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Fx Any An End & Beginning


Tiny but Mighty~!
May 26, 2020
On a cloud far from here.
Hey guys, Chaos here.! 26-year-old roleplayer from the west side of the good ol' U S of A, so the timezone would be PTS. The gender of the person writing behind the screen doesn't matter to me. That being said, I am open to both F×M and F×F pairings.
I got this idea that I really wanna do if anyone else is interested in something short to mid-term.

This is obviously going to be 18+, literate rp, and as long as you're okay with fantasy elements also included in the role play, the main setting or theme if you will, is a Zombie/Apocalyptic rp with my oc who is an introverted witch. Known around town to have a bit of a reputation for being not so friendly or open around most, and whoever you can think of to join her in unraveling chaos that is the beginning of an apocalypse.

However, we start the role-play can be up for discussion, but eventually, I imagined our oc's having to fight their way through a few zombies while climbing the levels of an apartment duplex to my oc's home.

Since she's a witch it'll be charmed up and heavily protected so that way, after our oc's have settled in and decompressed a bit they will eventually end up out on her balcony for some bonding time, Their surroundings almost alive with plants that she's had grown her self and nurtured as well with her magic. Plants that sense the rising tension between our two OCs and shelter them from the outside world as things get hot and heavy.
Again, it doesn't at all have to be long-term, I just also wanted to throw in a little action and suspense, in the beginning, to help build up some plot and the tension between the two oc's. And hopefully, make it a bit more interesting and fun lol. I'll also explain more about the balcony scene to those interested.

DM's are open to those interested in the plot and with a chosen oc. Also, by all means, come with some ideas of your own that you think would be fun to incorporate ~!^.^

‘Here we go again…’ Absynthe Ventolè had thought to herself…

After finishing up her second to the last contract of the day, the woman walked out of the high-end shops of the mall with her over-the-shoulder purse much heavier than when she had walked in. Black, velvet-heeled boots thunked loudly against the dark tile with every step that she took, and like clockwork, she could feel the eyes of others turn towards her like moths to a flame. ‘They stare like I am some sight to behold…’ She had thought bitterly and didn't bother to hide the sneer on her face when all that she was met with were the other worried or scrutinizing stares of damn near all of the other people in the lounging area when she glanced up..

This witch here had a reputation after all, and despite the fact that she had voluntarily gone out of her way to display her prowess publicly in order to form a more stable relationship with the public. Aided and helped a lot of the different people living in and around this dreadful city, in ways that only witches could. Absynthe had full intentions of being as kind as she could be towards the same people who have literally crossed themselves after looking at her. And the staring has always persisted.
Yeah, sure... She did have a sort of ugly past, that of which resulted in her stale attitude and seemingly always a foul mood.

But, Absynthe would only really act like that to the people that would just simply profile her based on what little they actually knew about her or about witches. Purposefully scowled at those vengeful types that she can sometimes hear insulting her under their breath. There have even been people who had continually talked down to her during their time together, blatantly loud in their distaste and acting like they were doing such a huge favor, for her.!

Most people here have only heard bits and pieces of what Absynthe herself had once divulged about her past. Unfortunately to the wrong people as the story goes. Who, of course, went and blabbed about things to their friends and them to their friends after that. It was like the masses didn't have anything better to do but to gladly fill in the rest of the blanks that she had left in her story with lies, and so rumors spread. She had graduated high school early to study magic full time after her mother's tragic death, did her very best to blend in and keep work and her schooling lives separate, but… People are going to talk.

At the end of the day though, none of the gossip or bullshit lies about her really mattered anyways. Because despite all of the bizarre shit that everyone probably says about this particular witch, Absynthe was still mostly left alone because of her just as powerful reputation. She was living off of a steady gig of helping people in need, lending anyone and everyone who needed a magical touch for a fair price, and sometimes she would even get tipped after her services.

So it wasn’t like Absynthe really couldn't complain all that much when she was still making a living off of the hypocrites.

Even if everyone did stare all of the time...

The woman walked further away from the shop with her chin held high, and that signature large black pointed hat atop her head casting the top part of her face in a shadow. Her outfit today was simple by her standards, a wine red tube-top with long puffy sleeves that also left her shoulders exposed, a light brown waist cinch, black stockings, and a black skirt that was cut short in the front but kept long in the back to match. She wasn't naturally blessed with a large chest, so she could get away without a bra sometimes.

Absynthe usually walked around with her eyes focused on the floor. A habit she had developed while growing up but eventually had to grow out of when she had gotten older. However ever since burying her mother and moving here six years ago, she's struggled with the habit ever since.

Right now though, something did tell her to look up.

She had sensed that someone or something was actively approaching her in public and Absynthe would quickly notice the figure that was seemingly walking straight for her.

The witch leered at them with aloof, and sharp luminescent eyes from beneath the lace-patterned shadow of her black hat. Anticipation coiled in her gut over what this person could possibly want to say to her before it then dawned on her that this could also be one of her last clients approaching. Absynthe had given her number out to their family if memory served right, in order to contact her when they were ready to meet.

Naturally, she had yet to receive such a call.

And after getting a load of the person who was currently approaching her, Absnythe suddenly grew anxious for a whole different reason altogether...

The silver-haired girl had gripped her shoulder bag strap tight when she had been stopped by a stall in the center of the large room, pedaling headphones and other pricy but no doubt cheap tech. Next to it, a man on the phone was hunched over his cash register and talking somewhat frantically into the phone. Looking near in tears while looking for something in the register.

This is just a post to set the scene and describe some details. Lemme know if you are interested in the idea by dropping me a message here or on my discord with the code words 'Pineapple Pancakes!' My tag is Chaos.#7685
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