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Mx Male Take Advantage of Me


pretty little cynic
May 13, 2019

Hello, everyone! The name's Elysia.
I am currently looking to play a boy (preferably a pretty boy) who is taken advantage of by a man who is usually, but not always, older and more traditionally masculine.
My characters will always be bottoms and generally be more submissive, but they're not going to be fragile doormats, don't worry.
While these storylines will be smut-heavy, that doesn't mean they're necessarily going to be smut-exclusive.
Further kinks can be found here. They don't all need to be included, but that'll let you know what I am and am not looking for!
My range when it comes to post size is usually 1-3 paragraphs, but honestly, give me one solid paragraph, and I'm totally happy!
That means that, while I would prefer my post size be matched, it's fine if you need to send a shorter response, as long as it's still at least one paragraph.
I'd really appreciate if my writing partner did their best to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation—just makes things easier to read.
I prefer to play through PMs, usually with one to talk OOC and one to roleplay IC.
I'll let you know if I lose interest in the roleplay or if I need a break, and I'd like you to do the same.
However, I also understand that real life comes first, so I'm pretty understanding if you come back without having given me warning.
I use either real life reference images and face claims or descriptions, and I don't do furries or anthros.
Also, please note: while your character will have to do some pretty terrible things by nature of the sort of plots that I'm looking for, I'm open to taking a more sympathetic approach to them as characters.
However, your character having a tragic backstory or some twisted sense of love for my character doesn't mean that my character's immediately going to forgive and/or love them.
If all of that works for you, feel free to message me!

Lately, I've been super interested in incorporating intoxication.
Get my character drunk, drug him up, maybe slip him an aphrodisiac.
However, please understand that I mean this in the realistic way.
Slipping MC an aphrodisiac might make him aroused and a little delirious...
...but it's not going to completely take away all of his doubts and morals and make him a willing, eager cockslut.
He's still going to be hesitant and largely uncomfortable with what happens.
The drugs just mean:
1. He's more physically impaired and incapable of resisting physically.
2. He'll get more physical pleasure from it, regardless of how he feels.
3. He'll be disoriented, confused, and a little dazed, making it harder for him to argue or resist.
If you're interested in incorporating this, absolutely mention it!


[Please note that, while I'm going to mention YC being married in this storyline, if that isn't something you're comfortable with, that can be taken out.]
YC is a closeted gay man, who lives in a very conservative, traditional Southern town. If we'd like to add to the societal pressure, we could have the roleplay set in the 70s/80s. He's lived his life exactly as he's been told he should: he graduated high school, found himself a wife, settled down, and got a reliable, average job as a trucker. But he finds no joy in the life he created. Why? Because he's gay. He feels nothing for his wife, not even a shred of affection, and he finds himself grateful that his job takes her away from her so often. It also serves another benefit. See, the longer he spent repressing his attraction to men, the more it warped, until something entirely natural and acceptable became twisted and vile, and while driving his truck, he frequently picks up attractive young male hitchhikers, forces himself on them, and then abandons them. If we would like it to be especially dark, we could even say he kills them. MC is one such boy. He's more beautiful than any boy YC's ever seen, exactly YC's type, and he enjoys him more than any of his other victims. If we want to explore the possibility of him kidnapping MC after the act, we can discuss that.

YC's wife has either left him or died, leaving him to raise his son, MC, by himself. The grief, pain, and anger the betrayal and/or loss caused resulted in YC taking a very hands-off approach, and MC more or less raised himself. Now MC is a teenager, and he and his father are practically strangers living in the same house. He's planning to try and get himself emancipated now that he's old enough—after all, he's basically been taking care of himself for years anyway. Might as well do it with all the freedom of a legal adult. There's just one problem. The older MC's grown, the more he's grown to look like his mother, who YC still resents, lusts after, and misses so much. Made fragile and twisted by years of depression, fury, and substance abuse, it's only so long before YC breaks, and acts on all of his terrible desires.

