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Tiffy is bored come play with her. I dont bite but I do lick

tiffy collins

Jan 23, 2012
hello there My name is Tiffany. I am seeking new RP. I am not going to waste time talking about me. If you would like to know me better come ask me :). I am really very nice.

I wont waste time on Listing rules either. Everyone lists the same rules anyways lol. All my ideas can be converted to M/M or F/F or kept as Straight. Any idea can be converted to a trans char or any other changes you like. I am willing to tweak all of them as much as needed. So if you see one you like just contact me and lets Talk.

Please!!!!!!!!! PM me dont just message me here. But a bump is always nice :)


1- Mega church runs Mega Condo

(a corrupt for profit Priest uses fear of sin to control a girl)

A pastor your char runs a massive mega church a for profit one. And as part of the churches holdings he also owns a condo building. The building is for trusted friends and people who give him alot of money. One night he finds a teen girl sinning in the Building pool/hot tub. Could be weed could be Girl on Girl sexy fun. Could be sucking a boy or masturbating. I am open to anything. Having caught her he will use her fear of God. And her life time training to obey him to control her. To rape her and control her life through a stream of shame and sexual clensing. Sucking the holly spirit from his dick...having gods mercy pumped in her pussy ass and mouth. She could be forced to replicate her Sins for him. Having sex with other girls or masturbating for his Pleasure. She could also be forced to tattle on other teen girls who have sinned and need Gods punishments.

You would take her with you on the private jet around the world when you travel. Making her worship you service you as a near slave. Always insisting that you are saving her protecting her from Gods Wrath with your own divine punishments.

I am really eager for this one.


2- A bad girl a Stolen License and a Ticket.

(My younger girl Char steals her older sisters drivers License)

So in this idea My char likes to joy ride at night. her older sister (and could be her guardian) works a hard job. And many nights after she goes to bed. Her little sister steals the car and goes out for a drive. One night you a police Officer pulls her over for speeding. You have no idea she is 15 and pretending to be her sister. So you give her a ticket after checking her license and registration. My char is flirty and tries to flirt her way out. But its done and you head back to your car.

A couple days latter you call her however and ask her on a date. Still not knowing she is 15 and lying about her name age and job. My girl will agree figuring maybe if the date is good you rip up the ticket for her. Other then Making out this should not be sexual. But you do tear up the ticket and ask her out again. My char has nothing to gain but the thrill of a hot older Cop is..impossible to resist. And soon we are a couple even taking my char to your House.

I would throw in a twist here where your Char has a son or daughter. And she is in my chars class at the same school both 15. One night the daughter meats her Dads new Girl Friend and they recognize each other. My main would have to convince the son/daughter to keep her mouth shut. And play along with the lies.

the sister could also play a role. Maybe one day you visit her at work. And it all starts to come clean.

I am eager for this are You?


3- A girl to the rescue

(A desperate over stressed man is rescued by a Teen helper)

This is the Tale of a stressed out husband and the Babysitter who would help him. You would play the dad and husband of a wife. The child would be very young and mostly ignored within the RP. And for the last month the Wife was on some form of Buisness trip. Or there could be no wife for that matter. Either way your child is sick and your in over your head. You have no ide what medication to buy what foods to give a sick child. Your living on Shitty TV dinners. You were just not cut out for this life. Your worn down over tired stressed out and falling apart. I would play the 15 year old baby sitter. Finding you in a store staring at dozens of kinds of medications and having no idea what your doing. I would step in and rescue you. You tell me your sister is watching the kid just now. So I insist that you come with me. And we go out and have some fun (non sexual) My char knows you cant help your kid if your falling apart and a bit of Fun and getting away from that burden for a night will help alot.

So as the Two chars would bond and begin to grow closer. My Char cooking you meals and helping care for the Kid. Maybe even sleeping over some nights. She likes taking care of you. And you cant help but enjoy having a Doting girl to care for you. Your own wife being a work aholic she was never very good at taking care of her man. Things could start to get more sexual slowly. Beyond that eventually the wife would return. But the baby sitter would stick around being paid to help out. And with the wife often working there would be alot of time for the two mains to have sex. I think this could be alot of fun I hope you agree


4- Trans Girl Friend and her Secret life.

