Mx Female Lilac & Gooseberries [Witcher-themed, Yen x Geralt]

Mar 29, 2020


As you hopefully understood from readint the title I'm looking to scratch a desperate Witcher itch. I've just finished season 2 of the series and it reignited my love for the series all over again (yes, yes, I know the series has its flaws, but I really do not care!)

Communication & Form
About Me
About You / What I'm searching for
  • I'd highly prefer to play over PMs & Discord. No threads.
  • Looking for mid- to long-term stories only at this moment
  • My post length varies inbetween 500-1200 words depending on the scene
  • Generally able to post all 24-72 hours. Might take langer for me to respond at times due to private life & job. Sometimes I'm able to write multiple replies a day, but that's not the norm.
  • Big Bonus points for you to be available to brainstorm, especially over Discord. I enjoy discussing the direction of our story.​
  • I'm from Central Europe, if that should matter to you​
  • You can find my F-List here. Please note that this just notes most of the thing I like. Anything is up to discussion and I sure as hell missed something I enjoy.​
  • I’ve been roleplaying for over 10 years
  • I'll gladly provide an example of my writing, simply ask!
  • I'm super OOC friendly and love to brainstorm, but I'm happy with the ooccasional OOC-talk, too.
  • I'll always try to be polite, it would be super-neat for you to try the same
  • If you lose interest or having a hard time finding time to replies: Tell me, I absolutely understand! I'm just not too keen on being thosted.
  • Someone who is interested in plotting, brainstorming and getting excited about the prospects of our roleplay​
  • Someone who is bringing their own ideas to the table​
  • Some knowledge about the Witcher universe, at the very least either series, games OR novels. The more you know, the better!​
  • Please don't be an asshole​
  • Be conisderate and understand that private life comes first, I might need to take short breaks here and there too.​


But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss
Her sweet kiss
But the story is this
She'll destroy with her sweet kiss

In case this hasn't been clear enough: I want to start a story concerning the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer, and the ending of season 2 has actualy given me an idea I'd like to pursue concerning that. If you are interested in that, feel free to read my following brief summary which I tried to keep as concise as possible, but I have so many more ideas on my mind I'd like to share with you later on. Also note that all of this can be adjusted and changed, it simply is a first starting point to get a stream of ideas going!
Basics of the plot
Plot Outline
Additional Info
Yennefer x Geralt
(I'd be playing Geralt.)

Starting point:
Just after the end of Season 2, though I'd prefer to retcon a few things before we jump in

Other characters:
Just the two of them at first, but I'd love to introduce other members of the cast later on in the play (mainly Ciri & Dandelion), that we could double as

I don't really work with ratios, but I think given the nature of their relationship there is plenty of room for some steamier scenes along the way!
Generally speaking I quite enjoyed where season 2 ended, so I recognize the series made a few questionable choices when it comes to the writing. The relationship between Yennefer & Geralt is a pretty interesting point though which I'd like to explore more.

While Yen has gotten her powers back, she has also sacrificed the trust Geralt had in her when she entertained the idea of basically selling out Ciri. She's in this delicate position of wanting to win back the trust of her lover & becoming the surrogate mother and teacher of his child while the world is basically falling around apart them.

At the start of our roleplay I'd like for the two of them to be on the run in order to create a distraction for Vesemir & Ciri to find a new hideout, in which all of them will later meet back up again. Their relationship still very much strained, the two ride off to buy them some time. What Geralt does not know is that Yen has acquired new background information about the curse of the Djinn, which could finally solve the riddle of their relationship, the two of them finding out if they truly love each other or if is indeed just the this cursed third wish tieing them together.

While I figure Geralt might be hesitant to take on such a dangerous quest at this point, I think she could easily convince him that the destruction of such a magical foe like the Djinn might indeed ripple through the rest of the world, buying Ciri and Vesemir more time.

As already said, all of this points can be easily changed, but this would be the basis of my propopsal for now
There are a few more things that I would like to explore during the roleplay and I'm super happy to include a few action scenes, too, but I wanted to stress that the main focus of this roleplay is supposed to be their relationship.

If you have additional scenes & sublplots you'd like to explore, please feel free to tell me, I'm sure we can find ways to include them!

Finished reading my bullshit? Sweet! So here are the next steps!

1. Hit me up per direct message
2. Include the word "Unicorn" in your message so I know you've read this
3. Attach a writing example to your message
4. Optional: Include your Discord-ID to contact you over there

That's all. Thank you for your time!
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