For his entire life, YC has lusted after younger men. He's done his best to repress those desires, having been raised in a very strict, traditionalist house, where he was taught that being gay was a sin. Finally, he decides the only way to fully crush that part of him is to find a wife. He finds a poor, destitute widow, woos her easily, and within the year, they're married. However, YC quickly discovers a flaw in his plan to marry her as fast as possible: because he was racing through the relationship as fast as he could, he never got to know the woman's family before he married her, and, as such, he failed to learn that she had a teen son. A beautiful teen son who was exactly his type. And just like that, YC finds himself making justifications. Clearly, he was allowed to take advantage of the situation, if the universe had dropped such a perfect opportunity in his lap. He could use MC to satisfy all those sick, sick desires, and then they wouldn't trouble him, right? Because he's gotten to fulfill them? Right. Definitely.

YC is a teacher at a prestigious, expensive, and exceptionally conservative academy. He's been there long enough to garner a great deal of respect from his colleagues, enough so that there's talk that he might become the headmaster when the current one retires. His colleagues adore him, his students all like him, and none of them would ever guess that he has a storied history of blackmailing his students into nonconsensual relationships. It's a power trip, and he loves it—using them as he wants and watching them fall apart, despairing in the knowledge that, even if they were to try and expose him, not a soul would believe them. MC is a prime target: an exceptionally attractive, bright boy who is only able to attend the school because of extensive scholarships. The issue is finding blackmail material, since MC is an excellent student who adamantly refuses to cause problems and is rapidly earning the affection of the staff. Then, YC catches MC kissing another boy on school grounds, something he knows could very easily get MC expelled.

YC attends the same boarding school as mentioned in the previous storyline. He's about 18 or 19, and in his final year. However, the truth is that he's a delinquent, who's only been able to continue attending for so long because of his exceptionally wealthy parents bribing the school officials with donations. As a result of his upbringing, in which YC got very little affection but was also never held accountable for any of his actions, YC has grown to be a bit of a narcissist. He doesn't care who his actions affect or hurt, because he knows that they'll never truly affect or hurt him—his parents' wealth give him a safety blanket, protecting him from any and all consequence. As such, YC seeks his own pleasure and enjoyment without ever caring who he hurts. What he wants, he gets. And what he wants is MC. MC is a few years older than him, working as an assistant for a professor at the academy, and YC wants him like he's never wanted anything. Though the behavior would get anyone else expelled, he openly flirts with and harasses MC, always itching for more. So when the professor gives him a detention, and has MC stay to watch him, YC takes the opportunity and forces himself on MC. He takes pictures and videos all throughout, and uses them to blackmail MC into continuing the relationship, since MC knows that, were those pictures to come out, he would be fired.

YC and MC have been best friends for years. For as long as YC has known MC, he's been in love with him. He's never tried to act on it, too wary of ruining his friendship, but over the years, that crush has grown into something bordering on obsession. There isn't a moment that MC isn't on his mind, and as much as he adores MC, he finds himself resenting him in equal measure, bitter that he's been denied what he wants most for all these years. He doesn't plan to do it, truly. He doesn't have any nefarious intentions when he convinces MC to go a party with him, nor when he pours him drink after drink, sure to get him shitfaced. But regardless of his intentions, the end result is him and MC alone, with MC far too drunk to have any hope of fighting back and YC more turned on than he's ever been in his life.

YC and MC are brothers, raised by a strict, cruel, traditional single father on an isolated farm in a small, conservative town. Having spent his entire life being beaten and punished for his attraction to men, which YC did his best to hide, it's really no surprise that the mistreatment completely corrupted YC's love map, twisting his sense of love and attraction until it was unrecognizable. And because of that, he focuses in on MC: the only one that knows what he's going through, the only one who has also suffered from their father's wrath, the only one that could ever love him. His trauma turns his familial love for MC into something warped and wrong, and he starts to regularly force himself on MC, using MC's brotherly love for him to coerce him into keeping quiet about it.
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craving BEST FRIENDS FOREVER and either version of DADDY DEAREST
craving BROTHER MINE and
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