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Fx Male A Little Bit of Fun


Jan 11, 2022
Hello and thank you ever so much for clicking!

Before the plots, a little bit about my style of roleplaying. I tend to match the length of whatever my partner is writing. If you write a novel, I'll write a novel. If you write 2 lines, I'll write two lines (I lovingly call this the libra effect). I also love to kind of solidify and/or modify with whoever I'm roleplaying with, so if there is a plot below that you want to do but are some points you want to tweak, please don't hesitate to PM about it. I'm totally okay with writing smut, and the level can vary depending on your personal preference (I usually just kind of sprinkle it in, and don't tend to write stories in which smut is the primary motive).


Gone With the Wind- The heirs of two feuding kingdoms have been kidnapped when attending a meeting upon neutral grounds. Working together to escape the two find a bit more than their way home.

Hufflepuff female x Slytherin Male
(Do I know anything about Harry Potter, not really. Do I, for Lord knows what reason, think that a Hufflepuff female and a Slytherin male would make one heck of a steamy romance, yes).

Arranged marriage (prince and princess)

Artist x noble woman

If you have any questions or interests regarding any of the above, or just want to chit chat about your own idea that has been ping ponging around in your head like the old DVD screen saver, then feel free to PM me!
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