2 plots


Jan 2, 2022
1950's: The rise of the mafia with in part two fold. The prohibition of alcohol and those Soldiers returning home from World War II. MC got caught up in this world when he defended the home of the Italian family Bicci de' Medici. After the war was over he got work in NY making sure business owners paid their protection fees and making good on said protection. After five years his job has transformed into something entirely different. Taking care of rates, moles, and those who wronged the family. Affectionately named the Bloodhound of Bicci Jullian Graves is not well.

In the small non airconditioned motel room off the interstate Jullian sways to the musical talents of Frank Sinatra while frantically scrubbing the blood of a family of four off his hands. His skin is raw and had been clean ten minutes ago. He sees the flicker of the young girl he met today run by behind him through the mirror. He breaks out into frantic sobbing laugher. An empty bottle of Jack Daniels sits in the toilet next to him. It's effects waring off as he realizes he is being haunted by the dead. Pulling the sink from the wall hand punching the mirror he screams. People in the Motel quickly dial the Police. Walking into the bedroom he pulls his .38 special from his smokers Jacket and puts it to his head. He has to make this stop! The phone Rings. "Jullian! Mr. Bicci. How are you my boy!?" he wipes a hand slowly done his face as the phone reaches back to scratch the back of his sweating hear. Water dripping from him from his attack on the sink. "I have to be honest Sir, I am... Not doing very well." There was a pause. Mr. Bicci was a 80 year old man that had been a father to him when he had never had any of that. Just abusers. "I know my boy. Listen, I give you the hard assignments. Those that just cut the soul up. I think you've spent enough time in the field. Why don't you come back. My daughter (YC) is finally getting married and between his family and mine she is surrounded by rats. I need a man close I can count on. Think you can get to Chicago by tomorrow?" Biting down a sob that bent him down till his head hit the shit carpet of the motel he gasped. "Yes! Yes Sir, I'll be there." He wondered if he knew he had saved his life tonight. Right now Jullian hated him for it. "And Son... No more drinking tonight. You need sleep. put the gun in your car. For me?"


The year is 1701, in a mansion/castle tucked away across the river from London lies the family home of the mysterious Hellsing family. A bunch of nobles, wealthy, and with a seat by the roaly family.

After a run of poor luck the family is burying the last male heir. YC's father. Now as the last living blood hellsing the estate and "the work" falls to you. Monster hunting.

Not that much happened these days. Treaties long standing between church, hellsing, royals, and monster alphas has seen to rare sitings. Basically no one even believed in monsters any more.

So everyone her for the wake is basically here to rub elbows and try and worm their way into the family. Which isn't the worst part. See... your going to die tonight.

I know! Sounds horrible! However... this is the only way to unlock him. To bind him. To control the monster this house was built over top of. The original vampire. Alucard.
Adding a third plot here. I am a big big fan of warrior women. So I have an idea....

A virus has been set loose on the world by investing dollar bills for distribution during black Friday. The result was a high infection, High mutation variant that seemed to really hit those at risk and males. Now the world is very short on men. 1 and every 100 thousand females left is a male. While this sounds great for men it's not. Most are caught, breed and killed. Or killed to prevent in fighting. Or those men who own a harem of women often kill other males or even their own male young.

In this RP MC has been trying to survive at sea and is forced to finally dock at shore. Slowly its become clear civilization needs to start again. Rules. Law. Together we have to defeat the current local harem lead by evil men to restore order and freedom.


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