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Fx Male Frightening Delights [Sub F Seeking Doms || Long-Term || Dark Drama & Horror-Focused] **4/17 Updates, Craving Wide Age Gaps

Jan 12, 2022
Hello all, hope everyone is having a nice day, night, or other ambiguous time! I'm here looking for some RPs, but contrary to my username I'll just say now that my desires tend to run dark. I'll have my F-List linked below for further proof, but just know that while I may have some interests skewing towards the extreme these are never a requirement.

First off, I am looking to play a submissive female character against a dominant male character. It does not matter one bit to me what gender you are as a writer, if you're willing to indulge this!

♥ I prefer to keep posts relatively short, but ideally with a minimum of 1-2 good sized paragraphs to get into the headspace of characters. I prefer to cap at around 5-7 paragraphs, but all this can change depending on the context of the scene!​

♦ I make an attempt to post at least once a day, usually more on weekends. I just ask that if you may be absent for more than a few days (3+ really) you try to let me know. I will do the same! If real life gets in the way and you can't, I will also be understanding. I mostly just worry about my partners' well-being.​

♣ I look for partners that will build plots with me, if you give me active planning I'll give you the same right back!​
♣ I also prefer having some OOC chatter for planning/friendship. It's not required but is appreciated!​

♠ I am up in the air on plot-smut ratios. I love both, and ideals would be a higher ratio of smut to plot, or a 50/50 ratio. That said, this thread is very centered on ideas with high capacity for drama so don't be afraid to be vocal about plot!​

♥ I tend to use real life face claims. I will provide options for you to see for my characters, and I will be happy to hear your preferences for appearance, but please do not ask that I indulge your favorites or provide me options for my character. Autonomy is very important to me in our characters.

♦ While I'm happy to include multiple side characters, my preference is to focus on relationships between two main characters. Side characters are preferred for plot and may, in many cases, be expendable. Please don't expect me to play these side characters engaged in the smut, I will extend you the same courtesy and only expect one character from your end.​

♣ My preference is to play the younger of two main characters, please don't ask me to reverse any age gaps so my character will be the older.​

♠ Planning is for PMs, but I am equally open to threads or PMs for the RP itself. I will only work on site, so please don't ask for any other information.​

As promised, my F-List is here!

~* PRESUME ALL LINKS HERE ARE NSFW! At current I have a particular craving for wide age gaps and more unattractive doms. Seeing a hot 18-20-something year old fucking someone old enough to be her grandfather is very fun to me. I'm all for suspension of disbelief too, not compromising any strength or endurance because of age, just the fun of a girl in her prime coming to absolutely adore a much older man.

Anything marked with ** is fully intended for playing against something inhuman.

Everything here is intended for a modern setting, mostly with relatively dark themes that can be catered to our particular desires! As stated in the title, what I'm really looking for is a heavy heaping of twisted, dark fun. I have listed a lot of ideas with some amount of questionable consent that can be involved, however the intent is also for the sub to become equally enamored with her dom. Partitioning into a few categories here, one for some crime drama/dark plots, one specifically for horror tropes and the other for what I call "mental gymnastics" plots. These are heavy on the dom's psychological manipulation of the sub.

Option 1: The Up and Comer - I've been replaying the campaign to GTAV recently, and it has me interested in a plot set in that sort of world. I wouldn't mind tearing the cities straight from the game, but adding a bit of campiness to any major city should do the trick. My character in this case is a relatively low-level petty criminal. I see her mainly growing and selling pot, maybe running some other scams or cons, but otherwise she mostly keeps her head down. That's until YC takes an interest in her. Whatever brand of criminal hell he raises, he's a lot more successful than her. He takes her under his wing and gives her a taste of the high life, teaching her to idolize both him and their partnership as they work towards bigger and better scores.