(Disclaimer: this Idea centers on a teen girl who was born Male. She would have a Penis and breasts now.)

So my Char a Girl is new in town she is Popular athletic and very attractive. No one would know she has a penis and is trans. You would play her Boy friend. And you would slowly learn her secret. So at first sexuality would have to be kept light. She could claim for religion reasons to only do anal. Allowing for sex and him not knowing she has a dick. We have Blow jobs and other sexual things. As you spend more time at her house. You will start to notice the clues to her being Trans. Her room is filled with Pictures of a young boy who looks like her. She claims he is a brother..who died. Also you cant find pictures of her as a young girl. The way she hides her Vagina but still seems so sexual. Idle comments from Family that suggest she has a secret.

I would also be interested in my Char having a sister also played by me. Maybe she was always a bit bitter that her brother now sister got sooo much attention. And the money spent on her. She could seduce your char in secret having sex with you. This could add some early drama and latter issues when my trans chars learns of this. As you learn my char is trans the relationship would evolve. My char being thrilled your not off put or disgusted by her body. Having a Boy Friend who wants her might even please her enough to turn a blind eye to your cheating..

If your into trans Chars and the Penis is not a deal breaker. Then this could be alot of fun I think.


5- The Convict and Coruptress

(Convict gone straight cant excape a bad little girl)

I think this idea could be alot of fun. So the idea is simple you would play a former convict who is now trying his best to live straight and true. Your getting a job and obeyng the law and trying to make up for your past sins. You also agree to do a school chat to tell students about your past, and crimes. However when one young Girl my main finds you hot she starts to flirt in class. And latter on she tracks you down figuring out where you live. As well as information on you.

That done she sneaks into your apartment one night and starts looking around. Before contacting you and seducing you. My thinking is she would use black mail and threats to get her way. Like do what I say or I will lie to the cops and who will they believe? Innocent Catholic girl or a criminal. Using you for sex money drugs and anything else she could want. So your trying your best to be straight but this girl would be just pure corruption. And over time you find you want more of her. Corruption can be pretty fun after all.


Incest Ideas!


1- 7- Uncles unloved Niece. (or daughter)

(A twin who feels unwanted is eager to be noticed)

I think this idea could be alot of fun for us both. My plan is that an Uncle or a father has 2 Nieces or daughetsr. One he is very close with and loves to spend time with. They camp hunt fish hike and so on together. However his other niece despite being athletic. Does not enjoy any of these things. And so he pays her no attention at all. This leads to him inviting his Wife and the favorite Niece to his hunting cabin. His Wife cant go because of work. But both nieces choose to go. For a couple of days he ignores one and lavishes all his attention on the other.

Till the one he likes best gets very sick one day. She is passed out in bed medicated and dead to the world all day and night. And the twin sister figures this is her chance to be noticed. Taking 2 bottles of wine into the Hot tub she joins her uncle. Wearing an old and to small Bikini she wants him to notice her body. She is not planning to have sex or even to kiss. Really she just wants him to notice that she exists.

However after several drinks there drunk and acting silly. He is touching her all over and she is rubbing against him. When she gets up to get more wine she slips and he catches her. She ends up in his lap he is hard under her her breasts brush his face. In an instant there making out her Bikini is tossed asside and she is riding him. As he is very much aware she exists

At first they hide the sex from her sister. But soon her sister will catch on to them. How will she react no longer being his Favorite. No longer getting all of his attention and love. Not to mention watching her Sister getting fucked by a married uncle or Dad.


2- Your Son becomes your Daughter.

(A story of a teen boy starting hormone therapy to become a girl.)

In this story my char a Trans teen girl. You would play her Dad who is openly supportive and helped get the Doctors and therapists to back me up. My mom while not directly fighting against this is not supportive. And tends to just stay uninvolved. The RP would start as the Hormone treatments do. And my Char is slowly changing developing breasts. Her hips rounding out and her body losing hair. She is getting more girly by the day. While she still has a penis she is very girly in every other way. This RP would be a slow burn sexually. However you could have the wife char and we can find other options.

