Mx Female Searching for storytellers.


Feb 25, 2020
Hey! Thank you for taking the time to click on my thread. It isn't anything extravagant but it's been ages since I actually posted any requests so I figured it would be best just to start simple.

My name is Andrew and I'm a twenty-something male from Canada. I have been writing in many different forms for well over ten years but I've only really started using Blue Moon in the last year or so. I've become very intrigued with the idea of collaborative story telling, something that I definitely get to try out here and have really enjoyed. I've had a couple of long-term partners but a couple of them have gotten busy with life or have moved on from BM so I definitely have a couple of openings available. Right now, I'm currently quarantining because my roommate has a potential case of Covid, but beyond that, I typically have some free time and can get you a couple of replies per week depending on my schedule at work.

As far as partners go, I'm looking for someone who can give me at least a couple of paragraphs in a response and would like to work together to plan story beats and develop characters and worlds together. I'm not looking for something that is smut-focused. If it happens, it happens, but I'd prefer for it to do so at a point that makes sense and for it not to be the full focus of our story. I like to make characters and watch them change, to develop themes and stories that we can follow and become invested in. If that's what you're looking for, I'd love to hear from you and see if there's something we can work out together. I'm pretty easy to get along with and willing to make changes where necessary to alter a story so that we both enjoy it. I'm also cool with OoC if you want to get to know each other or chat. I mostly write through DMs but I'm starting to get used to the idea of writing on the forum itself as well, I'm fine with either depending on your preference!

I also have samples of my writing if you require one. Just ask!

Here are some of the various plot ideas/fandoms I'd be interested in though I definitely prefer to work with original characters where possible. That being said, we could do original stories in canon environments/worlds or have canon characters pop up throughout. I wouldn't be against doing an OC x canon thing if it makes sense and even in certain cases, I'd be fine with just playing a pre-existing character anyways if the story idea is good enough so feel free to ask!

-My go-to genre would definitely be fantasy. It's what I grew up on through books and shows and video games and it's something I definitely draw inspiration from. Knights, dragons, magic, castles, all of that stuff. Some influences would include The Legend of Zelda, Dark Souls, Game of Thrones, Final Fantasy, the Witcher.

-I'm also cool with sci-fi, though it's something I have a little less experience with. Preferably, I'd like something that sort of blends sci-fi and fantasy together. Give me magic and technology coexisting, or a regressed world/planet where magic and technology coming together becomes a focal point of the conflict or world-building. Some influences would include Star Wars, Metroid, League of Legends/Arcane, Dune, Mass Effect, Horizon Zero Dawn.

-Supernatural themed stories. Vampires, demons, all of that stuff is cool with me. These are typically a bit more modern so we can blend them with some slice of life stuff if you want. Some influences would include Supernatural (the show), True Blood, Castlevania.

-Some other things I'm interested in would include super heroes/powers (DC, Marvel), slice of life (though it would need a good hook), apocalypse/zombie survival (Resident Evil, The Walking Dead, The Last of Us, something along those lines), some light isekai depending on how we frame it. I'm a big fan of JRPGs, so anything that draws from series like Final Fantasy, SMT/Persona, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, Trails, Tales, etc. This extends to anime as well as I've recently started to get into some of the more popular ones, like Fate and Demon Slayer.

-I'm also fine with our stories including darker themes and elements. Death, trauma, psychological terror, Lovecraftian horror. Again, as long as it fits the story and makes sense, it's fair game.

-If you have any other idea or prompt that is out of the ordinary, I'd love to hear it. I'm always looking for something unique!

If you think we might be a good match, I'd love to hear from you. I have some various plot ideas bouncing around but I'd be happy to hear yours as well!
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