Option 2: Your Darkest Secrets - MC makes her money largely in secrets, most often catching wealthy men in generally perverse lies and then blackmailing them for a hefty sum. She considers it a victimless crime, seeing as she makes good on her promise as long as she's paid. But when she sets her sights on YC, she doesn't realize what she's gotten herself into. Once she threatens to leak one of his dark secrets, he threatens to do a lot worse. YC is far more powerful than mine ever realized, able to track her down impossibly quickly. Then she has a choice, either die for her knowledge or spend the rest of her life indentured to him. And he will make great use of her, turning her blackmailing towards his enemies and keeping her right at his fingertips all at the same time.

Option 3: Power Grabs - For her entire life, MC's father ran the majority of criminal industries booming in a particularly notable city. He had a monopoly on most things, and when he didn't he was quick to strong-arm competition out one way or another. What no one expected was for another old name to rise back up, with everyone thinking the last members died out. This would begin at the end of some heinous revenge thriller, MC's father dead and YC moving in on the chaos left in his wake. That includes moving in on MC, left just as up for grabs as the rest of her old man's industry. YC may just take her as a pretty face, or may realize that she's had enough of a hand in her father's work to be of outside use. In any case, he spares her as a bit of a prize for himself, a sort of relic as he gets rid of the rest of her family.

Option 1: The Final Girl - Playing off that most classic of horror tropes, MC would be the final girl in this scenario. She comes with a group of side characters who are plenty expendable, either the group of them out camping, on some weekend trip, or otherwise earning the ire of an otherwise unknown maniac (YC). I'd love to see some interactions between them even as he's knocking off her friends one by one, playing into recurring themes of deceit as he convinces her he's a friend. And of course he only means well for her, it's just tough when he's the only one that knows that no one else is good for her.
Option 1a: Hunting Grounds** - Essentially the same Final Girl trope, however the killer in question is more primal in nature. Either a monster or beast that targets her friends to kill them, but her for a mate.​

Option 2: "Religious" Doctrine - Let's talk about cults. In particular, MC is the slightly gullible young woman who falls in with a cult run by YC after he takes a particular interest in her. (To make it clear, I prefer that he only has an interest in her, not really using sex with the rest of the female cultists.) Perhaps he treats her as a prominent figure in their beliefs, revering her as a prophet or a divine wife figure. And perhaps the cult itself is a sham, a good way for a con artist or sociopath to either line his pockets or get his kicks in subjugating others. In any case, although he controls all of the cultists to some extent, he likes to keep MC especially wrapped around his finger.
Option 2a: Your Humble Servant - In this particular instance, MC doesn't stumble upon a cult but perhaps may have the aim of creating one. By some kind of dark, divine intervention she learns about YC, a supernatural creature or deity that seduces her into worshipping him. To help prove her devotion, she is tasked with finding more followers to his dark whims and, perhaps, sacrifice a few along the way. Again, I am only looking to include our main characters in terms of the relationship, less so a big orgy of followers and more her acting as his prophet and mouthpiece.​

Option 3: Haunting and Daunting - When it comes to horror, nothing is more classic than a haunted house. Horror is one of the few reasons I'd opt to include some supernatural elements. In this case, MC is a new homeowner in an old house. Living alone for the first time in her life, she's prone to jumping at the slightest sound. But it isn't just sounds that frighten her. Either by way of legitimate paranormal activity, with YC playing a particularly fiendish spirit, or perhaps a trick devised by an intruder living within her walls, she is convinced that her home is haunted. At risk of sounding paranoid she says nothing, instead hoping to learn more about the spirits within her walls or to otherwise find the source of her shockingly vivid nightmares.
Option 3a: Childhood House of Horrors - Similar to the above, however with an incestuous spin. MC is not living alone, but instead moving back in with her father, or perhaps moving in with an uncle or grandfather to a home that's been in the family for ages but she's always been terrified of. Either by virtue or real hauntings or some clever manipulation, YC can frighten her to his heart's delight knowing that she can only come to him for comfort.​