The RP would build towards a critical scene in a store Change room. Where my Char is buying her first Bras and panties and having no idea what she is doing. The girls working there dont want to help. Mom would not come so that leaves Dad to the rescue. You would come into the change room and help with Fitting. Finding supportive Panties that hide my penis is hard. And Bras that fit just right as well. This scene would be erotic more then Sexual. Your hands on my breasts and even penis. Helping me..but also touching me. The relationship starting to change as we both feel new desires new ideas we never had before.

My char could also have a Girl friend maybe a teen girl. She could become like a daughter to your char and a future sexual option. Or even an early drunken "mistake" sexual option. One you both regret but also cant forget.


3- Teen finds her Daddy

(Teen girl growing up with Just a mom tracks down her Dad)

A tale of a 15 year old girl that grew up with just her Mom. She learned as a child that her Parents broke up a while before she was born. Her mom would never speak of her Dad. But as she got older her Aunt told her the truth. Her Mom left her Dad who never even knew she was pregnant. Now more then ever wanting to know her Dad. She uses clues and the Internet to track him down.

Having found him she sets out across the country to locate him. Will he be a married man now? Could be fun. Maybe with Kids of his Own as well. Does she have brothers and sisters? Will he welcome her? Or see her as a part of his past he wants to stay in the past. If we wanted to get creative it could even be the wrong man. He had fucked her Mom but he was not her real Dad.


4- wealthy revenge

(A man betrayed in his Teens now is wealthy. And now he can get some pay back)

A story that starts 20 years in the past. A teen girl athletic sexy and popular. Every boy in school wants her. But she falls in love with school dork. For Three years they date and there in love. But as graduation and prom near she fears for her future. Her Lover is poor and she desires wealth. She chooses wealth over Love and cheats with the Football captain. Tall Athletic and from a rich family. She spends one last night with her dorky love at prom. Then leaves never saying goodbye.....Two days latter she is Married. Soon after she learns she is pregnant with her first loves Baby.

The Mom is divorced now. Her Husband turned into a drunk who gambled away a fortune. She divorced him but now lives in a Trailer park. She is forced to pay Dirt poor and struggling just to get food on the table. She is alone and desperate as her youth and body slipped away. Then she gets an Invitation in the mail. Her first love invites her and her Daughter for a weekend. Just to get together again talk about old times. The Mother knows she fucked up and picked the wrong man. Her First love is now rich and she is trapped in trailer park. She will do anything to win back his love and get away from her trailer life.

Problem is he has no interest in her any longer. She broke his heart, Now he just wants to rub his wealth in. But when he meets her daughter he falls wildly hard for her. He must have her...and has no idea yet that she is HIS daughter.

The daughter being sexy athletic and everything her Mom was but more. Your char would realize the only way to hurt the mom more then Throwing her back to poverty. Would be to steal her daughter first. Maybe you hire the Mom and Daughter as Maids and general service. The mom you work to the bone while the daughter is paid to longue in her Bikini and keep you company. You spoil her rotten with money and gifts. Inviting mom and daughter to sleep over. The Mom in the garage..the daughter in a Bedroom beside yours.

You would not get sexual to fast her Age and fear of driving her away hold you back. But your desire for her is growing and punishing her mom is getting boring. The mom must go and the girl...must be yours!


5- A father replaces his Daughter

(A man who lost his Daughter cant live without her.)

This idea would be about a father played by you who lost his teen girl in some trajedy. A few months latter he could spot a young Teen girl played by me. Seeing she looks a lot like his Daughter he would offer to take the girl to dinner. Over time I see him offering to pay the girl in order to pretend to be his daughter a few hours a week. Its disturbing but innocent and the girl needs money anyways. Over time he could press the girl to play his daughter more often. Dress like his daughter change her hair and eyes to match. And over time even to sleep over in the daughters room. His growing obsession will begin to turn sexual. And I would love to explore that with you.

We could add a wife into this if Daughter and mom died together. So he would seek a woman like his wife. Maybe my chars mom as a secondary char. I think this could be much fun
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