Mx Female Seeking female roleplayer for various scenes


Dec 16, 2011
  1. She likes to rp on sites like flist secretly. She finds her son is on there as well and after they find out they're in a relationship together. Then one day she finds a guy online who tries to rp with her and plans a lot of horrible stuff with her but then he reveals he sexually assualts women irl which gets her furious. The mother vents to the son and the son finds out about the bar he frequents and decides to go in her place but when he gets there to try and tell him to stop trying to get his lover to meet up with him and to stop harassing her he gets beat up. The mother then goes to the guy's house after finding out where it is and goes to confront him and acting motherly tells him that she'll press charges unless he apologizes to him or something and let's a detail slip that let's him figure out that her son's lover is the mother and uses it to blackmail her for the night. I'm thinking she's also pretty conservative and doesn't like drugs and such. Maybe he could get her to smoke pot? I'm thinking once her relation with her son is exposed to the bully she doesn't think it'll be a big deal but to play it safe decides to give him the night he wanted to make him not angry and harass her streams. What she doesn't know though is tat he's had cameras set up for other girls and so he manages to catch her playing out all the filthy humiliating things they discussed online and use it as hardcore blackmail.

  2. She could be a recent graduate getting her masters in Korean History and Women's rights. Now she's ready to teach in the real world and fulfill her dream of teaching history and women's rights the way she wants. The education was expensive due to a lack of support for Korean women especially in the area she is studying. So naturally she had to turn to certain means to earn her tuition. Things like working at Pooters but when that wasn't enough she got a job at a strip club catering to Japanese men and Korean men as a comfort stripper playing a role of a Korea representative stripper. I was thinking on the last night she has a special retirement show where people can buy a special final private graduation show from her. Her son would be in the audience that night after hearing rumors about a hot stripper only to find out it was his mother. He'd buy her in a panic and when they end up in the room together she still needs to service him and give the show so they don't find out about their relationship and think she was trying to pull a scam. Afterwards though the son can't get enough of how she acted and wants more and he convinces her to work independently for small parties and other celebrations and such.

  3. A nerdy girl in high school was bullied for being flat and looking boyish. After graduating high school her body developed and she also has a boyfriend who she was close with since she was young. Having mixed feelings about her new body being both embarrassed and proud of it she starts to post pictures online with her boyfriend's knowledge. She gradually escalates it till she is streaming and hosting websites with more lewd content of her and getting comfortable with her body and gaining confidence.
    I was thinking her old bully stumbles upon some of her private streams and recognizes her. He gets records of her posing lewd online and even some exclusive paid content from her and after gathering them up he threatens to share them with her friends and family and even her boyfriends family and work place. He blackmails her into deleting all her accounts and having her do other things to appease him. He also has her 'get a job' at a bar he owns. She tells her boyfriend she wants to quit her online career and try other stuff out and says it as an excuse to go see the bully and comply. She works at his place and is coerced into doing more things with the bully until she is slowly stolen and made into his personal breed slut at work and even goes back to doing lewd online stuff but for the bully to earn money off of.

  4. I was thinking you could play as a single mother with a loser step-son. He's a college drop-out living at home. His father passed away in middle school leaving them with their nice suburban house and enough money to pay it off. The mother would be a teacher at a local high school with desperate aspirations to be an actress. She's conservative and strict but playful when the mood strikes her. But mostly a very proper woman who is strongly opinionated. However her beliefs can be skewed or ignored when it comes to something she wants, mostly her acting career.
    Recently she starred in her first ever commercial gig. The producers didn't even bother asing her to read the script when she walked in. They booked her immediately and changed the entire focus of the commercial to put her curvy body in a very much exposed golden sling bikini and put her body up front to sell the vodka. The gold sling bikini was fitting as the name of the new vodka was "Gold Star." It was a clear bottle with a big gold star in the center with a trail of smaller golden stars going off to the right. Below the picture was written in bold [GOLD]. They wanted to emphasize the sexy woman and have the bottle be associated with her body as both objects to be had and desired.
    Normally She would detest commercials like these but she didn't bat an eye to star in the role if it meant she'd get her long awaited debut. Luckily the commercial only aired between 11 pm and 4 am. But many students in her school stayed up to watch it. Of course the video was uploaded on youtube with her full name and the entire school saw it at that point posting various crude and lewd comments below the video.
    After she appears in the commercial she becomes the talk of the school. Her recent ad has her school talking and the son is surprised by how turned on he is by her showing off. Hence he gets into cuckolding. He could contact his former bully and ask his mom to just roleplay and put on an act and see where things go. At first the mother wouldn't go for it being loyal to her son and the bully leaves pissed. That's when the son needs to get a bit manipulative to get her to act as he pleases.

  5. When the son was young his father cheated on another woman and left divorcing his mother and leaving them by themselves. The mother tries to raise him herself but with a lack of job experience or specialized skill she struggles to do so. I was thinking she turns to some work in the city like working in pink salons or hostess clubs and a small time brothel once. She gradually moves to doing online work small time for additional income to cut back on how often she ha to go to the city. I was thinking that one of the customers she served was a teacher at the son's school. Maybe one day while visiting for a parent's day event the teacher realizes this and blackmails her threatening to spread the rumor to the students so her son will be bullied (even more than now). She complies but eventually is found out at school in a very humiliating way and the secret is leaked anyway causing the son to stay at home and essentially drop out due to the harassment and bullying. Even her online work is affect with a bunch of students trolling her and spamming her. The mother manages to work through it losing some income and such along the way but she manages. I was thinking maybe she could've worked part time at a small diner where her mother or another relative owned and was on the verge of retiring. By the time the son is old enough to have graduated high school he passes away and she inherits it working it by herself while her son lives with her upstairs. The mother feels guilty for ruining her son's life and so tries to make it up to him with her body entering an incestuous relationship together where she acts as his personal whore. I was thinking the son gradually seems to lose interest requesting her less and less until the mother finds out he's been using mother netorare porn instead to relieve himself.

  6. She'd be a single mother. Her husband passed away a few years ago leaving her with his life insurance to lighten the financial burden. The mother used to be a pro wrestler and actress when she was young. The son upon seeing her old movies and matches finds her hot and wishes that he could see his mother in her old outfits. So he manages to convince her to model some outfits for him. Things slowly get out of hand as the son can't resist seeing his mother's new plump body oozing in her old outfit. I was thinking of playing out the son and mother's incestuous relationship. The son also uses this as a chance to recreate some of her videos. Since its on the internet they are allowed to go further than the videos did. They start out small with posting videos on a blog about her come back which doesn't get much attention. They start to post these amateur porn videos online for fun and also for a small profit.

  7. I was thinking of something where Zelda is a minor adventurer. The world would be something similar to botw where a demon lord was sealed away but poisoned the land. We'd start a while after the realm has been saved by another hero. Zelda and her lover would have been running an inn together and now with the demon lord fully vanquished the world has become safer to explore and there are bounties for clearing out monsters. I was thinking of having Zelda go out exploring old ruins to try and raise more funds for their inn to stay a float. One day she comes back with a particularly good haul and among her goodies is a gold collar. She could put it on not knowing what it is and it becomes unremovable. It's a cursed collar that gradually corrutps her into a cock hungry slut by mmessing with her mind and her unconscious. We'd play her going from a hard working adventurer and wife to a corrupted tavern whore.
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