Option 4: Something Wicked - A daredevil by nature, MC sets off to explore a location deemed by many to be rife with demonic activity. In hopes of gaining proof one way or another, she taunts the supposed demons, or perhaps even the Devil himself, by way of performing a ritual meant to summon any lingering presences. What she didn't account for was the fact that it would work quite so well. YC is far outside of her control, and after this ritual latches onto her as a form of punishment or simply for his own delights. This could see her tormented in her daily life, unable to escape her demonic foe, or she could simply be dragged straight to Hell to be made into demonic bride and subjugated for all eternity.

Option 5: The Monster's Lair** - MC has a keen interest in cryptids and urban legends, setting off into the dark unknown following a lead she hasn't heard of anyone else pursuing. Perhaps that's for good reason. After setting off in search of her monster of choice, she soon finds some manner of success locating YC. But by the time she sees him, he sees her as well. Deciding she's worth more to him alive than dead, he takes her back to his lair with no intention of letting her leave.

Option 1: The End of The World - Taking from the tense, paranoid atmosphere of 10 Cloverfield Lane, this plot would see MC seemingly rescued by YC, brought into his shelter to ride out the end of the world. At least, that's what he tells her they're doing. It's a convincing enough ruse, but that's all it is. He wants her for his own, and he'll keep her oblivious by whatever means necessary. As she picks apart his act, finding the flaws in his shelter and his story. But for every question she raises, he comes up with an answer that sounds legitimate enough to fly. Is it really worth it for her to open that door, exposing them both to the potential of a radioactive hellscape?

Option 2: Understand We Are Family - A young woman, ideally a kidnapping victim, is kept on edge by her captor, a man bent on brainwashing her into believing they're related. Through any combination of drugs, gaslighting, and otherwise manipulating her fragile psyche, he works to convince her that he's her father, uncle, grandfather, what have you. It's a chance for him to play out an incestuous fantasy without getting in trouble for it, especially as he gleefully believes the act. Once he has her convinced enough, that's when he can start taking her out into the world. She needs that strong male figure in her life, and he's going to give it to her.

Option 3: Primary Care - I'm up for discussion on initial relationship dynamics on this one, but the biggest aspect would be poisoning along with the manipulation. For this plot, MC would be a young woman who starts out healthy by normal standards. YC, having a less than healthy interest in her, hatches a plan to keep her close before she can slip away. Mysteriously, she begins to fall victim to some form of illness. She's weak enough that she largely has to stay indoors, relying on YC as a primary caretaker. So not only can he keep her weak in his grasp, he can hold the fact that it's not easy caring for her over her head. All the while he's the one keeping her weak and malleable. As I said, the pairing can be malleable for this. I could see an incestuous plot being interesting here, as well as a landlord, neighbor, roommate, etc. I'd prefer they not have already been in a romantic relationship, just because I like building the smut between two characters.

Option 4: The Prized Bitch** - In case the title doesn't give it away, this idea is pretty well boiled down to blatant zoo kink. Essentially MC, who is down on her luck in need of a good job, takes up a slightly cryptic position offered by someone with more money than otherwise would have expected to see in her life. The position comes with a lengthy contract and an NDA, all before her questions are answered. And then, once her freedoms are signed away, it's too late. Her employer is looking to turn her into a special kind of caregiver for their prized pet(s). This could be as few as one dog or a veritable cabal of demanding creatures, all male and all insatiable. The aim here would also be to break MC until she truly enjoys her new position. Her employer does not necessarily need to be involved in any of the sex, but can be. If we go that route, I'd prefer the employer to be a man but I'm fine with any identity if they are just... hem hem... throwing her to the dogs.

Please let me know if anything here interests you! I'm happy to discuss spins on the original ideas, but the horrifying fun still stands.
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Well lookie here, all shiny and new... Hoping to pick up a few new plots so please reach me if you've got interest here!
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