Mx Male MxM Roleplay Idea Collection (Fandom and Original)

May 22, 2015

I'll be using this thread as my general stomping ground for ideas I have so check back in and maybe new plot threads have been added!

I've been RPing for about 15 years now, so while I'm kind of new to the site, I'm not new to the scene.

I would describe my style as Semi-Literate, I tend to post 4-6 paragraphs to start with to set the scene and the character, and after the on average I can post 2-3 paragraphs depending on the speed of the action in the roleplay.
I'm not strict on length, I believe in quality over quantity. A long post with nothing to say isn't fun to bounce against! As long as there's content, I'm happy.

I'm down for Long-Term and Short-Term plots.

Contact me through PM if you'd like to talk, I'm down for roleplaying in either thread or PM, it doesn't matter to me.

Age gaps
Size difference
Incest (specific context required)
Teratophila/Monster sex
Anal play

Toilet play
Permanent extreme damage to players
Feet play

Fandom Ideas

Cloud x Sephiroth
Cloud x Zack
Cloud x Anyone really, hit me

Some plot ideas I have but are not required, just if you're interested. I'm open to suggestions!
Cloud has kept it a well hidden secret that he was an omega, not wanting to ruin his chances of enrolling in Shinra's SOLDIER program, but it's a difficult secret to keep since omegas are not permitted. He keeps a steady supply of suppresants but its hard to hide his slim waist and how the many alphas in Shinra seem drawn to him. How long can this secret last?

Wall Market:
This is an open idea where Cloud is crossdressing again, so it could be against Corneo, or any of the other male characters.

Noctis x Anyone
Noctis x Ignis
Noctis x Ardyn
Noctis x Ravus
Ardyn x Prompto
Ardyn x Anyone

Some plot ideas I have but are not required, just if you're interested. I'm open to suggestions!
Modern AU:
Prince Noctis is struggling to adapt to the idea of taking the throne when his father passes, and the more his health failed the closer he got to that day. He just wasn't ready...
This plot circles around the idea that Noctis is struggling with the future and is withdrawing from his friends as a result. This is a good plot for one of the Chocobros or maybe even because he's isolating himself, it makes him vulnerable to a rival like Ardyn or Ravus?

Omegaverse AU:
Noctis is the first omega to be heir to the Lucian Throne, and while some think he isn't suited, it doesn't change the fact that he can be the only one that can be King. Unfortunately, the day of ascension is coming up and Noctis must be married to take the throne so an arranged match has been made. Who is Noctis' groom to be? And how will they get on?

Anders x Anyone
Anders x Hawke
Anders x Fenris
Anders x Karl
Anders x Cullen
M!Lavellan x Solas
M!Lavellan x Dorian
M!Lavellan x Iron Bull
Dorian x Iron Bull

Some plot ideas I have but are not required, just if you're interested. I'm open to suggestions!
(less plots and more just...ideas)
Modern AU
Omegaverse (always)

Bad End (M!Lavellan x Solas)
(Takes place after Trespasser/DAI)
Possible Kinks: DubCon, Kidnapping

Solas decides to bring Lavellan with him for his next plans, deciding that he has suffered enough after everything he had done for Thedas and the Inquisition. It can be that Solas and Lavellan had a previous relationship or maybe Solas coveted Lavellan from afar? Either way he has him now and doesn't plan to let him go yet.

Inquisitor Anders:
Anders is captured and brought to the Conclave to decide his fate when everything goes to shit. He is cursed with the Anchor so for now he has to be kept alive. I'm open to any characters for this and I'm curious what you have to bring to this either as a Canon or an OC.

Sora x Riku
Axel x Roxas
Sora x Axel
Sora x Anyone

Some plot ideas I have but are not required, just if you're interested. I'm open to suggestions!
Modern AU
College AU
Bad End AU

After the Events of KH2:
Sora and Riku are spending some time together on the island, just the two of them, when things get hot and feelings come out. Maybe Riku is still battling the darkness within him and how it manifests as an obsession with Sora, or Sora just kind of missing how close they were as kids and is ready to do anything to keep Riku as close.

Keith x Shiro
Keith x Sendak
Keith x Zarkon
Keith x Lotor
Keith x Anyone (EXCEPT LANCE)

Some plot ideas I have but are not required, just if you're interested. I'm open to suggestions!
Arranged Marriage:
(possible kinks: DubCon, Omegaverse)
Prince Lotor is being forced to pick a bride, and for the Blade of Marmora, its a perfect opportunity to plant a spy. Keith is their best bet since he is a half galra, and their intel points to Lotor favoring halflings. Keith is raised by his mother instead of his father, so he grew up with the Blades and is a skilled spy. He enters the bridal pool and has to convince Lotor to pick him so they can spy on the prince and find what it is he has planned for the future.
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