Mx Female Addictions of the Night Life

Chillin Villain

Dec 30, 2021
Greetings! I am new here, but I am not new to roleplaying. I enjoy bringing out more in a scene through use of dialogue and character interactions. I feel those can make even the most cliche of scenes have more depth. I am currently looking for a partner for a potentially long-term roleplay involving the college night life. The idea is as follows:

Age 18: You have had a pretty simple life so far. Basic family that had enough money to provide, but not excess. Calm high school life being friendly and bubbly to about everyone you met. But now it is college, and you are enjoying your first year. However, you have steadily been getting sucked into the night life. It is just addicting having the attention of random guys, the alcohol, the sex, and the drugs. Whether you recognize it or not, you are right on the precipice of falling into a life of depravity.

Themes that I am aiming for involve dub-con, coercion, drunken scenes, non-con, and of course lots of drama. I think it would be fun if she had a friend or two that recognized that she was kind of falling off the deep end and tried to help her back, but ultimately failed because she is vulnerable to attention and desire.

This is, of course, just a guideline. I am rather flexible, so if it piqued your interest, feel free to send me a message!
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