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Fx Male Ninshuber's Garden - Seeds for Stories with Varieties and Variations


The Vastness of Story
Dec 20, 2017
Realm of Imagination
The garden is for joy, for the sustenance of the creative spirit by stirring the sparks of ideas, and sharing in a tale woven by two.

The seeds are but the inspiration, allowing the flowering and the fruit to be as different as the writer's wills and ideas; nothing is carved in stone.

One shots, a single scene, even a long-term tale is viable; please, bring your ideas to discuss.

A brief note: my settings veer away from modern reality, indeed, even my historical seeds have nothing to do with historical accuracy - the goal is enjoyment, and the settings are more like the broth of a soup, it lends the base of flavor.

Story Seeds
  • Regret - (science-fiction, could be put into a setting such as a Star Wars galaxy) he was her first and only love, a fellow student she had met at university, but an unexpected event involving her family not only ripped her from that life, it prevented her from ever having her first kiss, let alone telling him how she felt. All she has left of their time to together is a single picture, a young twenty-something smiling with the summer sun playing in his hair. Now, she is a solitary soul, a secretive mechanical engineer leading a team on a project she has worked diligently to keep out of the eye of the galactic government.

  • Silent Magic - (fantasy, could be set in an alternate historical setting) - a woman's noble uncle needs to marry her off to a man in the area, be it the lord sheriff or one of his knights, but his reason is only a cover. Something is coming, and in a world of men and might, there are very few ways to imbed a woman of silent magic into a place where she can be a secret defender against an enemy that is not what it seems.

  • That Which Was Rome - (non-accurate historical) - very, very open for tales - Rome holds lands that range from the barbarous north of Britannia, to the ancient south of Aegypt, to the east, they even have a firm grasp of Persia. Mysteries, murders, lusts, and levity can be found all throughout with slaves and servants, priestesses and priests, warriors and witches.

  • Ghost Stories - sometimes the shades of those passed can touch the land of the living again, and relish again the joys of the flesh.

Thank you for being so kind as to read this far, and I promise more seed ideas shall be added later. Please feel free to reach out to me via PM as that, sadly, it is the only way for me to be available for writing; I'm very shy about my scribblings, and me and Discord just do not get on very well.
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