Mx Female More Depth to the Cliche

Chillin Villain

Dec 30, 2021
Hey so this is an idea I have been wanting to play with! I like taking the cliche sorts of scenes and making them a bit more interesting and deep through use of dialogue and character development.

Age 17: You have not had an easy life. Your parents separated when you were young, and so you were raised by a single mother that worked long hours at an underpaying job. With no parental guidance, it was no surprise that you got into trouble from an early age. Sex was just a way to feel loved and desired, even if you knew it was just an illusion.

Your teachers hated you in high school. You were always disruptive, dressed in clothing that was just a little bit too revealing, and didn't try in your classes. Well, most of the time anyways. Last year you actually had a class where the teacher truly pushed you to do well. You hated it at first because he made you redo the work over and over, but when you made that first A on your report card, it felt good. You started to enjoy his class and ended up being one of the only 4 students to make an A+, and it was solely due to your hard work. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that you gained a bit of a crush on him since he was relatively young for a teacher at 28 years old, and not that bad looking. Unfortunately, you didn't have him for any other classes your junior year. You definitely miss having a teacher that actually cares too.

But now it is Summer, and you have been enjoying that moment where you don't have classes, but you don't have a job or anything either. Just by chance, one morning (likely on the way back from a one-night stand) you cross paths with your favorite teacher, and you decide to catch up on how things have been. It is the first time you have ever really been alone with him, and you are a bit of a natural flirt and a why not be a little flirty and playful just for fun?

(Also, I think it would be fun if she had sex with a different teacher last year, and she uses that as a way to try to get her favorite teacher to see her as mature, or at the very least, a girl that won't tell. And I am not looking for a 'nice' teacher and student fuck fest or anything. I adore character interaction and the drama and tension that comes with it. So aiming for darker themes like dub-con, betrayal, things of that nature)

Let me know if you have any questions or comments!
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