Mx Female Looking for an ongoing Mom and Son role play partner.


Jan 14, 2022
I've written several different set ups and backstories, in regards to this particular role play fantasy. However I did happen to have one particular set up in mind, that being said, I'm always open to discussing details prior to getting started. I'm quite flexible when it comes to developing an initial set up together. I'm also on discord in case you'd prefer to role play there.

You're my suburban mom and high-school teacher. You've always been keen on keeping me from falling into the wrong crowds, and being my home room teacher you made sure my focus was on my studies in hopes that I stay away from any girls. Meanwhile hiding your secret kinkier side which you had only allowed your husband to see, your closet having an assortment of sex toys, lingerie and high heels which you wouldn't ever be caught in outside of the bedroom, despite having always been one to dress provocatively to work driving all those teenage boys crazy at class.

This morning though while cleaning my room, you found a pair of your 6 inch open toe heels under my bed, still covered in your son's semen along with a messy hand towel. Your boy had finally gotten to that age and you felt you had to do something to control these growing urges, surprisingly when having brought it up to me, I didn't shy away from admiting to what I'd done, I even insisted on you wearing them to class, was this just a phase while your son was discovering his sexual interests or the start of a new dynamic between the two of us. Would it be so bad to let your son tell you how to dress...
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