Mx Male Looking for Something Fantasy Driven

La Luna

Oct 13, 2014
Been gone from here for a little while but I feel like I'm in the mood to write! I think at the moment I'm looking for maybe 60/40 plot to smut ratio. I want the sexy stuff but I also want a good story to go with it! I can write between 3-10 paragraphs a post but will normally end up mirroring whatever you write. So I'm hoping to find someone else who likes to write and tell stories. I do love a good damsel in distress scene but I also have no problem playing a woman who can kick ass and initiate the sex, if you have a preference let me know. I can play top or bottom though I'm most comfortable with the switch role.

Type of men I play: I'll admit I do like playing delicate looking pretty boys. They don't get mistaken for women just have finer features and longer hair. I also play tougher men with more muscles to them though not completely jacked. As for roles I have no problems with any though if I am playing a bottom I tend to go for a power bottom rather than someone who let's their lover handle everything. I like my pretty boys to top their larger and tougher boyfriends and for my tough boys to get topped by their partner, or vice versa. I'm pretty open to the different dynamics and love to shake things up.

What I RP over: Private messages preferred but forums are okay. Sometimes I'll go offsite but only after we have an RP going and we find it's more convenient.

Kinks: Sex in public places, biting, big guys with smaller guys, top being the smaller male, rough sex, exotic cocks, long tongues, power bottoms.

Cravings: Fallout, Dragon x Rider, A gentle soul paired with a rough and tough badass.

What I RP
Dragon x Rider (actual dragon or shape shifter)
Prince x Knight
King x Concubine
Neko x Human
Dragon Age
Mafia/Yakuza boss x Body Guard
Pokemon x Trainer (anthro, humanoid or actual Pokemon)
Priest/healer x Warrior
Trapped in a MMO (or just a super realistic MMO)

Random things I like:
Born to serve (I really like stories where one family has been serving the other for generations)
Height differences
Power Bottoms
Love/Lust at first sight
Damsel in distress (or male equivalent)
Plot driven rps
Taming bad boys
High Fantasy
Fight Scenes
Magical Bonds between two
Enemies to lovers

Mind Control
First Person
Abusive Relationships

Please let me know what you want to RP when you message me! Don't just ask if I want to RP, I wont know till you tell me what you're in the mood for. Also since I have to requests up, please let me know you're looking for M/M!​

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Plots or vague ideas
(Open for most to be tweaked or adapted)​

Warrior x Healer
Wars between clans have been raging for too long now and each side struggles to find a way to up the other. A healer lives deep in a forest away from the fighting. They willingly help those who seek them out but refuse to get involved or pick a side. One day the healer finds a warrior injured and heals them up like the rest. The warrior tries to repay the healer and offers them a spot in their clan but as always the healer refuses. Maybe they really hit it off in the short time spent together and end up having sex. A few days later a group of men show up at the healers house and forcibly drag the healer out to take them to their war chief. This can go two ways: The warchief is the person the healer healed the other day and they decided not to take no for an answer OR a couple days later the clan is invaded by another group and the warchief of that clan is the one the healer helped, after being rescued the healer reluctantly agrees to return with them to help. Either way the healer stays with the clan, treating injuries while under the watchful eye of the warchief who has taken a great interest in the stubborn healer. Warchief could take them to their bed soon after capturing them or it could be a slow burn. Could also work within Skyrim (Orc x Elf/human, Stormcloaks x Imperials)

Warrior x Healer 2.0
Same basic plot as above but the person the healer saves is just a normal person or soldier. Maybe they feel indebted to the healer or convince them to come on their journey with. Could work with same pairings above.

Mafia/Yakuza Boss x Bodyguard
Few ideas that center around the head of the family dying and their child taking over. With enemies everywhere, inside the family and out the new boss needs someone they can trust and depend on to protect them. Was thinking it could either be their parents old body guard or an outsider that saves them (could have happened before the change in power and they've already been their trusted body guard for a time). Maybe the bodyguard isn't as trustworthy as they believe though and could be in the pockets of someone else. Just let shooter pass and you'll be paid handsomely, that was the original plan but it might not work out that way once the two become close. (Or seducing them could have always been the plan, just the falling in love part wasn't)

Fighter/thug x Doctor
I picture YC as the type that makes their living fighting in underground street fights but it could be their just in a gang and get in a fight. One day after a particularly bad fight YC collapses in an alley and is found by MC, a doctor who runs a local clinic. He takes him back to his place and patches him up. From there I can see YC frequently stopping by to get himself patched up by MC or to just get some rest. I kind of think of it like he's a stray cat MC fed once who frequently returns. Eventually he's pretty much shacked up with the doctor as MC tames YC but the relationship draws some unwanted attention among those who live in the underground, especially when he starts to think maybe he'd like to live his life a little less dangerously.

