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Fx Male Woman for Monsters, Robots, and maybe Men


Sep 1, 2021
Writer is non-binary and username is based on my favorite OC; please don’t let that deter you.

What I’m looking for for my female characters is a romance akin to The Shape of Water, only with more monstrous partners (think Xenomorphs, dragons, quadrupedal, etc). I like different species and I especially adore language barriers, because it makes things especially fun and intimate. Sure, they can learn to communicate, but the awkwardness and the normal courting behaviors of the other’s species? Adorable. Also, pretty fucking sexy, too, having a big beastie trying to court using rituals that are super bizarre to a human!

And alternatively, human partner doing human date things and giving human gifts like chocolate (,: cute learning experience.

While I don’t like ugly, gross partners, I do enjoy things that are grotesque. Think skull monsters (the ancient magus’ bride!) and other faceless things, for sure. I also have a thing for robots and armor (knights are hot, especially if they’re just enchanted armor, and Ultron and the furnace enemy from the first Thor movie? Those were pretty hot too).

My characters don’t mind being switches when it comes to dominance (and, hey, if you’re into a little anal play being done to you, that’s doable too 0;)

The best insight into my kinks and story themes can be gotten from my main male character, here: F-list - Warning

But here are a few of my gals:

Some pairings I like are monster hunter x monster (well, technically she’s a demon hunter, but,) and something like a curious college girl interested in journalism or bio science that just really wants to learn about your species!

Humans will be entertained on a case by case basis! Teachers/professors are especially hot. So are eldritch beings.
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