his hand swiped over the saddle cloth and came back covered in blood. Something was definitely wrong. What had happened to Thranduil? Thorin felt another wave of nausea hit him, putting him to his knees as he clutched his stomach. His head spun and he gave Balin a questioning look as the old dwarf hurried over. "I don't know what is going on, but something is really wrong. Thranduil...." He murmured and squeezed his eyes shut, swallowing down the bile in his throat before staggering to his feet and hurrying back into the mountain. He needed to seek out answers, but he wasn't sure how. He had received word that Thranduil's son was on a quest with eight other companions to destroy the ring of power so perhaps Legolas would know what happened to his father. These past few months had been hellish fighting off goblins and orcs alike, but he realized over the past few days that their numbers seemed to be dwindling, more fearful and uncertain until they weren't fighting anymore. It was strange, but welcome. Something had definitely changed, but he wasn't sure what. All Thorin could focus on now was figuring out what happened to the Elven King.
Thorin wrote several letters, figuring to send it out to Legolas and the other two Elf lords to see if they knew anything of this disturbance. He waited days for answers, his nerves only getting worse, and same with the nausea. He felt like he was going crazy, felt like he was sensing something completely abnormal. His stomach felt weird, heavy, and he couldn't describe it well as he sat with Balin getting examined. He almost equated it to being pregnant, but there was no way he could be! It was just another mystery and it was leaving him with a headache. When Legolas showed up at Erebor days later, Thorin was both relieved and even more distressed as he heard that Legolas had no clue to what was happening with his father, that Bilbo had sent him a letter stating that his father had showed up in the Shire, sick with orc poison and unwell. The Hobbit hadn't gone into great deal from the letter that Legolas presented him, but it was enough to make Thorin decide what he should do. "We need to go to the Shire then. At least we know he is alive and safe now, but I wonder why he would go to the Hobbits. Not here." He muttered, cursing about stubborn elves as he moved to gather up his supplies and weapons for the long trip. Of course his companions refused to be left behind and so all fourteen dwarves and Legolas rode out, heading west towards the Shire.
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