For whatever reason a vault dweller is kicked out of their vault and left to fend for themselves in the wasteland. They're saved from certain death by a wanderer who takes pity on the poor fool. The wanderer is skilled in combat and survival so they help the clueless vault dweller learn to survive in this harsh world. Sex could be used as a form of payment if we don't want this done out of the goodness of their heart. Maybe the wanderer is on a mission and the vault dweller is forced to tag along and gets caught up in their fight. They could have a useful ability like hacking or working with robotics that they find useful. Or maybe their savior is actually a slaver who originally planned to lead their victim somewhere to be sold but has a change of heart after spending too much time around the trusting idiot.

Fallout (Raider x Raider)
This one involves two raiders from separate gangs that come together to make a joint attack on a Settlement or some other heavily guarded place. Our two are teamed up together and find they get along very well during the battle. Afterwards the two celebrate the victory with some amazing sex then go their separate ways. The groups meet up more times after that and a similar pattern forms till they start finding they like being with one another for more than sex. Sleeping with other people while apart becomes less appealing, the quiet moments are almost as good as the sex and their relationship becomes a lot deeper than just Friends with Benefits. Finally one asks the other to leave with them, either to join up with their gang or they set off together alone. Leaving a gang isn't all that easy though. (Originally the plot was going to the two planned to meet but my character is found out and prevented from leaving which the other took to mean they weren't coming. Fast forward to the next time the groups meet and the raider finds their lover isn't there and had been sold off. Don't have to go that route, I just wanted to throw it out there.)

Knight x Royal
I don't have a full plot worked out for this but I'd like it to be something like the royal and knight runaway together in the night to prevent the royals upcoming marriage. For this I imagine they were already having a secret affair but we could start further back to before that and it leads up to the announcement of marriage. The two end up running away and trying to live normal lives together but they have to be constantly on the run as both the royal's family and their betrothed's will be trying to find and hunt them down.

Summoner x Guardian (Final Fantasy X)
The basic plot of FFX is there is a great evil that is ravaging the world and the only way to stop it is for Summoners to journey across the land visiting temples and praying to receive great powers that will defeat the evil. They are accompanied by a guardian who defends the summoner, or it could be multiple ones. At the end of the journey we find out that the Summoner is always killed in order to defeat the evil though it always returns. I would LOVE to rp something like this, either in the world of Spira or in another world entirely. It doesn't have to be exactly the same, just a general premise of a person going on a quest to inherit powers to save the world alongside their protector. The protector could be a childhood friend, a sibling or even a stranger who becomes indebted to them. Maybe they know from a start the the one who defeats it will die and it's considered their duty/honor to do so at first and it becomes more difficult to continue on as the pair grow close. Or it could be a bombshell at a later date.

A member of the Companions is out trying to hunt down a fragment of Wuuthrad when they are ambushed by the Silverhand. They end up caged in the hideout with no way to get word to their shield brother and sisters. When hope seems lost the Silverhand's drag in another person they've captured, a thief who had been lurking around the base. They're thrown into a cage as well but didn't remove the persons lockpicks and once their back is turned the person calmly escapes their cage. The Companion convinces them to free them too and the thief does so, unaware of what they really are. From there maybe they escape together or maybe the Companion would rather have revenge and transforms to deal with the Silverhand. We can discuss how we want them to continue to stay together, maybe after witnessing them transform they drag the thief back to Whiterun where they're either forced to join the Companions or perhaps the group realizes they could use someone with their talents.

Vague Ideas
YC is a rough man out in the Fallout Wastelands who passes through a large settlement where he meets MC and they take a liking to one another. YC begins to make frequent returns to that settlement to visit the man who has become a source of comfort and pleasure for him. (Maybe he decides to settle down or maybe convinces MC to leave his safe life to journey with him. )

MC is a vampire and finds YC, a werewolf, trapped by hunters and on whim decides to save him but wasn't expecting the werewolf to swear to serve and protect the vampire until the debt is repaid. (I think it would be fun to have the werewolf be top for this, though I will happily switch.)
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