Mx Female Current Cravings.


England Connoisseur
Dec 12, 2021
Hello everyone. I have a few cravings that I’m gonna list and I hope that a partner/s are game. Rules will be after the list.

A well known terrorist has been captured and won’t talk let alone spill any information unless he talks to YC. Who are you though? A former associate? A mortal enemy? That’s up to you.

James Macintosh (MC) is a wealthy businessman and socialite that works very hard and earns a lot of money. His employees think that he deserves a reward and that reward? A harem of beautiful slutty women (YC’S). Secretaries, businesswomen, pornstars etc.

(For fans of Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) MC is a agent of SHIELD who works on a chemical that should be helpful for all the diseases in the world but a sneaky unknown changes the formula and makes it so that women fall for the person who gives them the potion. YC are the ladies of SHIELD that get affected by the potion and start to fall for MC. (Similar to the harem rp but set in the marvel universe)
I’m flexible with my writing so I can try and give you what you want but I’m also drop friendly so if you or I think we ain’t compatible please no hostilities. I can write in any person and tense too so bare that in mind.

I’m limitless apart from brattiness and my partners limits. Brattiness means that YC is actually challenging MC or disobeying. Playful teasing doesn’t count. I don’t have a F List so hence why I’m keeping it short.

Ways to contact me
Either please pm me here or add me on discord (KalinMegaFan20#5429) write “Roleplay is fun” anywhere in the message so that you show me that you’ve seen this all the way through.

Thank you for sticking with it and I look forward to rping with you all.
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